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The tables below display how the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Luepolan language pronunciations in IIwiki articles.

IPA Luepolan Example English approximation
b b bardzo bad
c ć, ť Jaś stew (UK)
d d dawno door
d͡z dz dz beds
d͡ʒ jolt
f f foka face
g g grać gold
j j jak yes, toy
ɟ đ koń canyon
k k krowa keep
l l lampa feel, lamp
ʎ ľ lampa million
m m morze map
n n nad north
ɲ ň nie canyon
ŋ n mango bank
p p policja peak
ɾ r różowy Similar to better
r r różowy rolled r, as in Italian Roma
r różowy
ř różowy simultaneous [r] and [ʒ]
s s smak set
ʃ š szybko sharp
t t tak torrent
t͡s c całkiem sits
t͡ʃ č czy chat
v v wartość vine
x h chleb Scottish loch
z z zebra zoo
ʒ ž ziarno pleasure
IPA Luepolan Example English approximation
a a ziarno art
á ziarno father
ɐ̆ ă ziarno but
e e ziarno vision, azure
é ziarno vision, azure
i i ziarno meet
í ziarno feel
ɔ o ziarno off
ɔː ó
u u ziarno vision, azure
ú ziarno vision, azure
ɪ̯a ú ziarno vision, azure
ɪ̯ɛ ú ziarno vision, azure
ɪ̯u ú ziarno vision, azure
ʊ̯ɔ ú ziarno vision, azure
Other symbols used for Luepolan
IPA Explanation
ˈ Primary stress (placed before the stressed syllable), usually the penultimate syllable of a word.
ˌ Secondary stress (placed before the stressed syllable).
. Syllable break.