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Library:Brazilian RP Archive (Geopolity)

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This is an archive of RP posts authored by Flourishing Southlands in Geopolity. It was last updated in 25 April 2024.

Nation Application, dated 19 June 2023

NS Account Name/Nation Name: Flourishing Southlands
Head of State: President João de Sousa Almeida
Head of Government: President João de Sousa Almeida
Claims: Federative Republic of Brazil, Rincón de Artigas, Ilha de Guajará-Mirim, Ilha Brasileira
Capital City: Brasilia
Preferred Map Color: Green, no preference as to shade
Demonym: Brazilian
Population: 217,240,060
GDP (Nominal): $2.081 trillion USD
Description of Economy: Middle-income developing mixed economy. Exports aircraft, steel, machinery, transport equipment, automobiles, vehicle parts, soybeans, iron ore, pulp (cellulose), maize, beef, chicken meat, soybean meal, sugar, coffee, tobacco, cotton, orange juice, footwear, gold, ethanol, semi-finished iron. Imports machinery, electrical and transport equipment, chemical products, oil, automotive parts, electronics.
Description of Government: Same as IRL -
Federal state under a presidential system. Country parcelled into States, which are further subdivided by municipalities. Legislature is bicameral and represented proportionally under a multi-party system.
Description of Military: Same as IRL -
334,500 active personnel, 1,340,000 reserve personnel, $19.2 billion USD budget. Equipment is multinational in nature, with Brazilian, American, German, Italian, Swedish, Austrian, etc. represented in Brazil's arsenal. Dated to late Cold War/modern day.
History: Brazil was inhabited by numerous tribal nations prior to the landing in 1500 of explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral, who claimed the area for the Portuguese Empire. Brazil remained a Portuguese colony until 1808 when the capital of the empire was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro. In 1815, the colony was elevated to the rank of kingdom upon the formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. Independence was achieved in 1822 with the creation of the Empire of Brazil, a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system.
The ratification of the first constitution in 1824 led to the formation of a bicameral legislature, now called the National Congress. The country became a presidential republic in 1889 following a military coup d'état. An authoritarian military junta came to power in 1964 and ruled until 1985, after which civilian governance resumed. The 1988 Constitution was enacted which made Brazil a democratic federal republic.
The country benefited greatly under the Plano Real and 2000s commodities boom, which caused GDP to skyrocket up until 2011. Howeer, the country became mired in several institutional problems (i.e: overcomplicated bureaucracy, overspending, overcompensation, over-retirement) which severely downgraded its economic prospects. Brazil is no longer the shining beacon of hope it once was. Sad!

A backup of the nation application is located on the Wayback Machine [1].

Expansion Application (Venezuela), dated 14 March 2024

NS Name: Flourishing Southlands
New Claim: Estado Amazonas and Estado Bolívar, Venezuela
Population: 1,866,480
GDP (Nominal): $14.435 billion USD
Military Used: 180,000 (initial intervention), 28,000 (occupation)
Valid Reason for Expansion: Operating on presumption that NPC territory is the same as IRL.
With the election of the right-wing President Franco dos Santos, relations between Brazil and Venezuela deteriorate significantly. Itamaraty is quick to discredit the PSUV-led leadership as illegitimate[/url], which is followed by the recall of diplomats from Caracas. It transfers diplomatic recognition to a Venezuelan government in-exile, comprised of opposition figures who have escaped to Brazil as refugees. The Venezuelan embassy in Brasília is offered to the government in-exile as a temporary headquarters, which is fiercely resisted by Caracas. Caracas retaliates by closing its border with Brazil.
At the same time, the continued (and now illegal) flow of Venezuelan refugees to Roraima reaches a tipping point as authorities are thoroughly overwhelmed and unable to meet the newcomers' needs. Venezuelan gangs exploit the desperation to establish themselves, inflaming anti-migrant sentiments. Ethnic riots and lynchings soon break out, prompting the military to sequester 200,000 refugees into hastily-erected camps for fear of further violence.
Caracas responds negatively to these events. It accuses the BRSC of instituting apartheid against Venezuelans, and halts power exports to Roraima. The state, which has historically depended on Venezuelan hydroelectricity, declares a state of emergency and rations its energy. The BRSC imposes sanctions in return, appeals to the GSA to impose an embargo, and plots with the exiled opposition to overthrow the PSUV. This involves 3 components:

  • The transport of opposition fighters through the rainforest to Venezuela;
  • The initiation of a Brazilian-armed uprising;
  • Timed with an amphibious invasion by Brazilian-financed mercenaries.

The Venezuelan Armed Forces (FANB) conduct airstrikes in Brazilian territory in an attempt to stem the flow of arms to rebel fighters. Brazil responds in kind. The Brazilian People's Congress authors a resolution demanding the PSUV to relinquish its authority and government in Venezuela and cease its attacks on Brazilian territory. The calls are not heeded - the FANB initiates a round of surgical strikes in the Roraiman interior to destroy opposition targets - and the BRSC loses patience.
Brazilian troops invade Venezuela, swiftly battling the dated FANB and seizing control of southern Venezuela. Military government is imposed over Brazilian-controlled areas to:

  • Administer the region on trust for the opposition;
  • Battle Bolivarian insurgents;
  • Suppress drug trafficking;
  • Stabilize the region so that Venezuelan refugees in Roraima may be deported quickly (ulterior motive); and
  • Extract the region's natural resources, i.e: the Los Pijiguaos bauxite deposit, steel manufacturing at Ciudad Guayana, etc. (ulterior motive).

The occupation ends with a transition of power to the opposition, followed by a speedy withdrawalwhen President dos Santos is inevitably voted out. The government in Caracas steamrolls the opposition without Brazilian support. The IRL state of affairs is restored for the next player.
Time line for Annexation in real world time: 3 months (buildup), 1 month (invasion), 1 year (occupation), 1 month (withdrawal)
Method of eventual Annexation: There will be no eventual annexation. The expansion is to be RPed as a temporary military occupation. Analogous with the RL United States Military Government in Cuba and Provisional Government of Cuba (1898-1902, 1906-1909).

A backup of the expansion application is located on the Wayback Machine [2].

Geopolity Posts Archive (chronological)
Date (DD/MM/YY) Wayback Machine Storyline (if any)
20/06/23 Operation Piraña
Almeida's downfall