Order of Battle of the Heitlander Volksarmee Ground Forces
This article describes the current structure of the Heitlander Volksarmee Ground Forces. It includes the army's order of battle and the headquarters locations of major units.
The Heitlander Volksarmee Ground Forces is organised into four main elements which report to the Oberbefehlshaber die Volksarmee (Supreme Commander); the Headquarters of the 1. Osztály (1st Division), the Special Operations Command and Oberkommando die Bodenkrafte (Supreme Command of the Ground Forces).
Headquarters 1st Division is responsible for high-level training activities and is capable of being deployed to command large scale ground operations. It does not have any combat units permanently assigned to it, though it commands units during training activities and the Land Combat Readiness Centre reports to the divisional headquarters. Most of the Army's units report to Forces Command, which is responsible for overseeing their readiness and preparing them for operations.
Current order of battle
The following order of battle describes the HVaBk's current organisational structure at the brigade level, including independent battalions.
1st Armeekorps
The Headquarters of the 1st Armeekorps is in TBA.
Combat Divisions
The 1st Army Corps contains 4 total Divisions.
- TBA Reconnaissance Battalion
- TBA Repair and Restoration Battalion
- TBA Service Support Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- 1. Panzerbrigade
- 2. Panzerbrigade
- 3. Panzerbrigade
- 4. Panzerbrigade
- 7. Motor-schützebrigade
- 9. Motor-schützebrigade
- TBA Artillery Regiment
- TBA Air Defence Regiment
- TBA Reconnaissance Battalion
- TBA Repair and Restoration Battalion
- TBA Service Support Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- 10. Motor-schützebrigade
- 13. Motor-schützebrigade
- 14. Motor-schützebrigade
- 15. Motor-schützebrigade
- 23. Motor-schützebrigade
- TBA Artillery Regiment
- TBA Air Defence Regiment
- TBA Reconnaissance Battalion
- TBA Repair and Restoration Battalion
- TBA Service Support Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- 11. Motor-schützebrigade
- 12. Motor-schützebrigade
- 18. Motor-schützebrigade
- 19. Motor-schützebrigade
- 22. Motor-schützebrigade
- TBA Artillery Regiment
- TBA Air Defence Regiment
- TBA Reconnaissance Battalion
- TBA Repair and Restoration Battalion
- TBA Service Support Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- 16. Motor-schützebrigade
- 17. Motor-schützebrigade
- 20. Motor-schützebrigade
- 21. Motor-schützebrigade
- 24. Motor-schützebrigade
- TBA Artillery Regiment
- TBA Air Defence Regiment
Volksarmee Fallschirmjäger-Division
The HVaBk includes a dedicated Division of Air Cavalry and Airborne infantry. It includes:
- TBA Reconnaissance Battalion
- TBA Repair and Restoration Battalion
- TBA Service Support Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- 1. Fallschirmjägerbrigade
- 2. Fallschirmjägerbrigade
- 1. Luftkavalleriebrigade
- TBA Artillery Regiment
- TBA Air Defence Regiment
Volksarmee Marineinfanterie Armeekorps
The HVaBk includes a dedicated Division of Marine infantry. It includes:
- TBA Reconnaissance Battalion
- TBA Repair and Restoration Battalion
- TBA Service Support Battalion
- TBA Communications Battalion
- 1. Marineinfanteriebrigade (Marine Infantry Combat Regiment)
- 2. Marineinfanteriebrigade (Marine Infantry Combat Regiment)
- 3. Marineinfanteriebrigade (Marine Infantry Combat Regiment)
- TBA Artillery Regiment
- TBA Air Defence Regiment
Support Corps
The HVaBk also includes a dedicated Combat Support Regiment, an attack Helicopter support battalion, in addition to the Volksarmee College Vogtberg, Army Logistics Training Centre, Defence Combat Support Training Centre, Army Aviation Training Centre, Combined Arms Training Centre.
17th Support Division
The 17. Unterstützung-Division is a dedicated Support Division based in Vogtberg.
The child units of the 17. U.D. are:
- 6. Funkerbattalion (Communications Battalion)
- 2. Kampfunterstützungbattalion (force support battalion)
- 9. Kampfunterstützungbattalion (force support battalion)
- 10. Kampfunterstützungbattalion (force support battalion)
- 1. Krankenhausbattalion (general health battalion)
- 2. Krankenhausbattalion (general health battalion)
- 3. Krankenhausbattalion (general health battalion)
- 1. Psychologie Anhaftung (psychological unit)
- 1. Militärpolizeibattalion (military police battalion)
Helicopter Aviation Brigade
The Hubschrauber-Luftfahrt-Brigade is a dedicated attack helicopter regiment attached to the HVaBk. The four squadrons of the HLB serve independently and can be attached to a parent Combat Regiment for combat support.
The four squadrons of the HLB are:
- 1. Hubschrauber-Luftfahrt-Geschwader
- 2. Hubschrauber-Luftfahrt-Geschwader
- 3. Hubschrauber-Luftfahrt-Geschwader
- 4. Hubschrauber-Luftfahrt-Geschwader