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Human (Realms)

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File:Hanfu man and lady.jpg
A human woman (left) and man (right)
Total population
8,279,040,000 (2050)
Related ethnic groups
Vampires, Werewolves, Celestials

Humans (Chinese: 人类 rénlèi) are a species in Realms. They comprise the vast majority of the cast of characters and are also the second natural sentient beings to populate the Earth after ghosts, with the artificially made dragons being created before the first humans set foot on Earth.



After the Second War of Heaven and Earth, and the creation of the Realm of Ghosts, God sought to create a second sentient species to fill the emptiness left by the ghosts. To this end, He sent Izrail to Earth to gather soil samples from every corner of the planet. Following the angel's return to Heaven, God combined the samples and molded it into the form best suited for life on earth, and put in it a large amount of divine spark, giving it life and sentience. God named this new creation Adam.

Adam was then revealed to the other denizens of Heaven, with God announcing him as the next guardian of earth. This was received with doubt from the angels, who believed that Adam is no different than the ghosts who preceeded him, and that he would cause just as much damage as the ghosts did. God then took Adam and gave him Knowledge of All Things. This allowed him to pass a test God gave to both him and the angels, with none of the latter even coming close to his results. Following this revelation, all the creatures of heaven, including angels, animals, and even ghosts prostrated to Adam. All except for the only ghost to achieve a high rank in God's army, Azazel. In his eyes, Adam was an upstart newcomer who is beneath him as Azazel was a ghost, and therefore made before Adam from fire, while Adam was made later from soil.

As punishment for his arrogance, Azazel was exiled from Heaven and cursed with immortality. He took on a more feral, more horrifying form and became the first demon. He also took on a new name - The Devil. Just as he was about to leave Heaven, he swore to God that he would lead Adam's descendants down a path of evil so that he can torture them for eternity in Hell after they died.

After months of living in Heaven as the only human, Adam complained that he was feeling lonely as he was the only one of his kinds. In response, God created Eve from one of his ribs.

Fall from Heaven

After being exiled, The Devil began to telepathically tempt both Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of The Tree of Life, telling them that doing so would grant them immortality at the level of angels, knowing they were unaware of their own immortality in Heaven. One day, the couple fell to his temptation and ate from the tree, being exiled from Heaven themselves. This exile was not a punishment for their transgression. Rather, it was in God's plan all along as He intended humanity to become the guardians of Earth, not Heaven.

Early life on Earth

Adam and Eve were sent to different parts of Earth; Adam somewhere in the Indian subcontinent, while Eve somewhere in Africa. Gabriel was sent to both of them to teach them the basics of survival in the planet, including the knowledge of agriculture. The couple travelled this new and unfamiliar world to see each other, which they did in Mecca. There, they settled and had two sets of twin children, the first being Cain and Iqlimiya, and the second Abel and Layudha. Adam then taught his family how to combine their own spiritual energy with that of another, effectively creating a universal language so that his descendants could understand each other and avoid conflict without speaking a word, predicting the possible extinction of the language they spoke at the time.

When his children came of age, Adam was commanded by God to have them married, Abel with Iqlimiya and Cain with Layudha. Cain protested to this arrangement, jealous that the more attractive Iqlimiya was to marry his brother instead of him. To settle this dispute, God had the brothers prepare a sacrifice to Him. Abel's sacrifice was accepted as he provided God with the best meat his livestock produced, while Cain did not provide God with his best harvest, instead opting to sacrifice yields of a much lower quality. In a fit of rage, Cain combined his spiritual energy with his physical energy to call down a meteorite to strike Abel, killing him and inadvertently inventing superpowers.

Cain's murder of Abel did not go unnoticed. Their mother, Eve, cried hysterically every night for months, while Adam travelled the world to clear his mind. Cain was banished to the Land of Nod and cursed with the "mark of Cain", becoming the first Nodic and ancestor to modern earthling vampires.

Adam's travels

Adam wandered the earth with only meagre supplies, preferring to hunt and gather his food as he went. He carried with him some blue dye, which he used to mark the places he slept in with a hand print inside a circle. This symbol was later used by his descendants as a flag of humanity.

At an unspecified point in time, Adam reached the Indus River and planned to rest nearby when he heared the cries of an animal unknown to him. Following the sound, he saw a great dragon with unprecedented levels of spiritual power. Worried that the dragon could harm his descendants in the future, he fought him and struggled, being stuck in a stalemate for six days. On the seventh day, Adam, through a combination of analysis and telepathy, realized the dragon was not naturally a singular entity - he was originally five dragons, combined through supernatural means. Knowing he could not defeat the beast, Adam created a technique based on his hypothesis on how the dragons were merged. He managed to split the dragon with this technique, before throwing each of the dragons that constituted the being so far apart from each other that they could not merge again in the near future, especially in their weakened state. Leviathan was sent to the seas off the coast of Palestine, Pamola to North America, Camazotz to Central America, Fuzanlong to southern China, and Basmu to southern Iran.