Big Brother Vitosium Season 14

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Big Brother Vitosium Season 14
Hosted bySofia Venoa
No. of days88
No. of houseguests16
WinnerPaetra Nunzio
Runner-upRiga Taletti
Vitosium's Favorite JurorNatano Palmas
Country of originVitosium
Original networkNoble
Season chronology

Big Brother 14: All Stars 2 is the fourteenth season of the Vitosian reality television series Big Brother. The show premiered June 20th, 2017 on the Noble television network, airing three times a week.

The twist this season is ALL STARS!


Name Season Age on entry Day entered Day exited Result New Placement
 Paetra Nunzio  8 (6th) 32 1 88 Winner
Riga Taletti 11 (9th) 48 1 88 Runner-up
 Sylas Toza  9 (6th) 40 1 88 Evicted 3rd
Alicia Rowcliffe 12 (7th) 30 1 84 Evicted 4th
 Natano Palmas  9 (5th) 30 1 77 Evicted 5th
Candice Balla (nee Sombend) 10 (7th) 31 1 77 Evicted 6th
 Sintia Obrahoma  13 (9th) 42 1 70 Evicted 7th
 Desmond Lenmore  13 (3rd) 27 1 70 Evicted 8th
Enrica Bellmore 11 (4th) 35 1 63 Evicted 9th
Morando Vonnera 10 (5th) 33 1 28 Evicted 10th
36 56
Vanessa Manzanedo 8 (9th) 36 1 49 Evicted 11th
Palinia Folpav 12 (9th) 50 1 42 Evicted 12th
Russell Youssef 12 (6th) 43 ? 35 Evicted 13th
Cameron Amarillio 11 (2nd) 36 1 21 Evicted 14th
Viriata Ko-Sombend (nee Sombend) 10 (4th) 36 1 14 Evicted 15th
Sebio Saldana 13 (6th) 47 1 7 Evicted 16th
Rae Gunaydin
Teio Coambra


BBV Season 14: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

Nomination Chart

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Eviction
Round 1 Round 2 Round 1 Round 2 Round 1 Round 2
Head of Household Palinia Sylas Sintia Riga Palinia Vanessa Morando Candice Desmond Paetra Riga Natano Sylas Paetra Paetra (none)
Veto Winner Viriata Paetra Enrica Russell Natano Candice Sylas Enrica Desmond Riga Natano Sylas Sylas Riga (none)
Paetra Sebio Viriata Cameron Natano Enrica Palinia Sintia Nominated Riga Head of
Sintia Nominated Natano Head of
Sylas Winner
Riga Sylas Candice Natano Head of
Enrica Natano Vanessa Paetra Nominated Alicia Head of
Candice Alicia Alicia Nominated RunnerUp
Sylas Nominated Viriata Cameron Morando Enrica Palinia Sintia Morando Riga Desmond Sintia Paetra Natano Nominated Evicted (Day 88) Paetra
Alicia Sebio Candice Cameron Morando Russell Natano Vanessa Morando Enrica Nominated Nominated Candice Nominated Nominated Evicted (Day 84) Paetra
Natano Sebio Candice Nominated Nominated Russell Nominated Sintia Morando Enrica Desmond Sintia Head of
Nominated Evicted (1-1)
(Day 77)
Candice Sebio Nominated Cameron Natano Russell Palinia Vanessa Head of
Enrica Desmond Alicia Nominated Evicted (2-1)
(Day 77)
Sintia Sylas Candice Head of
Morando Russell Natano Nominated Paetra Riga Alicia Nominated Evicted (3-1)
(Day 70)
Desmond Sebio Viriata Natano Morando Enrica Palinia Vanessa Morando Enrica Nominated Evicted (3-2)
(Day 70)
Enrica Sylas Viriata Cameron Natano Nominated Palinia Sintia Morando Nominated Evicted (4-2)
(Day 63)
Morando Sylas Viriata Natano Nominated Evicted (6-4)
(Day 28)
Palinia Vanessa Nominated Evicted (5-2)
(Day 56)
Vanessa Sylas Viriata Cameron Natano Russell Head of
Nominated Evicted (4-4)
(Day 49)
Palinia Head of
Candice Cameron Morando Head of
Nominated Evicted (6-3)
(Day 42)
Russell Sylas Candice Natano Morando Nominated Evicted (5-4)
(Day 35)
Cameron Sebio Viriata Nominated Evicted (7-4)
(Day 21)
Viriata Sebio Nominated Evicted (6-6)
(Day 14)
Sebio Nominated Evicted (7-6)
(Day 7)

  • Regarding introductions...
    • Paetra TBA
    • Natano says that, in Season 1, his dad competed and, in Season 2, he followed in his footsteps. Five years later, he is married and is still a Financial Director but now he makes even more money.
    • Sylas Sosa says that, since Season 2, he and his wife had their third kid and his oldest is now 16.
    • Viriata says that, in the past 4 years since Season 3, she went from being a Conservation Technician to a full blown Mortician!!! She even met her husband during one of the funerals. Formerly, Viriata Sombend, she is now Viriata Ko-Sombend.
    • Candice Sombend says that she was a Marine Photographer during Season 3 but she was also pursuing law at the time. As of last year, she became a civil attorney and even got engaged to her fiancee, Fanella!
    • Morando says that it has been 4 years since Season 3. He and his wife, Lanisa, had a child and he gets along well with his father-in-law, Wilson, now.
    • Vanessa says that she was known for her confrontational behaviour in Season 3 but has since calmed down a lot. She says that the game definitely got to her but, if it comes out again, it comes out. She is still an International Philosophy Professor but the main difference in her life is that she is engaged to a fellow professor in her university named Quentin Veitao.
    • Cameron Amarillio is still a Marine Biologist. He also comments that he made a grave error in bringing Shonee Valino to the end, thinking that the jury would be bitter against her. He is back to right his wrong.
    • Desmond Lenmore says that he and Shannon Craftia have been dating for 8 months.
    • Sintia Obrahoma says that her and Edwin Chastain have been dating for 10 months.

  • In Week 1, Palinia wins HOH and puts up Natano and Sylas. Viriata wins the VETO and uses it on Natano, leading to Sebio being the replacement nominee. Sebio is sent packing.
    • Palinia makes an all girls alliance consisting of herself, Enrica, Riga and the Sombend sisters (Candice and Viriata). She is open to them about how she plans to play to win and she wants all five of them in the Final 5.
    • Alicia, Desmond, Paetra and Natano make a Final 4 called The Quad Squad. Desmond is fanboying over being in an alliance with people he rooted for. The others comment that they were rooting for him last season too.
    • Candice and Viriata are suuuper excited to play together again. They approach Paetra and make a Final 3, saying that they wanted Alannah in here as well.
    • Palinia puts up Natano and Sylas for being huge comp threats in Season 2. Natano and Sylas, however, feel like neither of them waited five years for one of them to go home first.
    • Enrica, Morando and Sintia are all playing super strategically, which gets some notice. However, Palinia refuses to put any of them up, especially since she is allied with Enrica.
    • When Natano is taken off, she puts up another comp threat, Sebio, and tells the house to vote for whoever. Her own alliance is split on the vote. Sebio gets a majority of votes due to how he played the game in his original season.

  • In Week 2, Sylas wins HOH and puts up Candice and Viriata (the Sombend sisters from Season 3). Paetra wins the VETO and does not use it. Viriata is sent packing.
    • Sylas talks to Natano and Vanessa about splitting up the Sombend sisters, which they agree with.
    • Alicia, Desmond, Sintia and Paetra notice that Viriata isn't talking strategy with anybody and has just casually talking about her life. The four of them talk and feel like Viriata may be against them since she refuses to talk strategy to any of them.
    • Desmond notes his concern to Candice and asks if the sisters are coming after him, which Candice denies. She talks to Viriata who says that she stopped talking strategy days ago because she doesn't want to play that game this season. Candice asks if it is too early for her while Viriata says that she doesn't want to talk strategy at all because of the stress and paranoia she went through last season.
    • After Sylas puts up Candice and Viriata, Viriata openly tells everybody that, this season, she is not going to talk strategy. Alicia and Natano get concerned and talk to V who says that she is fine.
    • Sylas makes an alliance with Vanessa, Enrica and Candice (The Toy Soldiers). He says that Viriata is his target.

  • In Week 3, Sintia wins HOH and puts up Candice and Natano. Enrica wins the VETO and uses it on Candice, leading to Cameron being the replacement nominee. Cameron is sent packing.
    • Russell is established as the kind-hearted dad, Vanessa is a bit feisty but overall super supportive, Desmond and Natano are absolute sweethearts, Alicia is mega hilarious and Riga is the stern mom who likes to keep the house super clean and joke around with people.
    • Cameron and Sintia bond a bit and he manages to convince her that Candice and Natano are mega threats who are coming after her. Privately, Cameron hopes to turn people against Sintia with this HOH as well so there is another target in front of him.
    • Paetra, Vanessa and Enrica make an alliance called (Triple Threat).
    • When Sintia puts up Candice and Natano, the both of them are confused as they thought they were good with her.
    • Triple Threat (Candice, Vanessa and Enrica) figure out that Cameron is trying to control Sintia's HOH and find it out of character for Sintia to fall for that. When they talk to Sintia, she feels conflicted.
    • Candice holds a house meeting and calls out Cameron for trying to control Sintia's HOH and take her or Natano out when Sintia wasn't even on their radars. At the end of the house meeting, Sintia is now convinced and plans to backdoor him, which she does.

  • In Week 4, Riga wins HOH and puts up Natano and Sylas. Russell wins the VETO and uses it on Sylas, leading to Morando being the replacement nominee. Morando is sent packing.
    • Palinia talks to everybody about her grandchildren.
    • Natano, knowing that he is on the way out, talks to Alicia, Desmond and Paetra about how Morando is famous for constantly surviving the block while he will always be a shield in front of them.

  • In Week 5, Palinia wins HOH and puts up Candice and Enrica. Natano wins the VETO and uses it on Candice, leading to Russell (the true target) being the replacement nominee. Russell is sent packing.
    • After nominations, Palinia tells Candice and Enrica that they are just pawns. The both of them feel like nobody would use the VETO on them with Enrica getting really angry at Palinia as people may target her this week over whoever her true target is. Palinia keeps her true target a secret, sketching out the both of them.
    • Natano talks to Candice and says that, while he knows that she didn't vote for him to stay last week, he is hoping that they can ally moving forward. He says that he will use the VETO on her if he has her word.

  • In Week 6, Morando wins his way back in meaning that Sebio, Viriata, Cameron and Russell are permanently evicted. Vanessa wins HOH and puts up Desmond and Natano. Candice wins the VETO and uses it on Desmond, leading to Palinia being the replacement nominee. Palinia is sent packing.
    • Triple Threat (Paetra, Vanessa and Enrica) all discuss taking out Palinia this week but feel like she has a huge chance to win the VETO so they discuss the option of a backdoor.
    • Riga, annoyed at how she is always on the outs, decides to jokingly make sure she always votes wrong.

Riga holds a unique distinction of never being right about a vote once in her whole run of the game. Candice and Riga get into a huge argument after Riga evicts Alicia over Sylas. Candice then destroys the Final HOH, evicts Sylas, and passionate wins the game.

  • In Week 1, Palinia's goal is to get a huge competition threat out.
  • In Week 2, Sylas makes a deal with Palinia, even saying that people will come after her for winning the first HOH so taking out competition threats won't matter. His goal is to split up the Sombend sisters.
  • In Week 3, Cameron convinces Sintia (the HOH) to go after Natano with Candice as a pawn. However, after Enrica wins the VETO, Sintia catches on that Cameron is trying to use her and decides to backdoor him.
  • In Week 4, HOH Riga wants one of Natano and Sylas to go home despite them not even working together. Her replacement nominee, Morando, goes home instead due to people knowing how well he can survive the block.
  • In Week 5, Palinia's plan is to backdoor Russell for sending her home back in Season 5.