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Zdrole Morphology

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PronunciationIPA: [zd̠ɹ̠ɤ̂.ləl]
Native toFortizendria
RegionCentral Occeia in Krystar
Native speakers
  • Zdrole
Official status
Official language in
Language codes
ISO 639-3ZDR

Zdrole (native: Zdrêola, pronounced: [zd̠ɹ̠ɤ̂.la], formally Êzdreola, lit. "around the tongue") is the official and most widely spoken language of Fortizendria, a nation in the region of Krystar. Zdrole is regularly used by about 80% of Fortizendrians and is the first language of about 65%, although about 45% have notable dialectal differences, many of which differ substantially, in some cases being considered "unrecognized partially intelligible languages". It is by far the most widely spoken language, with the only officially recognized and local-official language of Fvonil and its dialects being close, being known by about 40% of the population and 20% learning it as a first language. Non-recognized varieties of Ovalul, Cziliel, and neighboring countries' languages being the first language of the remaining 15% and being understood by roughly 30% of the population. It is not especially well documented.

Zdrole is not very centralized as a single language, with several dialects exhibiting mergers or splits in certain sounds, different cases being used for specific circumstances, differences in honorifics, and even a change in lexicon due to borrowing from other languages and coining new terms. This article mainly covers a specific dialect of Zdrole, the Fortizendriana or Capital Dialect, which is most widely understood due to use in federal government. However, it should be noted that many provincial governments, as well as local governments, often different dialects, if not Fvonil (or in locales other minor languages). International diplomacy must be conducted in Zdrole, but dialects may vary wildly. Legal language and technical jargon is written or spoken with many technical loan words taken from more advanced economic neighbors, while the constitution was written in a now "archaic" version of a dialect that was not even the Capital dialect.

This page is reserved for Zdrole morphology, lexicon and inflection. This section ONLY covers words and their basic meaning, as well as their various forms (if applicable), and does not describe what each form is or means in much detail. For grammar, phonology, and other aspects of the Zdrole language, see the Zdrole Language.

Grammatical Case Inflection

Grammatical case in Zdrole is rather complicated, having anywhere from 7 to 19 total cases, although many of these cases may be analyzed as a combination of case inflection and derivational morphology. It is often not entirely clear what counts as a distinct case vs. a derivation in Zdrole, as some modifiers have the functions of both. Grammatical case is unique in that it agrees in both noun class and verbal "gender"/ending paradigm. Below is a table showing all of the various forms for each widely accepted case marking, as well as archaic and less-agreed-upon compound cases.

Legend: [C] = Consonant, [vC] = voiced consonant, [xC] = voiceless consonant;

(#)[V] = Vowel, [f = front, [b = back, [c = close, [o = open, [r = rounded, [u = unrounded, s = same vowel, a = any vowel;

ɵ = mid vowel with the same backness / roundness; ʉ = close vowel with the same backness/roundess;

- = last letter, -- / -[#] - = last vowel / consonant, - -# = second - is part of the orthography; {#} = individual letters; #-> = segment is removed and replaced by inflection;

[irreg] = Irregular words only; [dia] = Dialectal, or common different variants across various dialects, or otherwise varies between speakers among dialects.

"Alternate case endings" are endings that specifically appear after short words, primarily after most CV and many VC monosyllabic unpitched non-loanwords, along with several exceptions including compounds.

Note: Polysyllabic words also receive a pitch accent

Case Ending Inflections for Basic
Ergative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -ni [C] -uin

[V] -n

-nid -niz -nij -nik
Narrow -na

{d}-> -nda

-nan(g) [dia]

{d}-> -ndan(g) [dia]


{d}-> -nta






{d}-> -ndav/ndao [dia]

Plural [V] -ze

[C] -oe

[V] -zê

[C] -ôe

[V] -zet

[C] -oet

[V] -zec

[C] -oec

[V] -zecx

[C] -oecx

[V] -zek

[C] -oek

Spindly -nʉ -nʉng [rV] --noet

[uV] --net

[rV] --noecz

[uV] --necz

[rV] --noecj

[uV] --necj

[rV] --nao(v) [dia]

[uV] --nav

Absolutive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -∅ [C] -ɵng

[V] -ng

{m/ng} -∅

[C] -ɵt

[V] -t

{t} -∅

[C] -ɵs

[V] -s

[C] -ɵx

[V] -x

[C] -ɵk, -k (if permitted)

[V] -k

Narrow -∅ [C] -ɵng

[V] -ng

{n} -∅

[C] -ad

[V] -d

{d/t} -∅


{a} -z

{z/s} -c

[C] -aj

[V] -j

{j} -c, {x} -> cc

[C] -ag

[V] -g

Plural -∅ [C] ∅

[V] -n

-t -c -cx [C] -gk

[V] -f

Spindly -∅ [rV]-[C] -ong

[uV]-[C] -eong

[V] -ng

[rV]-[C] -aot

[uV]-[C] -at

[V] -t

[V]/liquid -c

{c/cx/cz/cj} -∅

[C]* -ec [irreg]

[V]/liquid -cx

{c/cx/cz/cj} -∅

[C]* -ec [irreg]


-∅ [irreg]

Alternate Absolutive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -fui -fuin -fuis -fuiz -fuij, -fuix [dia] -fui(v) [dia]
Narrow [C] -ui

[V] - bui

[C] -uin

[V] -buin, -buim [dia]

[C] -uit

[V] - buis

[C] -uiz(e) [dia]

[V] -buiz(e) [dia]

[C] -uij

[V] - buix, -buij [dia]

[C] -ui, -uiv, -uif [dia]

[V] -bui, -buiv, -buif [dia]

Plural -∅ [C] -∅

[V] -n

-t -c -cx [C] -gk

[V] -f

Spindly -fuizè -fuiziun -fuizet -fuizíc -fuizí(c)x [dia] -fuizík
Dative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [C] -ɵfqp

[V] -qɵ, -qɵfqp [dia]

[C] -ɵqiun

[V] -qiun

[C] -ɵsqt

[V] -qɵsqt

[C] -ɵsqc

[V] -qɵsqc

[C] -ɵxqc

[V] -qɵxqc

[C] -ɵhqk

[V] -qɵhqk

Alternate Dative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -fɵ -fɵm -fɵt -fɵs -fɵx -fɵf
Narrow -mɵ [fV] --moem

[bV] --mom

-mɵt -mɵs -mɵx [fV] --moe(v) [dia]

[bV] --mo(v) [dia]

Plural [C] -ɵfqp

[V] -qɵ, -qɵfqp [dia]

[C] -ɵqiun

[V] -qiun

[C] -ɵsqt

[V] -qɵsqt

[C] -ɵsqc

[V] -qɵsqc

[C] -ɵxqc

[V] -qɵxqc

[C] -ɵhqk

[V] -qɵhqk

Spindly [rV] --foexoe

[uV] --fexe

[rV] --foexoen

[uV] --fexen

[rV] --foexoet

[uV] --fexet

[rV] --foexuiz

[uV] --fexis

[rV] --foexuij

[uV] --fexix

[rV] --foexoe(v) [dia]

[uV] --fexif

Causative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [fV]-[C] -ùina

[bV]-C -ùnao

[fV] -qùina

[bV] -qùnao

[fV̀] --ûina

[bV̀] --ûnao

[fV]-[C] -ùin

[bV]-C -ùn, ùm [dia]

[fV] -qùin

[bV] -qùn, -qùm [dia]

[fV̀] --ûin

[bV̀] --ûn, --ûm [dia]

[fV]-[C] -ùit

[bV]-C -ùt

[fV] -qùit

[bV] -qùt

[fV̀] --ûit

[bV̀] --ût

[fV]-[C] -ùis

[bV]-C -ùs

[fV] -qùis

[bV] -qùs

[fV̀] --ûis

[bV̀] --ûs

[fV]-[C] -ùix

[bV]-C -ùx

[fV] -qùix

[bV] -qùx

[fV̀] --ûix

[bV̀] --ûx

[fV]-[C] -ùi(v) [dia]

[bV]-C -ù(v) [dia]

[fV] -qùi(v) [dia]

[bV] -qù(v) [dia]

[fV̀] --ûi(v) [dia]

[bV̀] --û(v) [dia]

Narrow [fV] --vâ,

[bV] --(v)âo [dia]

[fV̂] --va, --ua [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)ao [dia]

[fV] --vâng

[bV] --(v)âong [dia]

[fV̂] --viun, --uin [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aong, --um [dia]

[fV] --vât

[bV] --(v)âot [dia]

[fV̂] --vat, --uat [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aot [dia]

[fV] --vâz

[bV] --(v)âoz [dia]

[fV̂] --vaz, --uaz [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aoz [dia]

[fV] --vâj

[bV] --(v)âoj [dia]

[fV̂] --vaj, --uaj [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)aoj [dia]

[fV] --vâv

[bV] --(v)âo(v) [dia]

[fV̂] --vav, -uv [dia]

[bV̂] --(v)ao(v) [dia]

Plural [fV]-[C] -ùi

[bV]-C -ù

[fV] -qùi

[bV] -qù

[fV]-[C] -ùin

[bV]-C -ùn, ùm [dia]

[fV] -qùin

[bV] -qùn, -qùm [dia]

[C] -d

[V] -d(a) [dia]

[fV]-[C] -ùiz

[bV]-C -ùz

[fV] -qùiz

[bV] -qùz

[fV]-[C] -ùij

[bV]-C -ùj

[fV] -qùij

[bV] -qùj

[fV]-[C] -ùik

[bV]-C -ùk

[fV] -qùik

[bV] -qùk

Spindly [fV]-[C] -ùix

[bV]-C -ùx

[fV] -qùix

[bV] -qùx

[fV]-[C] -ùixoen

[bV]-C -ùxon

[fV] -qùixoen

[bV] -qùxon

[fV]-[C] -ùixoen

[bV]-C -ùxon

[fV] -qùixoen

[bV] -qùxon

[fV]-[C] -ùixoes

[bV]-C -ùxos

[fV] -qùixoes

[bV] -qùxos

[fV]-[C] -ùixoex

[bV]-C -ùxox

[fV] -qùixoex

[bV] -qùxox

[fV]-[C] -ùixoek

[bV]-C -ùxof

[fV] -qùixoek

[bV] -qùxof

Locative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [fV] --stra

[bV] --stro

[fV] --stran(a) [dia]

[bV] --stron(o) [dia]

[fV] --strad

[bV] --strod

[fV] --streses

[bV] --strosos

[fV] --stracj

[bV] --strocj

[fV] --straf

[bV] --strof

Narrow [fV]-[vC] -zdrieo

[bV]-[vC] -zdreo

[fV]-{n/z} -drieo

[bV]-{n/z} -dreo

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieon [d̪ɾiɤn]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reon [d̪ɾɤn]

[fV]-{j} -> -zdrieo

[bV]-{j} -> zdreo

[fV]-{cj} -> drieo

[bV]-{d/cj} -> dreo

[fV] --zdrieon

[bV] --zdreon

[fV]-{n/z} -drieon [d͡ʒɹiɤn]

[bV]-{n/z} -dreon [d͡ʒɹɤn]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieon [d̪ɾiɤn]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reon [d̪ɾɤn]

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieon

[bV]-{j} -> zdreon

[fV]-{cj} -> drieon [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{cj} -> dreon [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV] --zdrieod

[bV] --zdreod

[fV]-{n/z} -drieod

[bV]-{n/z} -dreod

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieod

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reod

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieod

[bV]-{j} -> zdreod

[fV]-{cj} -> drieod

[bV]-{cj} -> dreod

[fV] --zdrieoz

[bV] --zdreoz

[fV]-{n/z} -drieoz

[bV]-{n/z} -dreoz

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieoz

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reoz

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieoz

[bV]-{j} -> zdreoz

[fV]-{cj} -> drieoz

[bV]-{cj} -> dreoz

[fV] --zdrieoj

[bV] --zdreoj

[fV]-{n/z} -drieoj

[bV]-{n/z} -dreoj

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieoj

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reoj

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieoj

[bV]-{j} -> zdreoj

[fV]-{cj} -> drieoj

[bV]-{cj} -> dreoj

[fV] --zdrieovêov

[bV] --zdreovêov

[fV]-{n/z} -drieovêov

[bV]-{n/z} -dreovêov

[fV]-{d/cz} - -rieovêov

[bV]-{d/cz} - -reovêov

[fV]-{j} -> zdrieovêov

[bV]-{j} -> zdreovêov

[fV]-{cj} -> drieovêov

[bV]-{cj} -> dreovêov

Plural [fV] --stroe

[bV] --stro

[fV] --stroem

[bV] --strom

[fV] --stroet

[bV] --strot

[fV] --stroes

[bV] --stros

[fV] --stroexuix

[bV] --stroxux

[fV] --stroef

[bV] --strof

Spindly -cce

{c} -> c-cxe

{cx} -cxe, -> cce [dia]

-ccenan, -ccexin [dia]

{c} -> c-cxe(nan/xin) [dia]

{cx} -cxenan, -> ccexin [dia]


{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]


{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]


{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]


{c} -> c-cxet

{cx} -cxet, -> ccet [dia]

Semblative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -li -liun -lit -lis -lix -lik
Narrow [rV] --ro

[uV] --reo

[rV] --ron

[uV] --reon

[rV] --rot

[uV] --reot

[rV] --roz

[uV] --reoz

[rV] --rox

[uV] --reox

[rV] --rok

[uV] --reok

Plural -la -lan -lat -laz -laj -lav
Equative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -iciu -iciun -iciut -isqc -ixqc -if
Narrow [rV]-[C] -oexuix

[uV]-[C] -exix

[rV] -xuix

[uV] -xix

[rV]-[C] -oexuin

[uV]-[C] -exin

[rV] -xuin

[uV] -xin

[rV]-[C] -oexoet

[uV]-[C] -exet

[rV] -xuixoet

[uV] -xixet

[rV]-[C] -oexuis

[uV]-[C] -exis

[rV] -xuixoes

[uV] -xixes

[rV]-[C] -oexuix

[uV]-[C] -exix

[rV] -xuixoex

[uV] -xixex

[rV]-[C] -oexoek

[uV]-[C] -exek

[rV] -xuixek

[uV] -xixek

Plural [rV] --uizoe

[uV] --ize

[rV] --uizoen

[uV] --izen

-d, -da, -ad

[dia, sometimes C/V]

[rV] --uizoec

[uV] --izec

[rV] --uij(oe) [dia]

[uV] --ij(e) [dia]

[rV] --uizk

[uV] --izk

Spindly [rV] --kao

[uV] --ka

[rV] --kaoh

[uV] --kah

[rV] --kaot

[uV] --kat

[rV] --kaoz

[uV] --kaz

[rV] --kaox

[uV] --kax

[rV] --kaok

[uV] --kak

Alt. Spindly [rV] --kaofui

[uV] --kafui

[rV] --kaofuin

[uV] --kafuin

[rV] --kaofuizè

[uV] --kafuizè

[rV] --kaofuis

[uV] --kafuis

[rV] --kaofuix [dia]

[uV] --kafuix [dia]

f may be z or fuiz; [dia]

[rV] --kaofui(v) [dia]

[uV] --kafui(v) [dia]]

f may be z or fuiz; [dia]

Relative Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad [rV] --liòna, --yòna [dia]

[uV] --lièna, --yèna [dia]

[rV] --liòng, --yòng [dia]

[uV] --lièn, --yèn [dia]

[rV] --liònt, --yònt [dia]

[uV] --liènt, --yènt [dia]

[rV] --liònaz, --yònaz [dia]

[uV] --liènaz, --yènaz [dia]

[rV] --liònaj, --yònaj [dia]

[uV] --liènaj, --yènaj [dia]

[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]

[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]

Narrow [rV] --râ(v) [dia]

[uV] -r-âo(v) [dia]

[rV] --rân

[uV] --râon

[rV] --râd

[uV] --râod

[rV] --râz

[uV] --râoz

[rV] --râj

[uV] --râoj

[rV] --râk

[uV] --râok

Plural [C] -ilia [irr]

[rV] -liòna, -yòna [dia]

[uV] -lièna, -yèna [dia]

{n} -yè

[C] -ilian [irr]

[rV] -liòn, -yòn [dia]

[uV] -lièn, -yèn [dia]

{n} -yàn

[C] -iliat [irr]

[rV] -liònt, -yònt [dia]

[uV] -liènt, -yènt [dia]

{n} -yàt

[C] -iliaz [irr]

[rV] -liònaz, -yònaz [dia]

[uV] -liènaz, -yènaz [dia]

{n} -yàz

[C] -iliaj [irr]

[rV] -liònaj, -yònaj [dia]

[uV] -liènaj, -yènaj [dia]

{n} -yèx

[C] -iliak [irr]

[rV] --liòngka, --yòngka [dia]

[uV] --lièngka, --yèngka [dia]

{n} -yàk

Spindly [C] -ùixuil

[V] -qùixuil

[C] -ùixuin

[V] -qùixuin

[C] -ùixuit

[V] -qùixuit

[C] -ùixuiz

[V] -qùixuiz

[C] -ùixuix

[V] -qùixuix

[C] -ùixuik

[V] -qùixuik

Locative-Genitive Case
Gender Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Post-Alevolar Peripheral
Broad -straqùina -straqùin -straqùit -straqùiz -straqùix -straqùi(v) [dia]
Narrow [fV] --zdriêona

[bV] --zdrêona

[fV]-{n/z} -driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{n/z} -drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêona [d̪ɾiɤ]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêona [d̪ɾɤ]

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêona

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêona

[fV]-{cj} -> driêona [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{cj} -> drêona [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV] --zdriêon

[bV] --zdrêon

[fV]-{n/z} -driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤn]

[bV]-{n/z} -drêon [d͡ʒɹɤn]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêon [d̪ɾiɤn]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêon [d̪ɾɤn]

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêon

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêon

[fV]-{cj} -> driêon [d͡ʒɹiɤ]

[bV]-{cj} -> drêon [d͡ʒɹɤ]

[fV] --zdriêot

[bV] --zdrêot

[fV]-{n/z} -driêot

[bV]-{n/z} -drêot

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêot

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêot

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêot

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêot

[fV]-{cj} -> driêot

[bV]-{cj} -> drêot

[fV] --zdriêoncz

[bV] --zdrêoncz

[fV]-{n/z} -driêoncz

[bV]-{n/z} -drêoncz

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêoncz

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêoncz

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêoncz

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêoncz

[fV]-{cj} -> driêoncz

[bV]-{cj} -> drêoncz

[fV] --zdriêoncj

[bV] --zdrêoncj

[fV]-{n/z} -driêoncj

[bV]-{n/z} -drêoncj

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêoncj

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêoncj

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêonc

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêonc

[fV]-{cj} -> driêonc

[bV]-{cj} -> drêonc

[fV] --zdriêo(v) [dia]

[bV] --zdrêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{n/z} -driêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{n/z} -drêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{d/cz} - -riêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{d/cz} - -rêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{j} -> zdriêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{j} -> zdrêo(v) [dia]

[fV]-{cj} -> driêovêo(v) [dia]

[bV]-{cj} -> drêovêo(v) [dia]

Plural -strôna -strônoen -strônta -strôsos -strôj(a) [dia] -strôk
Spindly -ccûi(n(a) [dia]

{c} -> c-cxûi(n(a)) [dia]

{cx} -cxûi(n(a), -> ccûi(n(a) [dia]


{c} -> c-cxeqûin

{cx} -cxeqûin, -> cceqûin [dia]


{c} -> c-cxeqûit

{cx} -cxeqûit, -> cceqûit [dia]


{c} -> c-cxûis

{cx} -cxûis, -> ccûis [dia]


{c} -> c-cxûix

{cx} -cxûix, -> ccûix [dia]


{c} -> c-cxûik

{cx} -cxûik, -> ccûikd [dia]


Zdrole is rich in pronouns, coding for person, non-biological noun class and verb gender, human vs. nonhuman, number, proximity, and relationship closeness and formality.

Personal Pronouns

Zdrole has many pronouns, each coded for verb gender and case. It could be interpreted that many of the below cases are more akin to prepositional pronouns. Most other dependent clauses will receive either the Relative case (which denotes the subject of the clause and, if alone, also acts as a relative pronoun), or the Absolutive. Each pronoun also has an emphatic or intensive pronoun, which have occasionally taken on the meaning of other existing noun cases.

The Inessive-Instrumental, while no longer used for nouns, is still used for pronouns, and has become strictly an ornative / comitative / possessive, i.e. claiming that someone has something or someone with them at that moment. "With" (weak and strong) is usually foregone for pronouns entirely, with the emphatic usually being used for animate/strong with and the regular for inanimate/weak with. The Locative-Genetive is slightly different from its old noun case, being exclusively used for kinship and creation of alienable possessives, while The Ergative can be used as a less connected ablative or genitive possessive pronoun (as with normal nouns). The Absolutive case also acts as a reflexive pronoun, while the Dative case can act as a reciprocal pronoun.

Several cases are however not used. The equative can never be used for a pronoun, as with the semblative and all of its compounds, as only full nouns and proper nouns may receive such cases. The causative has since merged with the Ergative emphatic, while the Benefactive has merged with the Dative emphatic (unlike other nouns where it's usually in the causative outside of the copula). The benefactive has merged with the dative (as there is no causative case), while the allative is thought to have never emerged in pronouns.

First Person Pronoun Emphatic First Person Pronouns
Gender/Case Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral Open Nasal Dental Alveolar Postalveolar Peripheral
Ergative uini uin uinit uinis uinix uinik E
Absolutive uil uil uit, uilt [dia] uis uix uif Ab
Dative uih uihen uisqt uisqc uixqc uihqk D
Locative uistra uistran uistrat uistras uistrax uistraf L
Relative uina uin uinat uinas uinax uinak R
Approximative uistreola uistreolan uistreolat uistreolas uistreolax uistreolaf Ap
Locative-Genetive uicxi uicxin uicxit uicxis uicxix uicxik LG
Comitative-Possessive uici uisin uisit uisic, uic [dia] uisicx uicik, uisik [dia] CP

{l} -yl


{l} -yl

-ʉlɵt -ʉlɵc -ʉlɵx -ʉlɵ(k) [dia]