Borealian United Front

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The Borealian United Front (Tayichian: 川西統戦線, Kawanishi Osamu-sensen) was a pan-Borealian union established by the Empire of Tayichi. Initially, it included the three founding members of Tayichi, Syua and Qilia, but as the Great War in Borealia progressed, it included the [insert Tayichian puppet government in SBR name] and others. The union's proposed objectives were to guarantee economic self-sufficiency, foster mutual cooperation among member states, and resist the influences of Amnisian Imperialism. However, in practice, it served primarily as a tool to enforce Tayichian hegemony over Borealia. It was also used as a propaganda tool to depict Tayichian armies as "liberators" from Amnisian oppression. Following the conclusion of the Great War, the Borealian United Front garnered criticism and scorn due to its nationalist, militarist, Tayichian supremacist and racist goals.

川西統戦線, Kawanishi Osamu-sensen
Borealian United Front
Flag of Borealian United Front
Emblem of Borealian United Front
Administrative CenterShuto
Official LanguageTayichian
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