Public holidays in Themiclesia

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Public holidays in Themiclesia are established by statute (令, mrengh) in observance of days of cultural importance or the anniversary of memorable events. Currently, there are twelve statutory holidays on which all businesses and institutions (essential services excepted) close. Not all holidays are equally long, most last a single day, and the longest, the Spring Festival, ten days. Because the Themiclesian calendar adheres to both the lunar and solar cycles, holidays may appear on either cycle.

List of public holidays

Holiday name Romanization Translation Dates Cause Duration
正旦 tjeng-tanh Spring Festival 1st day of 1st month Start of new agricultural year 10 days
人日 njing-njik Humanity Day 7th of first month Market resumes trading
元宵節 ngjon-hjaw Lantern Festival 15th of 1st month Lantern floats 1 day
二月晦 njidh-ngwjat-m′e′ New Moon Day 1st of 2nd month
春社 t′jun-dja′ Land Festival 2nd of 2nd month Celebration of seeding 1 day
梅至 me′-tjidh Plum Day 15th of 2nd month Plum blossoms, vernal equinox
上巳 djang′-sghje′ Bathing Day 3rd of 3rd month Cleansing of winter ashes 2 days
改火 ke′-m′er′ Fire Renewal Festival 105-107 days after Winter Solstice Hearth fire extinguished and relit
端午 ton-ngja' Day of Pestilences 5th day of 5th month Cleaning house to avoid infections 1 day
歸寧 kjui-nêng Day of Recovery 6th day of 6th month Flu season over 1 day
七夕 sn′jit-ljak Lovers' Serenade 7th day of 7th month
夏社 gra′-dja′ Agriculture Day 15th day of 7th month Expectation of good harvest 1 day
秋社 sk′lju-dja′ Mid-Autumn Festival 15th day of 8th month Celebration of harvest 1 day
重陽 drjong-lang Mountain-climbing Day 9th day of 9th month Winter breeze and last blossom 1 day
歲日 skwjadh-njik Peace Day 1st day of 10th month Start of new administrative year 1 day
冬至 tung-tjidh Winter Solstice Septentrion at aphelion Day begin to lengthen 3 days (15 for gov't officials)