OOC:The Imperium of Light

Revision as of 19:21, 27 July 2024 by Lionsroar (talk | contribs)
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Pages to create

  • Cyborg Amalgamation (Humans with cyborg implants, not in side with the church = heresy, less control over their body)
  • The "Humanity" flagship of the Divine Imperator, one of the 8 legions, Ark of Omnius comment on reddit
  • Officio Relicta
  • The Golden Suit golden suit
  • Exite (Exite making the base of the suit as one of the hardest materials)
  • Illuril (illuril as a wonderous solid light-liquid alloy capable of strong psychich use)
  • The Nomadic Aliens of the Xi'Shauri (living in space stations)
  • Aethers as (psykers, magicians)