Forum Foederate

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One of the several tennis courts on the premises surrounded by statues representing athletes

Forum Foederate, formerly Forum Brightglass, is a sports complex in Paradise City, Blackhelm Confederacy. It was built between 1928 and 1938 as the Forum Brightglass (literally Brightglass's Forum) under the design of Arrius Fletcher and, later, Lucius Moretticus. Inspired by the Roman forums of the a bygone age, its design is lauded as a preeminent example of Imperial Fascist architecture instituted by Brightglass. the Forum Foederate is also currently home to the Imperial Football Club.


It is home to numerous sports venues, including the Campus Paradisa, the ornate Circus Sancte Petri and the adjoining building which is the seat of the Confederate National Olympic Committee. Forum Foederate also comprises an aquatics center and a tennis center.

The tennis center is an extensive area with a total of seven clay surface tennis courts,most of which are used for training purposes. There are currently three show or stadium courts: the main one formerly had a capacity of 8,000 spectators; however, a new center court, the Campus Centratus, which can seat up to 10,400 spectators, was constructed in 2010. Live events like music concerts are also held at the various venues in the complex.