The New United Socialist Random Empire

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United Socialist States of the New United Socialist Random Empire
A red star with a golden hammer and sickle on top of 45 stripes, 22 red and 23 yellow
The red star from the flag is surrounded by green leaves on top of a red shield with an yellow top. The top has "The New United Socialist Random Empire" engraved in a gray banner with 2 hammer and sickles. Below the star is the nation's motto on a black banner. Below the shield are 2 red and yellow banners with other national mottoes on them. The banners are connected by a blue shield with a hammer and sickle
Coat of Arms
Motto: "We are the Random Ones, Join us or Perish"

Other National Mottoes:

  • Hail the Empire!
  • Numquam amittere
  • Socialism Equalizes
Anthem: Randomize
Great Seals
NUSRE Seal.png Great Seal back.png
and largest city
New Chancia Randomia
31.01253° S, 64.11195°E
Official languagesEnglish, French, Spanish, Binary
Recognised national languagesRussian, German, Hexadecimal, Base-64
Recognised regional languagesPortuguese (Old), Portuguese (New), Base-10, 32, 16
Ethnic groups
  • By species:
  • 84% Human
  • 11% A.I.
  • 4% Vooperian
  • 1% Xenos
Demonym(s)Randomian (colloquial) New Randomian (proper)
GovernmentSocialist Dictatorship
• Supreme Director
Vladimir Random
• Vice Director
Aliexi Rankov
• Rear Directors
Radolf Shmitler, Anthony Michel, Elizabeth Fillepe
LegislatureSupreme Director
Supreme Director
Grand Council
Independence from Mexico/USA, and Vooperia
• Formation of SRA
Dec 1890
• Formation of SRE
Aug 24, 1891
• New Empire
March 18, 2047
• Formation of NUSRE
December, 20, 2199
• 2258 estimate
~ 1.9 billion (67th in The United Federations)
GDP (PPP)2258 estimate
• Total
374,000,000,000,000 USD (29th in The United Federations)
• Per capita
196,315 USD
GDP (nominal)2258 estimate
• Total
340,000,000,000 Randoms (29th in The United Federations)
• Per capita
Gini (2258)80.17
very high (4th in The United Federations)
HDI (2258)Increase 0.94
very high (2 in The United Federations)
CurrencyRandom (RAN)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy CE
Driving sideright
Calling code+777
Internet TLD.rn

The United Socialist States of the New United Socialist Random Empire (NUSRE), also known as the Socialist Random Empire (SRE), the Random Empire, and Random is a nation located in the Orion Arm. The only surviving fragment of the Socialist Random Empire, it has rapidly grown since 2199, and has expanded into new solar systems. Massive leaps in economic, militaristic, and technological has been made by the Empire. Becoming a economically frightening nation with a large advanced military.

The large, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Law & Order, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of New Chancia Randomia. The average income tax rate is 95%.

The frighteningly efficient Random economy, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is fairly diversified, is led by the Information Technology industry, with major contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Tourism, and Trout Farming. and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.


The NUSRE was once called the Socialist Random Empire, but after World War 5, they built colonial fleets. If any of these fleets got to there destination, then they could build a nation with a assigned name. One got New United in front of our name.

Random was put in their after its founder, Charles de Random. It was even used before the SRE, in the Socialist Random Association.

Socialist describes their economic system, Socialism. And Empire was added because the world at that time was ruled by many Empire, and he wanted his nation to be as prestigious as them.


Main Article: History of The NUSRE

Pre History

There are two main parts of history before the SRE. Before and after Communism.

Pre-Charles Era

Around 11,000 years ago Native Americans Native Americans came down from the north, and settled in the Baja Californian Peninsula. There were many different peoples and tribes in the area. Those people mainly got their food by fishing, or farming near the Colorado River. By 2100 B.C.E, crops such as corn, and beans were domesticated, and used for farming. This created a food surplus which allowed the Natives to settle into small primitive villages. In the mid 1400's climate changes made this area more dry and desert like. In 1539, the Spanish explorer Francisco de Ulloa sailed around Baja California. The Spanish did not really have influence here until the 1610's, when missionaries came to this area. Then they went east to southern Arizona and Sonora. The resources in the area attracted more Spaniards here. Baja California was split in two in 1804.

In 1821, Mexico gained its independence from Spain. Conservatives and Liberals soon fought each other. Mexico lost territory through the Texan revolution, and later the Mexican-American war and Gadsden Purchase. This made the two factions even more angry with each other, until a full blown civil war broke out in 1857. European intervention created the Second Mexican Empire. Eventually democracy was restored with Porfirio Díaz. The Reform War, and the return to democracy had devastated Mexico, poverty was widespread. President Díaz tried to repair the country, but he was unsuccessful. Radicals from both ends of the political spectrum wanted to rebel against the government in Mexico, and even Mexicans in the Southwestern U.S.

In the U.S, rebels were beginning to be arrested . So rebels from all over the country fled to Southern California, Southern Nevada, and Western Arizona. These places were not very pro-government, since they were annexed by from Mexico by the U.S. The rebels made that even worst. Soon, insurrectionist groups started to form, and attack the U.S. Karl Marx, wrote the Communist Manifesto, and created Socialism. He believed the world was on the cusp revolution. Rebel groups in Mexico and the U.S started to adopt this idea. This idea also inspired a young French-Spanish Man to create a Socialist State. He would create the first Socialist Nation. The Socialist Random Empire.


In 1879 Toraunt Word made a Socialist. He named it after himself, the Toraunt W.Group; he also disguised it as a writing group to avoid detection from the U.S government. Later, in 1888, Charles Random mistaking it for an actual writing group, joined the rebels. On the 18th of March, 1889, Toraunt died, and Charles became the new leader of the group. He changed the groups's name to the Socialist Random Association (SRA); In December in 1889 the team was discovered trying to assassinate Benjamin Harrison. The group fled to Mexico, but most didn't make it across the border. Only around 50 made it to Ensenada.

Charles made his first decree upon reaching Ensenada. He ordered his members to invite their families to join the group. Then the SRA started to advertise itself to the local area. Rebels started to join the group in waves. The SRA then bought weapons from rifles to explosives. He then armed his members, and ordered a small group of people to raid government property, and large private industries. In May, the SRA started to take in other groups. It absorbed a group called “Comunisomo Baja California”. This made the SRA's influence grow South. In February, the Socialist Random Association admitted the California Communist Rebellion. Which made the SRA's influence grow back to the U.S. But since the SRA had no influence in North of Ensenada, they decided to try to admit a small local rebellion in the town of Summer Ridge. They did not comply, so Charles organized a few groups of raiders to seize the town. The raiders did get the town, and had won the first major skirmish in the SRA's history. Seizing the town also gave the the association a factory. This event made the SRA stop buying and seizing weapons; which allowed more money and people to go do other assignments.

On May, 1891, Charles ordered all of his people to attack. This started the Random War of Independence, and created the Socialist Random Empire. In the 1st of June, he called his partners to discuss creating a nation. They all agreed. A month later, on August 24, the Random Declaration of Independence had been completed, and Charles Random had to declared to the world that the Socialist Random Empire was leaving Mexico, and the U.S.A.


The Birth time period is a part of Randomian History between 1891-1933. It was the first period in the NUSRE's history, and pre dates the NUSRE itself. Charles Random led this era. The RWI, The establishment of the SRE, 1st Border Wars, WWI, the Great Depression, and the Death of Charles Random took place in this time period

The Random War of Independence

In 1891 the Random War of Independence started. The rebels were split up into multiple pockets, and they needed to reconnect. Vrax's militia was one of the first to reconnect pockets. They connected the western coast to Ensenada. There weren't many skirmishes in the beginnings of the war. But in mid September that changed. The Battle of San Juan Bridge was the first major battle in the SRE's history, thousands dead on both side. But war still raged on. Tijuana was captured, and connected the SRE across the border. In late September, southern Baja California was captured, and the southern forces began to move up north. On September 29, the Constitution of the SRE was put into effect, and Socialism was starting to be implemented in occupied territory. By November, the war began to die down, as winter came. The entire peninsula was captured at that point, the SRE and Mexico began to set up fortifications. Mexico wanted the rebellion to end, and they were planning an offensive against the SRE.

Random soldiers fight in the ruins of Fort Diego.

On January 21, 1892, the offensive began. Mexican soldiers pushed through the fortifications, and made it to Puerto Penasco. The battle of Puerto Penasco lowered the SRE's morale, and it lowered even more when the Americans attacked Fort.Diego. But the offensive slowed down as more soldiers where being pulled to the eastern front. Frustrated with this, Mexico tried to open a new front across the Gulf of California. But the transport ships that held the soldiers were intercepted and destroyed, marking the only naval engagement of the war. The SRE planned a counteroffensive. On June 5th the offensive began, and several pushes with rockets and artillery against Mexico began. By August, the SRE had reached Nogales, and sieged the city. The SRE redid what Mexico tried to do in February, and navaly invaded the Mexican mainland. They invaded Isla Tiburon, and pushed to Hermosillo, and took over the city by October. Once again, Winter came and advances slowed down. The RWI was almost over.

The SRE began took Guaymas in February, and the advance officially resumed in March. Ciudad Obregón, Navojoa, and Los Mochis was taken in March 28, April 17, and May 29 respectively. By the time the SRE entered Sinola on May 22nd, the Mexicans knew that they couldn't afford to fight the War any longer. Mexico surrendered on June 26. The Treaty of Ensenda was signed on July 8th, 1893, the RWI ended and the SRE gained its independence. The SRE also signed the treaty of San Diego with the U.S, gaining San Diego.

Rebuilding and Expansion

Charles started to rebuild immediately after the RWI. All broken roads and railways began to be reconstructed. Telegram lines were also reestablished. All garrison, and most active divisions were disbanded, the army had gone from 112,000 to around 17,000 in 1894. These new civilians helped reconstruction of the SRE. The nation's entire effort was put into reconstruction, so much so that the 1890's were called the reconstruction era. By 1900, most damage from the RWI was repaired. Socialism was also rapidly put into affect after the RWI, by 1895, most citizens had almost the exact same wealth. This process was done by taxing the rich and redistributing to the poor. The government began to provide, housing, and food to everyone.

The RWI costed a lot for the SRE, in money and manpower. ~57,000 were killed in the war, which was ridiculously high for that time, and there was a population crisis. To combat this, the SRE opened borders to anyone who was Socialist. This action helped somewhat, but their still was a large deficit of people. Fortunately for the SRE, they got Los Angeles County in 1896, and the crisis was subsided. The debt for the SRE was around 35,000,000 USD in 1893, or over a billion 2019 US dollars. The SRE began to tax around 50% of a citizens income, and more for the "wealthy", this money was used to decrease debt. For the next 9 years (1894-1903) the Socialist Random Empire was spending 20% of the nation's income to paying its debt. This was reduced, however, to 12% in 1904, and was steadily decreased until 1911, when all of the nations debt was repaid.

Food production in the SRE (1893-1911)

Industrialization was the nation's focus, specifically in the nations farms. Most of the nation's land was arid, and not very suitable for farming. The SRE had to import most of its food. So from 1895-1905, the SRE began to industrialize. It was already partially industrialized, so it had a comparatively easy industrialization process. The factories it had produced equipment for other factories, and those repeated the process. By 1900, most farms were using tractors, fertilizers, and advanced irrigation, and food production increased dramatically. The SRE had fully industrialized in 1910, it was producing cars, trains, tractors, and more. In 1885, Charles announced a naval rearmament campaign after Mexican ships started to patrol the Gulf of California. The result of this was 2 cruisers, a destroyer, 5 frigates, and the Battleship Randomia.

The First Border War

The Los Angeles County was disputed between the SRE and America. In September of 1895, State Troops began to open fire on the soldiers stationed there, and members from communist rebellions. This skirmish enraged the SRE, and they declared war on the U.S. The Soldiers already stationed in the city, pushed the troops out to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Communist began to actively rebel across L.A. Local reserves were called upon, and they pushed the SRE back to the city. Winter came, and the SRE dug in and fortified L.A. In April, the U.S and SRE fought in the Battle of L.A, where 500 people died. The Socialist Random Empire sent more troops in L.A. The U.S raided San Diego in May. Then sent an ultimatum to Charles that if he doesn't release L.A, the U.S would attack Ensenada. Charles responded by threatening to get The Socialist America, a large communist group in that controlled most of L.A country, involved in the War. The U.S, figuring it was too much to fight a full blown war for a city that doesn't want to be a part of the nation, gave Los Angeles on June 3, 1896, ending the First Border War.

1900's and WWI

In 1900-1902, the Island Crisis took place. In January of 1900, the SRE sent expedition troops to the Mary Islands. Mexico did not approve of this, believing that the islands were theirs, and ordered the troops to leave. When the troops didn't leave Mexico sent a gunship to fire upon the islands, the SRE fired back in return, and 2 were injured on both sides. Mexico was enraged by this and telegrammed Charles to release the islands. Charles responded saying that the islands were part of the Gulf of California, and that it was their islands. In November, another assault occurred, and three people died. The SRE was threatening war on Mexico. The dispute didn't seem to end, so Mexico sent a team of scholars in March of 1901 to prove that the islands were theirs. In June, a third engagement took place, and the SRE sunk a gunboat. Both sides were gearing up for war. But in September, the team proved that the island was theirs. In a clause of the Treaty of Ensenada, it stated that the opening of the Gulf of California was waters north of 22°. But the SRE was still persistent, and in October, a destroyer shelled a SRE outpost on the island. Being threatened by war, and proved that the islands weren't theirs, the SRE pulled back the force on January 31, 1902.

Irrigated land that was once desert.

In 1905, agriculture became the nation's priority, after a immigration to the SRE skyrocketed, and sanctions were placed on it because of the Island Crisis. All land that could have been used to grow food had been taken, and fields were at max production. So the SRE began to irrigate hundreds of km2 of arid land. This was the precursor to the National Irrigation System. From 1905-1908 thousands of acres of new farmland was created. In 1910, Mexico fell into a civil war. Raiders from Sonora were attacking the SRE border for equipment, so the SRE retaliated. The SRE re-armed itself with its surplus of food, and munitions, and declared the Second Border War. The SRE pushed 10km East, and took all of the raiders posts. The SRE also took the Mary Islands. The government controlling the region was quick to end the War, so they could divert most of their attention to the conflict at home.

The SRE began to arm itself after WWI broke out. It’s Army grew to 30,000, and it started to use plans in its Army for reconnaissance. Before they entered the war in late July of 1918, they mostly tried to support socialist rebellions in Germany and Russia. In August of 1915, the SRE sent a task force to help convince Lenin to return to Russia, and create the Soviet Union. On July 31 the SRE joined the war on the Allies. Mostly fighting in Germany, the SRE played a minor role in the Great War. At the end of it, they gained 17 million Randoms (around 300 million in 2018), and small pacific island that belonged to Germany.

Great Depression and End of the SRE

After the Great War, the SRE demilitarized again. The economy of the SRE didn’t change much during the roaring 20’s, like the U.S. But it did change when the Great Depression. The world economy plummeted, and SRE exports provided little money. Foreign Businesses also left, as they couldn’t afford to stay in the Empire. This decreased the SRE’s gdp even more. In 1928, the GDP of the Socialist Random Empire was 128 billion randoms, by 1932, it was 72 billion randoms. This loss of money started to make the SRE tax its citizens more. Some were not happy with this decision.

In 1923, Mussolini took over Italy. Bolivia and Mexico both had fascists coups in 1932, and the SRE was next. Anti Government groups soon became fascist groups. Some groups started to rebel. But the SRE was mostly able to contain and end these rebellions. In 1933, however, that changed. Nazi Germany formed, together with Italy and Mexico, they were able to fund one Nazi group in the Empire. Then Charles Random died, and the government briefly went into chaos. The rebels took advantage of this, and they stormed the capital. Police and guards attempted to stop them, however, they were well armed and funded, and they had 600 men, opposing the 500 Randomians. Ensenada fell, and the Socialist Random Empire, became the Californian Empire. This would be the end of the Birth Period, and the beginning of the Fascist Rule.

Fascist Rule

This brief period of the SRE’s history is marked by the Californian Empire, a nation allied with Germany, and the Socialist rebels trying to regain their former nation.

Return War

The Random family was sent into prison. Peter Manst became the leader of the CE. Riots were widespread, and were damaging infrastructure. One riot in Ensenada was particularly destructive, so the government sent in their guards to attack them. Eight people died in what became the Rando Massacre. This angered even more people of the Californian Empire. Police and citizens formed their own coalitions against the CE. Entire regiments of soldiers were deserting, and attacking the Californian Empire. This was the start of the Return War.

For over a year, the CE was fighting a war of attrition with communist rebels. Rebels would use hit and run tactics to loot or destroy government property. The fascist military was also relatively small, and they often had to use criminals, or threaten citizens to join the army. Despite its size, the army was well armed and trained because of funding from other nations, mostly Germany and Mexico.

SRE Returns

Random Rebels fighting in the remains of a warehouse in San Diego.

Angelina Random, the granddaughter of Charles Random, was put into prison in July of 1933. In January of 1935, she and four other inmates planned an successful escape. However, the police were able to kill or return the others, making her the only escapee. She joined the Neo Random group, a socialist team whose objective was to restore the SRE. Angelina became the leader of the group, as she was a Random descendant.

The group started to raid government facilities in San Diego, gaining supplies and members. Socialists and socialist groups quickly joined Neo Random, as it was headed by a Random family member. Neo Random became one of the largest rebel groups in the CE. The group began to spread out of San Diego, by 1936, they had control over all of California, and they were spreading south towards Ensenada.

The Battle of Ensenada took place on October 15, 1936. Neo Random had reached the former capital of thr SRE, and capital of the C.E. Socialist groups moved into the city. The fascist army fought held back the NR advance, but on the 18, an artillery barrage destroyed the armies defenses. Hundreds of Randomians poured into the city, killing the fascist army. On the 23rd, they had reached the parliament building, where the fascist government was located. The NR stormed the building, fierce close quarters fighting took place in the structure, but Randomians prevailed. Peter, and the rest of the CE government were executed.

With the government decimated, the military fell apart. The communists were able to sweep aside the last remaining fascist pockets. On August 21, the same day the SRE declared its independence, the SRE was officially restored. The government was put back into place, and Angelina Random became the Premier of the SRE.


The SRE had returned, and once again, it started to rebuild. The damage done during the Return War was less than the Random War of Independence. So by August 1939, most structures were repaired. The SRE vowed to never again be taken over by a foreign power. This made the SRE into an Authoritarian state. The SRE maintained a large military, rights like freedom to protest and freedom of speech we disbanded or restricted, and they built labor camps to put prisoners and political opposition to work to death. The Socialist Party was to remain the only political party.

World War Two

World tension was heating up. Germany had invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia, and was threatening Poland. Mexico was also invading Latin American countries. The SRE used this as an excuse to militarize. The Army grew to 76,000 (23% of the population). The Navy had an entire fleet, with a small Aircraft Carrier being built. The Air Force had just been created, and bi-planes were flying in the sky.

In September of 1939, World War 2 has started. At first, the SRE was neutral, but it kept building its military. It started to use monoplanes, tanks, and built its aircraft carrier in 1940. In August of 1941, Operation Barbarossa had started, and the SRE sent aid in the form of guns, ammo, volunteers, and trucks to the Soviet Union. Then, in December, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. The U.S declared war on Japan, Germany and Mexico then declared war on the U.S, finally, Mexico declared war on the SRE.

The War Starts

The Mexicans tried at first to move into SRE territory, but the SRE had built forts along its borders, and they repelled the attack. Mexico, then pushed into the American territories, which was lightly defended, and pushed across to California, where the SRE had not put defenses. On January 7, the SRE and USA signed a nonaggression pact, and joined the allies, along with Britain and the Soviets.

Both nations grant military access through some of their territory. They both planned to defend L.A and San Diego from the Mexicans. By the time Mexico had reached L.A in 1942, it had already been fortified by Random and American troops, and they repelled the attack. Then the troops in California pushed Mexico back to New Mexico, along with soldiers from the south in the SRE, and from the North in America. In June of 1942, Mexico had been pushed back into Texas. The SRE had started to launch an offensive into Sonora. Likewise, the Americans launched an offensive into Mexico. By September, Sonora and Texas had both been taken by the Allies.

Pacific War and Mexican Front
The RES Charles in 1942.

Most of the Navy was focused in the Gulf of California. But some of it was participating in thr Pacific War. The SRE sent some destroyers into Indonesia to help stop the Japanese, they participated in the Battle of the Coral Sea (although very limitedly). The SRE also sent in Marines to participate in the Counteroffensive in Papa New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. The Random carrier RES Charles also participated in the Battle of the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf.

In Mexico, the SRE pushed east, and the US pushed south. Spetember of 1943, the U.S planned Operation Kilopower. It had the U.S land in the Yucatán Peninsula, and push towards Mexico City. The SRE would also land on the western shores of Mexico, and push east.

On September 19, the plan began. Thousands of Americans and Randomians navaly invaded Mexico. The Americans faced relatively little resistance and lower casualties since the were landing where Mexico didn’t expected them. The SRE landings were a little more difficult, but they were able to land. The SRE pushed north to link up with the rest of the Empire, they also encircled an entire division in Los Mochis. America was pushing south, and they then split in two. One force was fighting in Latin America, while the other was pushing towards Mexico City. The SRE landed again in October near Guatemala to help the US fight in the jungle. Once the SRE up north connected with the rest of the SRE, they slowly moved southeast, facing fierce resistance. America was also facing a lot of resistance, as Mexico launched a tank offensive at them.

Fall of the Axis

As Random and America push towards Mexico City, the British and US push into Italy, the Australians and US retake the Philippines, and the Soviets counterattack against Nazi Germany. The USSR was pleading to the rest of the Allies to make a new front in Germany, as the Nazis kill more and more Soviet troops. D-day was planned on June 6, 1945. In Asia, India was pushing into Southeast Asia, and the Philippines were being recaptured. In China, Soviet and Random supplies and volunteers helped the communists push the Japanese out of China.

In March of 1944 the U.S and SRE launched the Mexico City Offensive. Random and American soldiers and tanks pushed to Mexico City. By April, the Mexican Airforce was destroyed, and their navy was nonexistent. This trapped Mexico from its allies and trade, and the country started to starve. Allied soldiers were rushing to the city. On July 3, 1944, they made it. The combined air forces bombed Mexico City to ruble, while poorly armed Mexican soldiers fought against Random and American tanks. Mexico City fell on the 31st, and the rest of the country surrendered a week later. With Mexico gone, the US and SRE can focus on the rest of the Axis.

The atomic mushroom clouds of Dresden (left) and Nagasaki (right).

In the Pacific, Random Marines helped take the Philippines and Mariana Islands. On June 6th 1945. The Allies landed in Normandy, the SRE landed at Juno Beach with the Canadians. In October, they liberated. Paris, and in December, they had reached the Low Countries. On July 11, the SRE landed in Bolivia with American mountaineerss. Bolivia capitulated on December 31, 1944. Then, on September 23rd 1945, the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Dresden. 3 days after that, Berlin was nuked kiling Adolph Hitler. Germany surrendered immediately, and the Soviets took the remains of Berlin. They did the same thing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in October. With the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Soviets advancing in the east, Japan surrendered on November 1st, 1946, ending the Second World War.

Beginning of the Cold War

The SRE had gained Sonora, and had puppeted Mexico. The nations of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador were liberated thanks to the United States. The SRE also joined the United Nations in 1947. After the end of WW2, the USA and USSR emerged as the world’s two superpowers. The SRE was allied to the Soviet Union, and relations between the SRE and US deteriorated.

During the Cold War, the SRE had CIA had an undeclared war between in South America. The SRE promoted and funded socialist coups, while the CIA combated these groups. In Bolivia, a civil war broke out, communist and capitalist tried to seize power after the fascist fell. In 1952 the communists won when the SRE gave its tanks to them. Also in 1952, Argentina fell into civil war with communists and capitalists. The capitalists won. In 1953, the SRE got its first jet fighter.

In 1959, the Cuba became communist. After this The SRE, Bolivia, and Cuba formed the Communist American, or the Southern Bloc. This group began to spread socialism throughout the Americas. In 1960, Venezuela fell to communism. Next, in 1962, Uruguay fell. Finally, the country of Southern Peru was formed after communist rebels gained independence from Peru. All of these countries joined the Southern Bloc.

The Sixties

In 1963, the SRE annexed the entirety of Mexico. The SRE still wanted more land, so they bought land. In 1965, the SRE bought the Gadsdem Purchase, one of the last pro socialist areas in the U.S, for 23 billion dollars. Next in 1966, The SRE bough Imperial, Riverside, and half of San Bernardino for 31 billion dollars. Finally, in 1969, the SRE bought around 2/3 of Kern country for 1.1 billion USD.

The SRE’s need for more land caused them to go to war. In May of 1967, the SRE sent an ultimatum to 4 Central American countries. They were to either join the SRE peacefully, or aggressively, they did not choice to join the SEE. On June 11, 1967, the SRE declared war on Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. The Third Border War had started. The SRE military was easily able to overpower the Central American countries. Air superiority was easily obtained, and with this superiority, the SRE was able to provide air support in battles, and bomb industrial sites. Guatemala fell in 5 days, and 2 days after that. El Salvador. On June 23 Honduras fell. Finally, on June 29, Nicaragua peacefully surrendered before it was too heavily damaged. The SRE began to repair these areas, and in 1970, all damage was repaired. Central America didn’t like being under Random rule, and they started to rebel. It would take 13 years to combat all of these rebellions.

In Vietnam, the war civil war was heating up. American soldiers started to land, and support the capitalist south. To combat this, the SRE sent equipment, such as tanks and guns. In 1968, the SRE started to send volunteers to North Vietnam. After many years of fighting, Vietnam became a socialist country in 1974.

Space Exploration
Aaron Turgenev looks back at Earth

The Soviets launched Sputnik into orbit in 1957, starting humanity’s Space Age. The SRE also had a keen interest in outer space, and started to collaborate with the Soviet Union. Random scientists were working with Soviet scientists with space exploration. The SRE would also make launch pads for Soviet rockets to launch from. In 1963, the Random satellite, Charles was launched into orbit. The SRE also launched their first man in space in 1964 up on a Soyuz rocket. Scientists in both nations would work together on the Artemis program, a program that tried to get a man on the Moon. They succeeded in 1969, when Artemis 11 landed on the Moon a mere month before the Americans. On June 20, 1969, Aaron Turgenev became the first person to step foot on the Moon. Jeffery Gould, a Randomian, came out after him, he was the first Randomian, and second person to walk on the Moon.

Recession and Famine

Homeless people in the 1973 Recession

In 1973, a recession hit the SRE after multiple sanctions from the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia were placed. This would be one of the worst in SRE history. Thousands lost their jobs. The government was losing money, and the nation stopped all national projects. The debt problem became so severe, that the government could not afford to give housing to its citizens, and people started to become homeless.

To add to the worsening economy and living conditions, monsoon season did not come, and rivers were drying up. A famine had started, people began to starve. Emigration was widespread, and the government had to close its borders to people leaving, a practice that is still used today. Thousands starved, and production was at a All time low.

Thankfully for the SRE, other countries offered aid, and the SRE accepted. The famine had ended by 1975. Sanctions were also being lifted. By 1976, homes and jobs were being provided again, and the recession was for the most part over.

Technological Focus

In the 1980’s, the SRE was slacking behind in technology. So the nation’s new focus was technological improvement. Funding for the Department of Research and Development was increased significantly. The SRE started to research into Computers, personal computers were researched, and they were placed into government buildings. Some, these computers started to communicate with one another, and an early version of the internet was created.

The SRE also started to develop 4th generation fighters. This resulted in the creation of the RD-20, which was considered by military specialists across the globe as one of the best fourth generation fighters. The SRE also upgraded its missiles, giving them laser tracking systems, and advance radar.

The Mushroom cloud of Zeus I seen from 17km away.

Camera were also being developed. In 1985, the SRE had its first camera with 480p. These cameras were used in commercial and CCTV purposes. It was also put into televisions across the Empire, along with full color.

A nuclear program had been going on for decades. The SRE developed nuclear power in 1978, but not a bomb. That would change in 1989. The SRE, with new funding, had developed its first nuke. Zeus I was a thermonuclear bomb, and it would be detonated on a small pacific island. The island was vaporized, as the bomb exploded with the force of 3.8 megatons if tnt. This violated the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty, and the SRE had multiple sanctions put on it.

End of the Century

At the end of the Century, the Empire was at greatest its ever been, in economicly, military, and technologically. It was the dominant regional power in the entirety of Latin America, and a general power in the world stage. When the Soviets fell in 1991, and the Chinese started to reform its economy, the SRE was the only major socialist country. But it was also alone in the world, being the only large socialist country, and a country could come and easily take over. The SRE started to make allies.

In 1993, the SRE created the League of Socialist Random States. A group of socialist nations that were to help and protect each other. All Southern Bloc countries were to join this league. Soon more countries joined. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, and Malaysia joined in 1995. In 1996, Cuba and North Korea joined, along with various African nations joined. By 1999, most socialist and communist countries were in LSRS.

The SRE also started to improve relations with other countries. In 1999, the SRE helped with the construction with the ISS. In general, the SRE started to provide more humanitarian aid, and tried to combat world hunger, and poverty. They also started to comabt terrorist groups.

Fourth Border War

In the year 2000, the Fourth Border War occurred. The SRE had deliberately waited until the year 2000, when the U.S gave left the Panama Canal. On February 1, 2000 thr SRE declared war on Costs Rica, and Panama. Once again, air superiority was easy to gain at first, but Costa Rica and Panama had been planning for a war like this, and had built up a large stockpile of Aircraft and soldiers. On the 4th, both nations launched a large air offensive. The SRE was caught by surprise, and dozens of fighters were destroyed. The SRE also faced a problem on the ground. The thick jungle and the guerilla fighters stoped the SRE from advancing to far. On the 10, the SRE counterattacked. Hundreds of fighters flew over Costs Rica, destroyed the fighters, and bombed group forces. Then, new advance battletanks smashed through the forces. Mechanized infantry filled the few roads, and the Army started to give its troop jungle training. By the 20, Costa Rica had fallen. In March 15, 2000, Panama surrendered. The SRE took all of the territory west of the Panama Canal, and made the rest of Panama into a puppet.

Golden Age

At the end of the Expansion Era. The SRE was the 2nd biggest socialist power, behind China. It was over 1,000,000 square miles large, had a GDP of 1.4 Trillion USD, and a population of over 100 million. Technology was rapidly progressing, and living conditions were growing. This was the Empire’s Golden Age.

9/11 and War on Terror

On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers fell because a terrorist group. The SRE mourned this loss, and began to help the U.S combat the terrorist. Soldiers deployed across the World to fight Al-Queda. In 2002, a building in New Chancia Randomia was bombed by the same terrorist group, this enraged the populace, and many joined the military. The SRE armed forces had grown to over a million, and hundreds of thousands were deploying to the Middle East.

Random tank column in Iraq.

In 2002 the SRE sent more troops to assist in the invasion of Afghanistan, and overthrow the Taliband. In 2003, the SRE assisted in the Invasion of Iraq, and the capture of their leader. The SRE also stayed in Iraq to keep stability in the region. But after 5 years of opposition, the SRE left the Middle East in 2010.

However, in 2014, the SRE returned to the Middle East to comabt ISIS, and help the citizens in their territory, most troops deployed to Syria and Iraq, but SRE anti terrorist operations happened in Yemen, Lydia, and Central Africa. By 2019, ISIS was basically defeated, and most of the armed forces left. A small peace keep force was kept in the effected countries to help rebuild, and stop any future terrorist groups from forming.

SRE North Korean War

The 2020’s



The current population of the NUSRE as of 2258 is 1.9 billion.





Economy and Industry






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