BBT Season 6: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Timeria Season 4!

1) One player becomes the Head of Household and has their own private bedroom and bathroom. They are also the player who is able to nominate two houseguests for eviction (elimination).
2) Two houseguests are nominated for eviction at the Nomination Ceremony.
3) The HOH, the two nominees and three people chosen for random draw are picked to play in the Veto Competition.
4) The winner, known as the Veto Holder, is able to, when the Veto Ceremony happens, take off one of the nominees or not use it at all and leave both of them "on the block" (term comes from "chopping block"). Should a nominee be taken off, the Head of Household must choose somebody to replace them. This person, however, can not be the Veto Holder. Winning the Veto makes you immune from being the Replacement Nominee that week.
5) At the end of the week, the Eviction Ceremony happens. The two nominees give a thirty second speech as to why they should stay. after that, each houseguest, one at a time, goes into the Diary Room (where they normally give confessionals) and state who they want to evict. As one houseguest leaves the Diary Room, another enters, rinse and repeat, until everybody (expect for the nominees) has voted. The Head of Household only votes in the event of a tie.
6) "By a vote of _ to _, (houseguest), you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please say your goodbyes and head out the front door."
7) The Head of Household competition begins! The outgoing HOH, however, can not compete.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 Introductions! The first five to enter:






The next five to enter:






The next four to enter:


A massive superfan. He has been wanting to go on the show since Vitosium Season 11 was airing.



The next four to enter:





Everybody is told about the pair twist and that, for the first few weeks, they will be evicted as pairs.

In the first challenge, Trevor and Malia win immunity for two weeks and are given a choice between luxury food for them and slop for the rest or vice versa. They choose to take on slop for themselves.

Episode 2 Shanta and Wylisha win HOH.

Trevor and Malia start an alliance with David and Jamie. Threston and Yanina are also seen making an alliance with Cohen and Joel. Cohen and Joel makes an alliance with Shanta and Wylisha and Cynda and Luvleen but Joel is weary and doesn't plan to be loyal.

Cohen gets into an argument with David over cleanliness of the kitchen.

David's behaviour becomes a talking point with Rebecca and Di'aja.