For random wiki tinkering and brainstorming.
Hey guys, Bulgenstaz here, messing with slavic languages.
Dniesterian Cavunian Aluxian Macedonian (?) Croatian (?) Serbian Ahranaian
Concepts for precursor language:
Migrating slavic tribes, spoke variations of Slavenic (subject to change) migrating possibly since 200AD?
Rihan here:
Yasic (pseudo-Slavic)
Vichodic (eastern)
Zachadic (western)
^This is what Orioni had put on the languages page.
Samaic working
Kirvina here, doing the Central Europan steppe languages. The working name for the group is the "Samaic" languages, or, in the tongues of those that speak them, some variant on "Samaeska." For example, "Samæsu" for the Rihannsu.
Proto-Samaeska emerges on the Central Europan Steppe circa (2000-1000 BC).
The Samaeska volkswanderung makes contact with the Ahromans and neighbors circa (550 BC).
Proto-Akiiryu splits from Proto-Samaeska circa (400 BC). They are those who remain as others move.
Proto-Samaeska becomes Proto-Kirvinska-Rihannsu.
The Proto-Kirvinska separate and cross the Raga Sea circa (50 BC).
The Proto-Rihannsu remain behind, lingering north of modern Suverina.
Isolated, Proto-Akiiryu and Proto-Rihannsu develop into Old Akiiryan and Old Rihanh (100-200 AD).
After several centuries of servitude, Proto-Kirvinska develops into Old Kirvinska (300 AD). The Kirvinska depart across the ocean for Aurelia (350 AD).
Old Akiiryan develops into its modern form, becoming Akiiryan around (500 AD).
Aurelian loanwords and isolation cause Old Kirvinska to develop into Middle Kirvinska (475-800 AD).
The Rihannsu enter into Tagmatine servitude, and their language develops into Middle Rihanh (800-1000 AD).
The Rihannsu are attacked and put to flight, and their language develops into Late Middle Rihanh (1300-1600 AD).
The Kirvinska come into contact with Lysians, Tagmatines, Limonaians, and Rihannsu, decisively moving their language to Modern Kirvinska (1650-1800 AD).
The Rihannsu modernize and industrialize, standardizing their dialects and unifying into Modern Rihanh (1800-1875 AD).
Samaic Languages List:
- Akiiryan
- Rihanh
- Kirvinska
Language families
- West-Arhoman or "Occidental" (pseudo-Greek)
- Tagmatine
- Alexandrian-Romance
- Adapton-Romance
- Lysian?
- East-Arhoman (pseudo-Latin)
- Cristinese/Limonaian
- Mantellan
- Andesino/Andesian
- Iverican
- Belearese
- Cristinese/Limonaian
- (pseudo-Germanic)
- Variot
- Saals
- Standard Prymontian
- Sjådska
- Andallan
- Anglish
- Pynglish
- Alemmanisch
- Heiligen
- Low-Gothic
- High Gothic
- Magnaen
- Welsch
- Andersish
- Gownsch
- Variot
- Yasic (pseudo-Slavic)
- Vichodic (eastern)
- Suverinan
- Zachadic (western)
- Ahranaian
- Cavunian
- Aluxian
- Vichodic (eastern)
- Anadili (pseudo-Asio-Turkic)
- Fulgi
- Giokton
- Oriental (pseudo-Asio-pacific)
- Sunset Sea Islandian
- Oharic
- Miirosi
- Kualoan
- Kipanese
- Selayaric
- (Pseudo-Semitic)
- Sahrabic [might I suggest a different name than Arabic?]
- Yebru
- (Isolates)
- Flauta
- Bahinese [maybe]
- Qardani [maybe, perhaps something steppe-like in origin]
- Rihanh [maybe something Europan steppe in origin, but influenced by not-Latin]
- Oyusard
Expansion 1 info
Qallasa River (the central branch river) Vendrel River (southern branch river) Tiama Valley Korex River (upper main river) Andrack River (lower main river) Thalek Plateau Goreb Hills (oil? several billion barrels) Torek Mountains Voltan Shipyards Baltaric Islands? senator-diplomat connection
Cities: Meraka (manufacturing, refinery), Penvar (river city on the fork), Tom'reth, Leras'nev (manufacturing, port), Kor'Ren (tourism) - Beaches, hot spring baths
Shar'n -> military base
Chula Valley Farm Flood Relief -> divert to military Sestar - RTC license
Monan the Seer
Matarek (top-secret labs run by the military) Forum of Dalerok, Kannam Baths, Tellurad Momument, Kedossian marble
Dannerif, Golev Prison
Kor Thon (Koval's private estate), Islands of D'vrex and Desvix?
Vaonus of Calanista
The Cult of Sargon (rise of monotheistic religion...)
Rare earth metal
Phi'Tlaru spy Tovik
Tartak, Nemor, Parak Province (homeland?)
Expansion 2 info
Relvanek, Vrinak, Toren, Lortal Ladrosh Mountains Carraya Sha'arik
Mining, Timber
Ebrost Mining Corporation
Tralath Province, Harkan Province
Iconian obliesk - archeology - University effort. Iconia - Heron
Korath Tanar