Groupe Minier du Futur

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Founded in 1928 by Pierre Dufresne and a consortium of visionary industrialists including Henri Lefebvre and Marie Dubois, the Groupe Minier du Futur (GMF) embarked on a mission to innovate Lucle's mining industry. Initially focusing on terrestrial mining practices, GMF later became renowned as a pioneer in the exploration and extraction of minerals such as Manganese, Phosphorite, and Gypsum.

GMF's most significant achievement came with the development of viable underwater mining technologies. By the mid-20th century, GMF established itself as the leader in underwater mining operations in Lucle, exploiting previously inaccessible underwater deposits and securing a dominant position in this specialized sector.

Today, GMF remains a stong hold on Lucle's economy, controlling aproximately 46% of the entire mining sector and the exports of minerals such as Manganese, Phosphorite, Gypsum, Copper and Silver.