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The Sauvastika, an ancient symbol for Purogati. Its use has become controversial due to similarities with the Nazi swastika/hooked cross.

Purogati (Hindi/Sanskrit for "Progress") is a Mel-akkan socio-political model, based on the ideology of the ancient leader Pujari Nayaku. Often characterised as a non-revolutionary form of socialism with specific Mel-akkam characteristics, Purogati (in its various forms) has long influenced Mel-akkan politics and government. In the modern day, the Progressive Party is regarded as the main political advocate for Purogati, while other parties, such as the Originalist Progressive Party and Coalition of Independents support Purogati to some extent.


The original ideology of Purogati, as conceived of by Pujari Nayaku, was not known as such; "purogati" is a neologism coined by the late independence activist and collaborationist leader Maina Kathina, based on a Sanskrit Hindi word that is a cognate of "progress". In fact, most historians contend that there never was a specific word for the ideology during Nayaku's life, while after his death, his ideas were typically called the Vyavasthea Kukkutarma ("Mohenjo-daro system").