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Coalition of the Coconeh Calpotlin

and largest city
Official languagesNahuatl
GovernmentFederal socialist republic
LegislatureMochicalpulleh Tlahtoloyan
• Total
634,192 km2 (244,863 sq mi)
• 2018 estimate
Increase 95 millions
• 2012 census
• Density
149.46/km2 (387.1/sq mi)
CurrencyMutual Credit
Driving sideright

the Coalition of Coconeh Calpotlin, also known as the Coalition of the Free Calpotlin, Calpullali, or by the acronym of CCC, officially known as the Chimalli-Amoxtli Coconeh Calpotlin is a Calpulist federal state in the Eastern Continents. It has a population of roughtly 95 millions inhabitants. It’s capital is Yancuicopan. Before the Cloud and Flower Revolution, the country was known as the Azcapotzalco Tlahtoloyan or “Empire of Azcapotzalco”.

After the fall of the Nazahualkanids Dynasty, the Tlahtoloyan was replaced by the Altepetl Federation. But this regime was itself very weak and unstable, finally dissolving during the War of Thousand Colors that ended with the victory of the Calpulist faction and the creation of the current Coalition.


A Calpulli, translated as “Great House”, “Communal House”, or “District”, is a traditional administrative and social division inside the Coalition. One of the great objective of the CCC was to create a socialist society capable of being understood and accepted by the general population. To this day, the nation is officially only a “Coalition” of autonomous District, with barely any administrative division recognized beyond it.

Coconeh”, meaning “Children", is the accepted political term to design every citizen of the CCC without distinction of ethnicity or regional origin.


First Tulla

Around 300 BC, the city of Tulla began expanding in the Xaltocan Valley, similarly to other great cities like its rival Cuilca, destroyed during a volcanic eruption in 55 BC. After this event, Tulla was left free to expand without any rival to balance its rise.

During the following centuries, the city became the heart of a vast network of tributaries and of economical and cultural dependencies. It’s wealth was unequaled and by 450 AD, it had reached it height. It’s only during the 7th century that Tulla started to decay due to unfavorable climatic changes and waves of migrating Chichimecas. The temples and palaces of the cities were burned during what is supposed to have been massive popular unrest and riots, and then Tulla was abandoned by its inhabitants.

intermediate Period

The First Chichimeca Migration brought in the once Tullan-held territories new populations and new languages that added themselves on top of the Oto-mangues speakers of the preceding era. It’s during that time that the Toltec, Chichimecas who adopted Tullan culture, emerged, and developed their own city-states alongside those of the natives, taking their distances from their nomadic past.

To the south, the Totonacs whom had come to dominate the second half of the Tullan era re-centered their civilization around another major trade hub : the city of Tajin which had been spared from the Chichimecas invasions. Chroniclers from later periods would refer to the Intermediate Period by the poetic phrase of “Dogs packs, Builders’ cities, and a Thunderous Voice”.

Second Tulla

“Second Tulla” is the name commonly given to the Toltec city of Zuluya whom managed to become the sole hegemon of most of what had been the First Tulla’s core territories and of almost all Toltecs cities. But even at its height, it was permanently in conflict with Tajin, which had become an important hegemon in its own right, taking over vast sways of what is today the south of “Calpullali”. Lasting from the 10th to the 13th century AD, this period received the poetic name of “North and South” ("Tlatziuhqui iuan Ytzicotla”) by later chroniclers, referring to a famed poetry compendium of the same name.

Like the previous Tulla, this era ended with a second migration wave of Chichimeca, when the NahuatlNahuatl-speaking people destroyed both Zuluya and Tajin. The Nahuas settled down in the lands they had conquered and started to adopte the Toltec culture themselves. This led to the period historians know as the “Second Intermediate Period” which is traditionally considered to end with the reign of the Tepanec Tlatoani Tezozomoc (1349 - 1426) and the unification of all the principalities around [[Lake Xochimilco|Lake Xaltocan}}.