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The Kingdom of Sumahtera
Phantdom Sumahtera
Flag of Sumahtera
Coat of arms of Sumahtera
Coat of arms
Motto: "Sumah I Ommuncita"
"God and Community"
Location of Sumahtera
Largest cityOritera
Official languagesTsuma, Usambi
Recognised national languagesEnglish and 44 Regional Languages
Ethnic groups
75.4% Summu

18.2% Sindhi

3.5% Mencheu

1.2% Other
80.5% Modern Sanctumism

19% Traditional Sanctumism

0.5% Other or Irreligious
GovernmentUnitary Theocratic Absolute Monarchy
• King
Amaranthia Deumashanal
• Prince
Falmanibi Deumashanal
• Land
176,608 sq mi (457,410 km2)
• Water
3,583 sq mi (9,280 km2)
• Water (%)
• 2020 census
198,737,290 (7th)
• Density
434/km2 (1,124.1/sq mi) (32nd)
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$1.755 Trillion (23rd)
• Per capita
8,863 (126th)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$788 Billion (22nd)
• Per capita
$3,980 (122nd)
GiniPositive decrease 29.1
low (26th)
HDIIncrease 0.61
medium (146th)
CurrencySuman Theran (STN)
Time zoneUTC +5
DST not observed
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+177

Sumahtera, officially the Sanctumist Kingdom of Sumahtera, is a country in South Asia. It is the Seventh-most populous country, with a population of over 198 million, having the largest Sanctumist population as of 2023. Pountnigi is the nation's capital, while Oritrea is its largest city and economic centre. Sumathera is the 53rd-largest country by area, 15th largest in Asia . Bounded by the Arabian Sea on the south, the Sumei Mountains on the West and North, and the disputed Sir Creek on the southeast, it shares land borders with India to the southeast, Kerranastan to the North and West and Rajatera to the east. It shares a maritime border with Oman in the Gulf of Oman.

Sumathera is the site of several ancient cultures, including the 9,000-year-old Neolithic site of Tauganou in the Raja Province, the Teras Watershed Culture of the Bronze Age, and the ancient Usambi civilisation. The regions that comprise the modern state of Sumahthera were the realm of multiple empires and dynasties, including the Achaemenid, the Summa, the Ishan and the Falmashd Phantium. In its Eastern regions, the Samma, the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals held control, but most recently, the Summu Empire from 1680 to 1922 which at its largest spanned from India to Kyrgyzstan

During the 1910s the empire started to desintigrate into sucessor states, mostly peaceful and by 1915 the empire gave up the West Tibet provinces to China, the Kyrgyzstan provinces to Russia and the Garmser Province to Afghanistan and Qajar Iran. However visions of independence were strong in regions on the otherside of the Sumei Mountains and in 1918 when the Kerranastan Independence Party was formed the Provinces formed a Confederation against the empire. Though militraily and economically superior, the Army of the empire could not find a suitable way through the Sumei Mountains and did not want to pass through Raj Territory. And while naval combat wasn't ineffective it was expensive and so the in 1922 the government declared that Kerranastan could secede from the Empire. What was left by 1922 was the Homeland States and the Codominion of Anglo-Suman India. After the constant sucession of territory a political faction led by nationalist Hierophant Malich Hashamandel gained signifiecnt power and overthrew the century old government with near total support from the Military in 1928. During this time feelings of nationalism and xenophobia were pushed into Suman Society, an idea of communitarism became a center part of Suman Ideology and culminated in a complete totalitarian government in 1936 leading to famine, poverty, illertacy and Extremism. By 1938 10 Million had been killed by Hashmandel's rule and the economy was in an extreme recssion. In 1940 Hashmandel was killed by a 20 Year-Old Mencheu leading to governmental and economic collapse outside the capital province. It took 6 Months for the new Kingdom led by Haja Deumashanal, the Grandson of the Emperor desposed in 1928 to completly regain control.

Sumahtera is considered a regional power nation, with the world's eighth-largest standing armed forces. It is a declared nuclear-weapons state, and is ranked amongst the emerging and growth-leading economies, with a large and rapidly-growing middle class. Sumahtera's political history since independence has been characterized by periods of significant economic and military growth as well as those of political and economic instability. It is an ethnically and linguistically diverse country. The country continues to face challenges, including poverty, corruption, and terrorism. Sumahtera is a member of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of Sanctumist Nations, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, BRICS and OPEC.


The term "Sumah" finds its roots in the state religion of Sanctumism meaning God but in this context and in Traditional Sanctumism it means Holy or Sacred. "Tera," on the other hand, traces its origins back to the Tsuma language, where "Theeras" signifies "earth" or "land." Together, "Sumah Tera" means God-Land in literal english. The term was first used in the context of a country by Hierophant Draja Vishnuprakash in 1898 to describe the homeland region where Sanctumism was originated, although its use by Malich Hashamandel suggests it to be a term to describe a pure sacred place. Its first use outside of politics however was in 1222 describing a place of Luxury and Comfort although its usage was never commonplace.



Ancient History

Persian Period

Sanctumist Civilisations

Summu Empire

Malich Hashmandel Rule

Modern Sumahtera


Sumahtern's diverse geography and climate host a wide array of wildlife. Covering 176,608 sq mi (427,410 sq km²), Sumahtern's size is comparable to then Size of Spain. It ranks as the worlds 53rd largest country, however its size varies based on the Sir Creek region disputed with India and the Jubalshal Province with Kerranastan. Sumahtera boasts a 295 Mile Long Coastline along the Arabian Sea and shares land borders totaling 2067 miles including a 473 Mile long border with across two sections India, a 650 Mile long border with Rajatera and a 944 Mile long border with Kerranastan. Sumahterns location is geopolitically significent situated at the crossroads between the Middle East, South Asia and Central Asia. Geologically Sumahtera is loacted directly on the Indian Tectonic Plate boundary forming the Sumei Mountains. While most provinces are situated somewhat inside the Indian plate. The Jubalshal Province is located entireley in the Eurasian plate. Most of the Kerranastan Border provinces are suceptible to earthquakes.

Sumahterns landscapes vary from Bone-dry deserts to Glaciated mountains, River Basins, plateus and forests. Sumahteran can be divided into three Major geographic regions: The Sumei Mountains and their foothills, the Terus River Basin and the Raja Desert. The Sumei's are a sister mountain range to the himalayas and while not as long it is as large. They are the home of Mt Sanctu, Mt Teires and the Sumah Ter Plateu where the capital Pountnigi is located. The Raja Desert in the east streches from Rajatera to the Terus River, The Raja is the most sparsely populated place in the country. The Terus River and its tributaries traverse the nation from Sumah Ter to Oritera and the Arabian Sea sustaining masses of agriculturally productive land and 85% of the Population.

The climate varies from tropical to temperate, with arid conditions in the east. There is a monsoon season with frequent flooding due to heavy rainfall, and a dry season with significantly less rainfall or none at all. Sumahtera experiences four distinct seasons: a cool, dry winter from December through February; a hot, dry spring from March through May; the summer rainy season, or southwest monsoon period, from June through September; and the retreating monsoon period of October and November. Rainfall varies greatly from year to year, with patterns of alternate flooding and drought common.

Government and Politics

Sumahtera operates as a unitary theocratic absolute monarchy, with Sanctumism as the State Religion however according to the Basic Religious Law of Sumahtera which acts as a constitution-like charter adopted in 1940, the King must comply with Khiero (Sanctumist Law), The Suama (Sanctumist Holy Book) and Rutan (Sanctumist Tradition) meaning that de jure Sumahtera is a Constitutional Monarchy. No political parties or democartic elections are permitted. Many western critics categorize it as a Totalitarian State with its dissent laws, website bans and dress laws while others regard it lacking some of the aspects of Totalitarian States like national Identification Cards sitll consider it very authoritarian. The Economist democracy index ranked Sumahtera as 143rd on the Democracy Index and freedom house gave it a "Partly Free" rating and a score of 34 Points. According to 2023 V-dem democracy indicies Sumahtera ranked 160th.

In the absense of Political Parties and National Elections. Politics in Sumahtera takes place in two distinct areas: The Royal Family, Deumashanal and the Summan Court . The Royal Family act as the executive branch and the legislative branch where most national decisions are made internally with no Constitutional need to consult with the populace with the exception of consulting tribal phants and commercial companies on major descions. The Hierophants act as the Judical Branch and advising branch to the royal family they have a much more public approach and are the central authority for the provinces.

By the Khiero it is a matmalguil(Serious Sin) to insult or disrespect the Terraphant although by the same law any person can question there decsions or try however if a person Manipulates a Terraphant the that is an nisguilmalguil(Abomnible Sin). This approach of govrenment has been used by Sanctumist Kingdoms and Empires for centuries despite this democratic sentiment is on the rise although the Khiero indirectly prohibits rule of the populace. But the government has done very little to to widen the political participation of the population the only change since 1950 was the allowance to express the need for a new law or removal of a former law if the expression does not Disrespect the government..

Monarchy and the Deumashanal Family

The King is both the Head of State and Head of Government combining the legislative and executive functions. Royal Decrees form the basis of legislation. Until 1978 the King also presided over the Summan Court. The family's large size and History of divine authority lead it to have the most dominant position in the politics of Sumahtera with involvment and presense at every administrative level in the government. The male descendents of Kralih Deumashanal(First Emperor of the Summu Empire) are estimated to be around 9,500 many having occupations with involment in the government. Meaning the family has unquestionable power and dominace in the nation. Most ministry positions are reserved for the royal family however despite the family's enourmous size very few occupy positions at the Phannigi Palace and most have high ranking positions in the Military/Police or Commercial Companies owned by the family.

The Legislature of the country is very simple. The King creates a Royal Decree with assistance from The Central Commitee of National Affairs, which was designed in Basic Religious Law of Sumahtera to not include any members of the Deumashanal Family. Despite this, the commitee only includes members of the Suman National Coalition Party from many different walks of life. Once the Decree has been written the Summan Court votes to pass the decree or not. If not it is either sent back to be edited or removed entirely. If so, the new law is implemented.

The Executive is also simple. Consisiting of The Monarch, The Prince and the Royal Council of Suman Ministers which oversee critical functions of the Nation. The Council contains 22 Ministeries each led by a Member of the Deumashanal Family.. These ministeries are:

  • Ministry of Interior: Responsible for internal affairs, including law enforcement, public safety, and domestic security.
  • Ministry of State: Handles diplomatic relations with other nations and represents Sumahtera's interests in international forums.
  • Ministry of Defense: Oversees the military forces and national defense strategy.
  • Ministry of the Treasury: Manages the nation's finances, budgeting, taxation, and economic policy.
  • Ministry of Justice: Administers the legal system, including courts, prisons, and labour camps.
  • Ministry of Information: Controls media, censorship, and propaganda to maintain regime control over public discourse.
  • Ministry of Education: Develops educational policies, curriculum standards, and oversees schools and universities.
  • Ministry of Health: Responsible for public health initiatives, healthcare services, and medical research.
  • Ministry of Infrastructure: Plans and implements infrastructure projects, energy, and telecommunications.
  • Ministry of Industry and Commerce: Promotes industrial development, trade policies, and regulates commercial activities.
  • Ministry of Agriculture: Supports agricultural production, food security, and rural development.
  • Ministry of Environment: Protects natural resources, implements environmental regulations, and addresses climate change issues.
  • Ministry of Culture and Heritage: Preserves national culture, supports the arts, and promotes cultural heritage.
  • Ministry of Social Affairs: Manages social welfare programs, assistance for vulnerable populations, and community development initiatives.
  • Ministry of Religious Affairs: Oversees religious institutions, promotes religious adherence, and manages religious affairs.
  • Ministry of Technology and Innovation: Encourages technological advancements, research, and development initiatives.
  • Ministry of Planning and Development: Formulates long-term development plans and coordinates development projects.
  • Ministry of Tourism: Promotes tourism industry, develops tourist destinations, and manages tourism-related policies.
  • Ministry of Energy: Develops energy policies, oversees energy production, and manages energy resources.
  • Ministry of Royal Affairs: Handles matters related to the royal family, royal ceremonies, and royal estates.
  • Ministry of National Security: Oversees internal defense and paramilitary forces.
  • Ministry of Transport: Oversees and operates transportation infrastructure and assets in Sumahtera.

The Summan Court

Sumahtera has a very unique Judical Branch of government. Led by five Herditary Teachers of Sanctumism, there Job is to interpret the Law and to express the teachings of Sumah. They are also Head the Sanctumist Faith making there duties international aswell. The Summan Court oversees every Holy establishment in the country and thus the Kerrisa Divisons, named Provinces in english. These provinces are controlled by a Kerriphant at a Kerris (Regional Place of Worship). They are the Highest level administrative divisions. They are, in decreasing order of population

  • Oriterkerrisa (Ortier Province)
  • Terussunkerissa (Terus South Province)
  • Terusmunkerissa (Terus Central Province)
  • Sumahtjilkerissa (Pountnigi Province)
  • Terusnorkerissa (Terus North Province)
  • Rajakerissa (Raja Province)
  • Jubanshakerissa (Jubalshal Province)

The court also acts as the Highest Level of the Justice system in Sumahtera. Voting on Royal Decrees and Internal Emergencies like should the Terrorists taking over cites in Raja be demmed a Violent Extremist Organization or an Internal Revolution.

Foreign Relations

Sumahtera joined the UN in 1945 and is a founding member of the Organisation of Sanctumist Nations and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and a prominent member of the World trade organization and the BRICS alliance. As a petroleum exporting nation Sumahetera is a member of OPEC.

Sumahtera and The People's Republic of China are close allies and while Sumahtera has made a policy of Neutralism especially in the cold war the Nation is suprisingly chinese-leaning. However this did lead to the Chinese Invasion of Northern Kerranastan in 2005-2014. Sumahtera's role of stationing chinese military troops within its borders prompted the Invasion and the Uprising of Mencheu people in Jubalshal forming the Largest terrorist organization in a Stable Nation. Despite the instabilty of holding chinese troops, the country benifits massively from the Infrastructure projects they provide such as: The L-1 High Speed Railway, Oritera International Shipping Port and 15 Highways built since 2005.

Sumahtera has had a strained relationship with Kerranastan since their independence. With a total of 13 Conflicts between the two nations since 1922 and only 2 resulting in gains for Sumahtera. While efforts have been made to improve relations with Kerranastan. They have been severed since 1999. After it was confirmed they supported a Mencheu Extremist Group, leading to a 5-Month Civil War in the Jubalshal Province. Ever since, the two nations have been involved in several proxy wars.


Sumahtera's military include The Royal Armed Forces of Sumahtera under the ministry of defence, which consist of, The Royal Suman Army, The Royal Suman Navy, The Royal Suman Air Force, The Royal Suman Coastguard and The Royal Suman Marines. Plus The Guard of the Royal Deumashanal Family. The National Guard and Border Guard fall under administration from the Ministry of National Security. As of 2020 there are 546,000 Active Military Personnel in The Royal Armed forces and 3,450,000 Reservists and 470,000 Paramilitary Personnel. Sumans from ages 16-18 who do not enroll in tertiary education are given basic armed forces training for two years and are then reservists until the age of 24. Active and Paramilitary personnel recieve an additional year of training and can apply after basic training up until they are 24. Any older requires 2 Years training. Once the training is complete the person will become an active military soldier. Sumahtera often train with Chinese forces and basic mandarin is a neccesary part of basic training.

Sumahetera has a close military alliance with Saudi Arabia having secrety funded the nations Nuclear arms program in 1988.

In July 2005 Sumahtera mobilised there entire active military to support chinese troops in North Kerranastan after provacation by Kerranastinian Border forces led to a mass advance into large sections of territory. By early 2006 the city of Sumahbad was captured and the Northeast provinces were under Joint Sino-Suman Control. Despite this, guerrilla forces managed to gain control of sizeable territory inside the invaded zone and across the border. In 2014 Kerranastan was thrown into a civil war after a failed coup'd'etat about commercial access to southern oil fields. It was clear that a government in civil war could not negotiate a deal and the civil war extended into the invaded territory so in 2015 the area was abandoned by China and Sumahtera.

Sumahtera has nuclear weapons.


The economy of Sumahtera is the 23rd-largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), and 22nd-largest in terms of nominal gross domestic product. Economists estimate that Sumahtera was part of the wealthiest region of the world throughout the first millennium CE, with the largest economy by GDP. This advantage was lost in the 18th century as other regions such as China and Western Europe edged forward. Sumahtera is considered a developing country and is one of the Next Eleven, a group of eleven countries that, along with the BRICS, have a high potential to become the world's largest economies in the 21st century. In recent years the country has managed to return to economic levels of the Summu Empire, after decades of social instability from the start of the 20th Century. The economy is considered industrialized with agriculture making less than 10% of the countries GDP. The diversified economies in Oritrea and the megacities along the terus river coexist with impoverished rural areas in Raja and Jubalshal.

The structure of the Sumahteran economy has changed from a mainly agricultural to a strong service base. Agriculture as of 2015 accounts for only 7.9% of the GDP. Even so, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Pakistan produced 21,591,400 metric tons of wheat in 2005, more than all of Africa (20,304,585 metric tons) and nearly as much as all of South America (24,557,784 metric tons). Majority of the population, directly or indirectly, is dependent on this sector. It accounts for 34.5% of employed labour force and is the largest source of foreign exchange earnings.

Sumahtera's economy is heavily reliant on natural resource exports, with uranium and oil being the primary sources of export revenue. The nation possesses abundant reserves of uranium and oil, which are extracted and processed for export to international markets. The export of natural resources contributes significantly to foreign exchange earnings and government revenue, supporting economic development initiatives and infrastructure projects.

