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Pan-Hiakemirism, also known as Osamism after its founder Osamu Kyu-Bong, is an ideology which calls for political and economic unity amongst the people of the continent of East Hiakemiria, calling for the establishment of a "Continental Nation" (Tairiku Kokka) which will prevent any form of future colonization from West Hiakemiria or Kistavich. Pan-Hiakemirism is the stated ruling ideology of Neo-Korea, although scholars have noted the lack of actual action taken on the front of unity as proof that Neo-Korea is primarily using Pan-Hiakemirism as a smokescreen to enact its own policies with the vestige of public support.

Pan-Hiakemirism is often compared and contrasted with Lorism, as one of the two primary "Revolutionary Ideologies" which exhibited major influence on foreign nations throughout recent history, although Pan-Hiakemirism has often been placed as the secondary player in this relationship owing to its primary success being localized in Neo-Korea.

Bodies associated with Pan-Hiakemirism include the Pan-Hiakemirian Congress, the Pan-Hiakemirist National Development Coalition, and the Pan-Hiakemirian Cultural Association (all headquartered in Neo-Korea)

Korean Pan-Hiakemirism

Pan-Hiakemirism was developed by the Korean philosopher Osamu Kyu-Bong, and has been the guiding ideology (to greater or lesser degrees) of all independent Korean states since independence. Osamu's primary vision for how the policies of Pan-Hiakemirism would be enacted was of a federation structure which would allow for a unified response in economics, foreign policy, and collective military action. This was to present a united front against colonial adventurism from abroad, while maintaining the policy-independence of those states associated with the federation.

Other ideologues of Pan-Hiakemirism included Yuichi Yang, who would establish the economic basis of Pan-Hiakemirism in collaboration with Osamu, primarily by legitimizing the view that State-Corporate collaboration would bring about the necessary resources for federation, and Nae Ose, who would posit that Pan-Hiakemirism would also have to overcome boundaries between individuals, such as discrimination as a whole, for the ideology to last for a great period of time. The ideology would become popularized due to the economic struggles of the late 1800s- and the failed Marquesan response to domestic unrest in the then-colonized Korea, which would eventually lead to the Korean Revolution.

Kaesong Period

Pan-Hiakemirism was legitimized by the Kaesong Government being lead by a former student (Hamamoto Isao) to Osamu, who would bring him into governance (alongside Yuichi, although Nae would be excluded) to assist in the establishment and proliferation of the ideology amongst the populace. During this period, the Pan-Hiakemirian Congress would be established, acting as a supporter of foreign Pan-Hiakemirists and utilizing the funds of the state to assist in revolutionary movements abroad. This policy was both genuine, in the sense that it had real internal support from members of the state due to ideological reasons, and interest-based, with those nations who would experience revolutionary activity potentially being opened to either incorporation or economic exploitation.

Pan-Hiakemirism would be developed throughout the period of Kaesong's control, with the integration of its prime ideological developers into the affairs of state being used to make it a "national ideology" of a sort. This would meet pushback by certain pre-independence elements of the state, they were ultimately surpassed by those aligned with Pan-Hiakemirian doctrine, primarily due to the efforts of Hamamoto and his unreserved support for implementation of Hiakemirist concepts. It was ultimately this support that would cause Pan-Hiakemirism to entrench itself in the fabric of the state.

KDS Period

With the fall of Kaesong, the Korean Democratic State would, for a time, attempt to remove itself from Pan-Hiakemirism as a concept, instead promoting a varying group of "Alternative Ideals" for the new state. This attempt was primarily made in an attempt to reclaim control of internal policy from the military, which at this point was staffed of officials primarily associated with Pan-Hiakemirian groupings of the coalition which overthrew Kaesong. These efforts would fail upon the beginning of the Great War, where Pan-Hiakemirism was brought back to the fore in a more nationalist form to assist in the gathering of support for the long struggle against Marquesan.

This increase in nationalism associated with the concept would eventually lead to state-backed repression of certain groupings believed to be opposed to the continuation of the conflict, and thus (according to the KDS leaders of the period) "Opposed to the Pan-Hiakemirian Concept", these arbitrary restrictions of nationhood associated with opposition to the concept eventually leading to the mass imprisonment of the Jungg'oan members of the National Parliament and the enactment of martial law in Jungg'o.

Korean Civil War


Non-Korean Pan-Hiakemirism

TBA: Janpian Civil War Pan-Hiakemirists, Jungg'o independence period, Other(?)


Orthodox Pan-Hiakemirism

Modern Pan-Hiakemirism

KDS Variations

Hikaru School




The primary economic beliefs of Pan-Hiakemirism were coined, as mentioned above, by Yuichi Yang, who promoted positive interaction between the state, workers, and corporate groupings instead of class conflict, believing that this positive relation would maintain the necessary economic growth to allow for the state to grow and maintain its independence. This corporatist economic system would express itself in all post-independence states, as a result of the continued need for economic growth perceived by all of these states. This has primarily manifested itself in multi-year plans formed from the collaboration of state and pseudo-public economic actors.

An additional inclusion to these economic beliefs in the modern period is the relationship between the National Development Party and the State-Corporate-Worker relationship, with some modern observers (most notably Ji Kita) noting that the party to some degree has taken over the role of the corporate entity, with the Iminchebol and other economic bodies being strongly associated, and to some degree managed by, members of the NDP.

Foreign Policy

The Continental Nation

The Continental Nation (Tairiku Kokka) is the primary "Internal" (in the sense of targeting East Hiakemiria) foreign policy concept of Pan-Hiakemirism. Calling for the establishment of a unified structure which will allow for the maintaining of independence, this structure is variably described in either the terms of federation or hegemony, depending on the school of the Pan-Hiakemirism.