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Palatine, also known as The Palatinate Empire. Is a roleplay region in NationStates based upon The Middle ages and romantic legends such as the tales of King Arthur and Charlemagne. It was founded by Lady of the Lake and Karl de Palatine in 773 AD. It was before a territory of the Roman Empire. Palatine is a land of myth and legend. Monsters are also located in some of the most extreme places in Palatine and are far away from the populated areas.

The main map of the region of Palatine


Palatine is land of a myth and legend, in ancient times forged into a mighty realm by the legendary warrior-king King Karel de Palatine. Inspired by visions of Lady of the Lake he gathered the most chivalrous warriors in the land and formed the Order of the Grail, a knightly order that protected the people from both raiders and monsters. In time the exploits of Karel and his champions became heros and Kings in their own right. The lands they protected became known as the Palatinate Empire, a realm of peace and prosperity.

It would not last however, 115 years after the Empire's founding his great grandson Emperor Matthias, took his armies northeast, seeking battle with northern raiders. Matthias found himself betrayed. He was ambushed by the warriors they sought, and cut off from retreat by one of his own bannerets. Matthias, his sons, as well as many of his closest friends and allies were killed in the ensuing battle. And with them died the Imperial line and the bonds of trust and fellowship between his champions.

What followed was the Interregnum, over five hundred years of decay, war and suffering. In which the realm was splitered, it's institutions forgotten, and of the deeds of its hero's faded to myth. Karlsburg; The city that emperor Karel founded was sieged and stormed so often that it was eventually abandoned and fell into ruin. The Chalice of the Lady, the sacred relic of the realms knightly order was lost. Robber barons, bandit kings and petty warlords set themselves up as lords of petty kingdoms that feuded and warred constantly while the people starved. Even those remaining valent knights who held to the traditions of chivalry put personal oaths above noble obligation, leaving their lands to pursue quests of vainglory.

One among these knights was Ulrich von Hagan who had devoted his life to the hunt of the Harian boar; a monster that his family had pursued ever since his forefather had vowed to kill it as an act of penance. However at the moment he was closest to catching the creature he was tested by the Lady of the Lake. Ulrich, having passed her test was given the grail of Palatine and tasked with reforming the realm. Ulrich abandoned his futile hunt and gathered those who accept the oath of the order of the grail and assist in reforging the empire. In 1419 These champions convened as the Counts Elector of Palatine to compile the Carta Imperialis, laws for a reformed Palatine Empire.

Natural Features

Nieten Ocean: A vast open water, the Nieten Ocean serves as the coastline for much of the continent. Cold to the North To the west it bears storms of incredible fury. To the south however it is warm and calm. The ocean connects many of the realms of Palatine, thanks to it's protected harbors and wide rivers that allow seafaring ships access deep into the continent. It is a dangerous place however, and not a port in Palatine is without a sailor whose tales tell of the monsters that ply it's depths. Across its waters lay arid lands, once home to empires older then any tales tell, though now their great works are but ruins.

Sea of Silfran: A warm protected water the sea of Silfran is the gateway to the east. The ships that ply it's calm waters carry all manner of exotic goods, spices, silks, gems and especially silver. But it is not without it's dangers. Eastern raiders are a constant threat, as are the sirens that haunt outlying rocks, luring ships to their doom.

Vintra Sea: To the north of Palatine lies the Vintra sea, grey and cold. It provides a bounty in fish and ivory, but it's storms batter the northern coast each winter. The sea of Vintra is home to some of the largest and most ferocious serpents known, and wise sailors stay close to the coasts.

Bijou Bay: A warm inland sea opening into the Nieten Ocean, Bijou bay is a center of maritime commerce, thanks to it's protected seas and river access to many of the regions largest markets.

Harian Mountains: The snow capped peaks of the Harian Mountains divide the western portion of Palatine in half. The range's foothills are rich in seams of Iron and precious metals, and as such are dotted with mining towns. However the summits are also home to fierce beasts; Griffins particularly are known to make their homes deep among the mountain peaks, and occasionally terrorize the surrounding residents. As such this region is a common destination for knights errant seeking to prove their valor, though many do not return.

Mountains of Timoris: Far to the east the Mountains of Timoris, or mountains of terror separate Palatine from the lands to the east. A maze of shear cliffs, narrow valleys and winding tunnels the mountian range is largely unexplored, believed to be impassable, and known to be home to all sort of monstrous creatures.

Great Greidian Fields: In the eastern reaches of the realm the Greidian Fields stretch from the foothills of the Harian mountains to the cliffs of the Mountians of Timoris. There endless grass waves under an open sky. The feilds of Greidian are home to numerous herdsman and farmers, for it is a fertile region, if arid, and home to some of the best horses in the land. It is not always an easy life. The Greidian Fields are the realm's eastern frontier, near the Mountains of Timorous, and bisected by the Ogre Hills, which are accurately named. The threat of attack is made even more difficult because the flat grasslands offer little means in the way of fortification.

Moremer Fens: A ghastly place that most avoid, the Mormere Fens stretch from the foothills of the Harian mountians to the shores of the sea of Vintra. It is a land of miles of treacherous marshlands and fetid pools, obscured by heavy fog. In it's depths rise countless black cairns covering the graves of long dead warriors. It was here that Matthias, the fourth Emperor of Palatine, was ultimately betrayed by one of his bannerets. This betrayal lead to his armies slaughter at the hands of northern raiders and the end of the house de Palatine. It is said that the fens are haunted by specters of count and his knights.

Lake Nymue: A placid lake nestled in the dense forests in northern Palatine, Lake Nymue is a place of pilgrimage for knights who seek the blessing of the lady of the lake, a spirit believed to be an apparition of St St Viviane.


AD 1 Birth of Jesus, as assigned by Dionysius Exiguus

412 Rome withdraws from Palatine

773 Karl de Palatine encounters the Lady of the Lake

774 Order of the Grail formed

778 Palatine Empire formed

808 Death of Karl de Palatine

893 Death of Mattias de Palatine and end of Palatine dynasty

913 last reliable record of the Chalice of the Order of the Grail

933 Knights of the Grail dissolved

966 Last direct vassal state of Palatine declares independence

1397 Ulrich Von Hagan begins hunting the Harian boar

1413 First record of the harvest plague

1417 Lady of the Lake appears to Ulrich Von Hagan

1422 Counts Palatine convene to compile the Carta Imperialis

1423 Present