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The First Herwan Regional Command
Flag of
Motto: "Ad mare imus, ad mare morimur"
"to the sea we go, to the sea we die"
StatusColony of Tepror
Official languagesHigh electarian, Ministry standard
Recognised national languagesjapuilian, prestorian
Recognised regional languagesbugwi
GovernmentPresidential Republic
LegislatureBoard of internal affairs
Board of Directors
Board of representitives
Satellite state of tepror 
Tepror has allowed herwan independince if they can pay of a 300 trillion PD
• March to the new blues
• 1613 estimate
300,000 EST
• 1613 census

The First Regional Herwan command (or herwa) Is a colony of Tepror on the coast of the gin gulf. The herwan people have exsisted long before the herwan state exsisted. Herwa has a GDP of 300 Billion dimes and has a primary export of electronics. The Herwan army mainy comprised of volintary forces from Tepror and loaned out planes from Tepror.


Age of strife

Contrary to the other warlord states of the time. The herwan people where largely untouched by the age of strife. Located more in bugwi territory than skimtari territory. The herwans largely were able to develop at their own pace without the threat of a skimtari invasion. This downtime allowed to let the Herwans develop their own methods of warfare. The herwans developed raiding tatics to attack the bugwi that were unaware of skimtari exsitance. These raiding tatics caused the bugwi to fear the Herwans more than the other skimtari.

The Herwan state

After the Panic War conclded and the Teprorian state consolodated. The herwans did not join the Teprorians during this unifcation. Mostly because they were deep in bugwi territory and they were a loosly allined group of raiders. The Herwans remained supsisous of the Teprorian state. Most attempts of comunication where met with Herwan raiders attacking the search teams. Some search teams however managed to make contact with raider groups, specificly the Herwan pirates.