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Great Union of Maroudian Republics
Union Grand do Republicas Marudyenas (Maroudian)
Flag of Maroudia
of Maroudia
Coat of arms
Motto: Um raiu do solu tra la tempeta (Maroudian)
A ray of sunlight amid the storm
Anthem: "Lu cançu dul'avençerus" (Maroudian)
"Song of the Adventurers"
and largest city
Official languagesMaroudian
Recognised regional languagesSuriq
Ethnic groups
82.3% Maroyard
17.7% other
Demonym(s)Maroudian, Maroyard
GovernmentFederal premier-presidential constitutional republic
• President
Agostu Çama (14dF)
• Chancellor
Artur Scoç (14dF)
Corts duli syefus
Corts duli deputatus
• 2020 estimate
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
£2.683 trillion
• Per capita
very high
CurrencyMaroudian Lira (£) (MAL)
Time zoneUTC±N (WEST)
Date formatyyyy-mm-dd (CE)
Driving sideright
Calling code+41
ISO 3166 codeMR

Maroudia, officially the Great Union of Maroudian Republics (Maroudian: Union Grand do Republicas Marudyenas), is a sovereign nation in southwestern Veleda. [NATIONS IT BORDERS HERE]. Maroudia also shares a close maritime border with the Greater Afthonian State to the south and the island of Drometia to the southeast. The nation's capital and largest city is Farros. Its population of 96,464,821 inhabits a land area of XKM² (Ymi²), with an average population density of Z people per square kilometer.

Following the Revolution of 1968 and an ensuing period of reforms in the 1980s, the Great Union and its democratized economy have experienced unprecedented growth. Today, Maroudia is one of the largest economies in Veleda and the world, with high levels of human development and post-industrial tertiary employment. As a large, developed state with growing influence, the Great Union is considered a regional power in global geopolitics. Maroudia is an active member of numerous international organizations, including as a founding member of the Concert of Nations, the Veledan Congress, and Z.


The fossil record of Maroudia indicates that the region was first settled by hominids around 1.5 million years ago. The first known hominin species to inhabit Veleda, Homo marudiensis, was discovered at the Aldaqyeza archaeological site in southern Lazafort.


Three major culture groups have been identified in the period pre-dating the rise of the Tolosan civilization: the !Celtiberians, the Rasnians, and Archaic Tolosans. These groups are theorized to be the indigenous cultures of their respective areas within Maroudia. These groups through the end of the Late Bronze Age and into the early Iron Age rarely ranged outside of their home areas, though their distinct cultures show evidence of distinct trade and sporadic low-level conflict with one another. This pattern was broken by the ascendancy of the Rasnians in the 7th century, whom under the paramount monarch Lars Fufetius Maximus briefly swept the area under their control. Though this control only lasted for a century and a half, it greatly impacted Maroudian culture: the city-states of Tolosa readily adopted aspects of Rasnian religion, economy, and societal values as their own, forming a sort of hybridized culture. This Middle Kingdom of Rasnian history grew and shrank, until finally fragmenting with the death of its final dynast Lars Octavius in 521 BCE. With this fragmented state of affairs, the various Rasnian successor states either adapted to the cultures of their local subjects or imposed a hybridized culture as a means of ensuring state cohesion and continued legitimacy in the face of an absent monarch.

Later, in the late 5th century BCE, the Nebrisi League arose in southern Maroudia as !Phoenicians arrived via expanding !Mediterranean trade networks. They quickly took route in the modern-day Republic of Maroudia and Vaumarca, incorporating the city-states of Tolosa to their east and north into their cultural and economic spheres of influence. Several rump Rasnian polities were absorbed during the Nebrisi conquests, though the holdouts in modern-day Cabrerìa regrouped around Lars Hernicus, beginning the Final Kingdom period of Rasnian historiography. The Tolosan city-states themselves gradually expanded their influence to the north and east under Nebrisi control in the name of mercantile expansion and frontier security. As areas of Rasnian control slowly shrank, the Final Rasnian Kingdom fell in the 320s BCE into disunited polities, which were finally absorbed into the Tolosan fold during the early Kastorian period. Throughout the period of Nebrisi dominance, the Tolosan city-states held various degrees of power; at times, the Tolosans would be subservient trading partners and vassals; at other times, they would unite and hold power as near-equals to their nominal masters. Often, Tolosan weakness versus the Nebrisi came down to internecine conflicts—Tolosa, the city considered in modern historiography as emblematic of the civilization, was only intermittently the dominant city-state of its confederation. Twice, the Tolosans united to depose Nebrisi leaders in civil conflicts, establishing their power as a force to be reckoned with while united. Nebris saw its own downfall in the 200s CE; as hegemon of the Maroudian region, Nebris faced little internal or external threat except for the ascendant Kingdom of Kastoria. The two ancient empires were rivals in a series of wars that ended in Nebris' near-total destruction in the mid-3rd century. The Kastorians took most of modern-day Maroudia as imperial provinces, while the remnants of the Nebrisi League were forced into a vassal confederacy under Kastorian supervision known to the Kastorians as Nebriseia.

Under Kastorian rule, the dominance of Tolosan culture over the Maroudian realm was assured. The Kastorian elite took great affinity to Tolosan culture, systematically patronizing the region's cultural, historical, scientific and philosophical exports in a phenomenon later termed tolosophilia. With imperial patronage, what remained of Rasnian civilization was absorbed into Tolosa with little violence.

Medieval Maroudia

Following the collapse of Kastorian imperial authority in the XCENTURY CE, the Maroudian region fell to the control of those often entrusted by the Kastorians to rule for them. In the waning years of the empire, the vassals and provinces of Maroudia had gained further and further autonomy; the collapse of the empire in many places was simply a formality.

Rise and fall of the Duchy, later Kingdom of Souçond under the Rivera dynasty

Maroudian Commonwealth

Formed in the wake of the !Napoleonic Wars through schemery and dubery at the !CONGRESSOFVIENNA

Succeeded by some unification into a Maroudian State at some point?

State probably develops Estado Novo (take your pic which one) characteristics, conservative, corporatist, anti-democratic dictatorship w/ repression of minority cultures: overthrown in 1968

1968 Revolution

Era of reform






State religious policy in Maroudia is governed by the principle of laïcity, which strictly secularizes public life and state affairs. No religion is allowed special treatment or preferential recognition by statue, and religious groups are expected to refrain from engaging in lobbying or attempting to influence policymaking. In return, religious groups are recognized by the government on purely legal grounds without regard for doctrine or belief. This policy, alongside a general tolerance and indifference towards other religions by Maroyards after the 1968 Revolution, has been credited with producing Maroudia's large irreligious population. Around 28% of Maroudia's population holds no religion; this group is the largest-growing religious demographic in the country.

Maroudia has historically been a religiously diverse region, and today no one faith counts the majority of the population as its adherents. Prominent religions that are recognized by the Union government include Manichaeism, Mandaeism, Usilism and some others once we develop religions.

The Manichean Church has held a strong position since arriving in Maroudia in the early 5th century CE. Due to this long history, much of which lacking a significant outside existential threat, Maroudian Manichaeism has deep and rich local traditions, as well as the intermittent seat of the westermost of the 12 apostles at Fijaç. In the modern day, the apostle (Maroudian: apóstolu) at Fijaç tentatively oversees a doctrinally-diverse Manichaean population represented by several bishops (Maroudian: episcus). These bishops themselves oversee presbyters, who manage the various groups of lay Elect in each Manichaean community. Due to the nature of the Manichaean religion, the beliefs of Maroudian Manichees often differ subtly from those of other regions.


Government and politics

Per the Grand and Sovereign Agreement, which functions as the Union's constitution, Maroudia is ruled as a representative democracy, organized as a federation of X constituent republics under an elected government in the premier-presidential style. The head of the federal government is the Chancellor, appointed by the President and entrusted to form a Cabinet. While the President is responsible for selecting a new Chancellor after new elections, they are not allowed to dismiss them; Chancellors and Cabinet members may only be removed through a successful motion of no confidence in the Parlamento, or Parliament. The system is designed with many layers of checks and balances in mind: at the federal level, power is clearly divided between the President, the executive Government, the justice system and the Parliament. Typically, the governing structures of each of the constituent republics reflects the basic structure of the federal government, though minor differences and diverse applications exist.

The legislative branch is embodied by the Parlamento, the bicameral parliament of Maroudia.

The executive branch is helmed by the President of Maroudia.

The judicial branch is comprised of the federal courts of Maroudia.

The Government is a sort of fourth branch, comprised of executive agencies underneath the Cabinet and Chancellor.


As a federation, Maroudia's laws are divided into federal law, regional law (also known as republic law) and local law. These laws are drafted as civil law; major instruments of law include the Grand and Sovereign Agreement, the Maroudian Civil Code and the Code of Penal Justice, among others.

Administrative divisions

Republics and autonomous regions of the Great Union
Common Full Name Official Full Name Flag Population (2020) Capital
Republic of Cabrería Republic of Cabrería
Flag of Cabarería.png
Republic of Gráutel Union of the Three Leagues of Gráutel
Flag of Grautel.svg
Republic of Lazafort Republic of Lazafort
Flag of Lazafort.svg
Republic of Maroudia Grand Republic of Maroudia
Flag of GR Maroudia.svg
Republic of Reíça Union of Cantons of Reíça-X
Flag of Reíça.png
XMILLION Monfinetra
Republic of Souçond Republic of Souçond
Flag of Souçond.svg
Republic of Vaumarca Union of Vaumarcan Workers
Flag of Vaumarca.png

Foreign affairs

Maroudia maintains foreign relations with nearly every state in the world.

The foreign policy of Maroudia has been guided by principles of internationalism, regional cooperation, socialism and security from powers perceived as hostile such as Afthonia. As a Veledan country with a large population and economy, Maroudia holds significant sway on the continent, and through its rising power has poised itself as a regional leader and hub for diplomacy, as seen through the [LEFT-WING EU THING IT DOMINATES], the 1992 Fijaç Accords, and its hosting of !UN bodies such as the X.







Street murals, both political and otherwise, are common in Maroudia.