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The Sibarian Federation
Flag of Sibaria
Sibarian Coat of Arms of Sibaria
Sibarian Coat of Arms
Motto: "За Нашия Народ"
"For Our People"
Sibaria Map Moneylania.png
Location of Sibaria
Largest cityPetrevich
Official languagesSibarian
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Constitutional Republic
Redovan Stojanovic
• President
Tutin Constantin
Davyd Rogic
• Total
804,060 km2 (310,450 sq mi)
• 2031 census
GDP (PPP)2031 estimate
• Total
$7.289 trillion
• Per capita
very high
CurrencySibarian Pyvzik (PV)
Time zoneUTC-3 (Sibarian Standard Time)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+2

Sibaria (/S-eye bá'ría/ Sibarian: Sябиря) officialy The Sibarian Federation is a nation in Greater Moneylania, situated in the eastern reaches of the region. Sibaria is the largest nation in Moneylania at 804,060 km2. It borders Nalop, Reznovistan and Berkraine to the west, the Lukonian nations to the east, and the Uzmorr nations to the south. Sibaria is known for its rich history and economical power.

Sibaria is a developed country with the Sibarian economy being regarded as a mixed-market economy, and focuses primarily on the export of resources such as uranium and iron as well as having a large focus in technology systems and information technology. It has a highly developed economy and attracted over 40 million tourists in 2030. Sibaria is a federal parliamentary contituational republic. Sibaria is a member of many regional organisations such as the Moneyzone and the Youthsville Pact.

Tribes in the Sibarian region combined to form an empire in the early 3000s BC. They then dissolved in 725. The Sibarian Kingdom fough everlasting wars against hostile invaders until other local kingdoms pledged support to the Sibarian king and formed the new Sibarian Empire in 1066, the start of the Medieval Era in Moneylania. The new empire had defeated the Xianuanese in 1152, at the Battle of Devonic Pine. Tsars and Tsarinas ruled The Sibarian Empire until the late the early 1900's, when a socialist revolution at the hand of Dorofei Yakovlev took over the monarchy and proclaimed himself head of state.


The term "Sibaria" is said to have developed from the Old Sibarian word for "people" (Sibaiwika), used by the native people of the region surrounding Archeograd (the Ancient Sibarians). Another theory is that it comes from an old Platacian scripture used to describe the first contact between the Platacian Empire and the Ancient Sibarians. It is said that the troops that came across this old scripture observed a drawing of what appeared to be one of their own with the Old Platacian word "Sæbruk" next to it, meaning "barbarian".


Early history

The lands of modern Sibaria have been inhebited since as early as the 8000 BCE. Migration is said to have occured in waves from the Platacian Pennisula over the course of thousads of years. The Devonic Pine Caves are recognised as the oldest proof of human inhabitance in Sibaria dating back to appprocimately 7500 BCE. Years before the Ancient Sibarians formed one empire, the lands surrounding Archeograd where occupied by hunter gatherers known today as the "Arke" people. The Arke had a diverse and expansive local economy based on fur and meat trading between the different tribes, despite having a range of different dialects and languages.

Ancient Empire

The Ancient Sibarian Empire was formed sometime around 3,000 BCE. Language barriers had broken down as a more uniform dialect formed, what is known today as Old Sibarian. The fledgling empire began its rapid expansion through the Arke Plains, forming it's own identy and culture through the mass assimialtion of more and more local tribes. It suffered with long series of internal conflicts, conspiracies and civil wars from the late second century BC onward, while greatly extending its power beyond the Sibarian region. There are various traces of Sibarian settlement in modern day Troesil, Vasil and Lukonia.

The 200 years that began with Emperor Vaskil's rule in 107 BCE is traditionally regarded as the "Great Expansion". During this period, the cohesion of the empire was furthered by a degree of social stability and economic prosperity that Sibaria had never before experienced. Uprisings in the empire were infrequent, but put down "mercilessly and swiftly" when they occurred. The sixty years of Sibarian–Xian wars in the second half of the 1st century and the first half of the 2nd century were exceptional in their duration and violence.

Fall of the Ancient Empire

The Ancient Empire thrived for centuries, with copious amount of trade and commerce to support its every growing population and needs. The reign of Emperor Govir in 97 AD marked the turning point for the powerful empire, as his rule brought turmoil and strife that had been boiling for years. The first indication of ressistance occured in the settlement of Vaskiliv where a divison of the Sibarian Guard revolted against the local governor over the large taxes being taken from the locals. This caused Govir to send a large force down south towards the settlement to qwell the rebellion, leaving Arkeon open for attack. Days later, the Imperial Division stormed the palace and took Govir as prisoner. Chief Commander Realsonovik was risen to the status of Emperor overnight and began rapid reform of the military. With Realsonovik on the throne, the Empire became a region leader in military might and prowess, investing heavily various thinktanks and academies to further create new technologies.

With the expansion of the military, came more distrust and anger from the citizens of the Empire. Four years into his reign, a general of the army and local warlord, Josu Helenik, became a prominant and outspoken opponent of the Realsonovik rule. In 101 AD, Helenik marched his army to Arkeon, pillaging various towns and villages along the way. Seeing the damage and carnage caused by Helenik's army, Realsonovik called upon his allies to march to Arkeon. Weeks later, the armies from Vaskiliv and Tskh arrived to meet Helenik's army. A large battle ensued, damaging much of the city and causing many causalties.

After days of seige, Helenik had a breakthrough the southern walls of the city. Large scale urban fighting caused locals and soldiers alike to desert and flee from the city any way they could. After hours of fighting, only the palace remained. Helenik lead what was left of his army towards the main gate of the palace to meet with Realsonovik and his army. The fighting at the gates was bloody and fierce, with various techniques and styles used to attempt to overcome the enemy. The gates fell roughly an hour after, and Helenik stormed the palace. Helenik met with Realsonovik in the Imperial Room, where the two fought over the fate of the crown. Minutes later, Realsonovik was struck down, the crown now beloning to Helenik. Records state that Helenik grabbed the crown, held it up in the air and proclaimed "Down with the Empire!" and threw the crown to the ground, shattering it to pieces. With the war over, and the crown destroyed, Helenik proclaimed the end of the Ancient Empire, stating that each local group should have it's own governance.

The Lost Period

The time after the Ancient Empire fell is known as the Lost Period, due to the lack of any substantial improvements in technology, trade and diplomacy. What was left of the Ancient Empire was only but a few smaller warbands, tribes and hordes, attempting to claw back the former power of the Empire. Marked by various wars and conflicts, the Lost Period is also known for its considerable lack of any substantial historical texts and scriptures. Some remain, one major text being Lost Arkeon, a scripture by an unidentified author that has been dated to around AD 458. Lost Arkeon details alot of the conflicts and general lack of progress in Eastern Moneylania. The reigning power in the Sibarian Plains at the time was the warband led by Chief Orsik, gaining control of much of the southern regions of the former empire, with his plights and conflicts documented in Lost Arkeon. One major battle occuring in the Vioskian Forest in AD 423 against a smaller chiefdom over local wheat farms and various food resources.

Turmoil eventually settled down around the late 9th century, with small kingdoms growing in size to become formidable forces. The biggest kingdoms and localities by the end of the 10th centry included the Kingdom of Sibar, the Duchy of Vaskiliv and the Kingdom of Nihz. These kingdoms lived in relative peace with each other, with it's populations trading and conversing between eachother. Investment in various new technologies, infrastructure and combat techniques led to a pseudo-golden age in Eastern Moneylania in the early 11th century. Music and culture thrived from each respective kingdom, creating a form of bond between the three major kingdoms in the East. During this time, Orthodox Christianity began to rapidly outpace the now minority local pagan religions, creating a boom in religious enlightenment and power.

In 1045, the farmers from the Kingdom of Nihz's far western reaches reported pillaging and destruction of their crops and farms. With this new information, King Ivan sent out a small band of warriors to access the damage and find the culprits. Five kilometres out from the farming village of Hortz, the warriors were ambushed by Reznovi horsemen. The entire band of warriors were killed in the ambush, with a lone villager left to report back to the king of what occured. Having heard the news, King Ivan sent out messangers to both the Kingdom of Sibar and the Duchy of Vaskiliv in order to recieve assiatance in fighting back an impending Reznovi conquest. By 1052, the three kingdoms were in open conflict with the Reznovi Horde. Reznovi tactics, involving mass ambush and encirclement, made it tough for Sibarian troops to fight against, leading to large swaths of land being seized, pillaged or even razed to the ground.

Reznovi ambushes and conquests eventually slowed in frequency around the warly 1060s. After years of fighting a relatively new and unknown enemy, the three kings, along with various smaller but well respected chiefs organised to meet at Volebsk, the capital of the Kingdom of Sibar. There, they discussed ways in which would benifit the combined lands of the three kingdoms against futher Reznovi, and potentially worse enemies. On the 23rd of March 1066, the kingdoms and chiefdoms surrounding the Kingdom of Sibar pledged military organisation and leadership to the Sibarian Armies, with the leaders pledging their alleigence to the Kingdom of Sibar, forming what was eventually to become the Sibarian Empire.

The Sibarian Empire (1066-1923)

When the various kingdoms and cheifdoms formed the modern day Sibarian Empire, Eastern Moneylania was changing. The Unified Uzmorr Clans capitulated leaving a power vaccum of warlords and chiefs to fight over the land, much like what happened with the Ancient Sibarian Empire, The Reznovi Hordes were encroaching on Sibarian lands and the Lukonian Kingdom had unified and grown. Tsar Asegrelic needed to bring the new empire together under one Sibarian hergemony. Multiple societal changes occured during the reign of Asegrelic. Due to the combined organisations of the Sibarian Military, roads and pathways were much safer to traverse than before, allowing people to start various businesses and promote a sense of commerece. This commerce carried throughout the Empire leading to a golden age of economic growth and stability. With this stability, The Empire began it's rise in power across the continent's east. Orthodoxy began to spread to surrounding kingdoms and chiefdoms through traders and merchants. This religious boom led to a greater degree of soft power for the Empire with it's neighbours.

When Tsar Asegrelic died in 1093, his son, Forsun Asgrelic rose to Tsar. Tsar Forsun's rule was marked with relative stability and growth. With his policy of regional consolidation and education, the Uzmorr Tribes eventually formed their own kingdom, one allied towards the Empire. With this "taming" of the tribes (as Forsun said himself), Sibarian traders could take to the sea, forming small trading companies around the Uzmorr Bay.

During this time, The Sibarian Empire began it's conflicts with the Kingdom of Azuire. The rise of Azuire to the Empire's west posed a great threat to Sibarian hergemony in the east.

Sibar-Azuire Wars (1152 - 1187)

Both the Sibarian Empire and the Kingdom of Azuire were two influential kingdoms that became embroiled in a relentless and protracted conflict driven by Azuire's perceived threat to Sibarian hegemony. During this turbulent period, both realms were engaged in a bitter rivalry, primarily centered around the desire to establish dominance over neighboring territories, regional influence and resources.

Small skirmishes and raiding parties tarnished the borderlands between the two for decades until 1152, when Tsar Ryzan declared the Kingdom of Azuire an enemy to the Sibarian Empire and began open conflict.

The Sibar-Azuire Wars were marked by intense military campaigns and complex diplomatic maneuvering as the Sibarian Empire sought to protect its established hegemony and power, while Azuire aimed to challenge the status quo and secure a more prominent role on the regional stage.

The conflict between the Sibarian Empire and the Kingdom of Azuire finally concluded in 1187 after nearly three decades of fighting. The Azurians where officially defeated at the Battle of Devonic Pine in the Empire's far west. The two kingdoms, weary from the prolonged struggle and recognizing the futility of continued warfare, negotiated a peace settlement that marked the end of the war. This conflict left a profound and lasting impact on the geopolitical landscape of the region and with Azuire's defeat, the Empire took control of the historical Nefilian Marshlands, and thus, open conflict with Azuire ceased

Renaissance and Enlightenment

Many Tsars ruled the empire leading into the 15th century. At the turn of the century, Sibaria had become a fairly dominant power in Eastern Moneylania, having a powerful military, large navy and an abundance of land. Around the turn of the 15th century, Sibarian culture and influence had spread all throughout the East. Sibarian music, art and religion was seen as a much desired commodety in the upper echelon of high society.

The Sibarian Empire had a reputation for its achievements in painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, philosophy, science, technology, and exploration. Sibaria became a recognised Moneylanian leader in all these areas by the late 15th century. The ideas and ideals of the Sibarian Empire spread into the rest of Eastern Moneylania. Sibarian ideals first spread from the city of Archeograd to the neighbouring kingdoms, merchant republics and confederations of Lukonia, Palomaria and Berkraine. The Sibarian culture soon became a general model for most lands of Eastern Moneylania. In 1465, Duke Florianovic came to power in Kono Viosk and rapidly transformed that still medieval city into a major centre of art and learning that drew people from all over the east. Vaskiliv, one of the wealthiest cities due to its proximity to the Uzmorr Sea, also became a centre for Sibarian culture.

In 1473, Sibarian explorers began to set out across the seas. At first, attempts by the Sibarians to secure much land besides some islands off the coast where futile. Captain Mikahel Gorbachov set out in 1478 from the port of Vaskiliv on a fairly standard trade run with Ironcastle. After they were blown of course in a large storm, land was spotted in the distance. Despite having no records of a southern island in the East Uzmorr Sea, they made there way to the island in order to access the damage of the fleet.



Nationalism and the rise of Socialism

The Great War

Interwar Period

Second Great War

Cold War

Modern Sibaria




Politics and Government


Political culture

Communities, Provinces and Municipalities


Foreign relations

Armed Forces


