Religion in the Blackhelm Confederacy

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Religions in the Blackhelm Confederacy

  Roman Catholic (88.7%)
  Other (8.3%)
  Islam (3%)

423,523 churches
43,252,300,000 a year in maintenance
Typically around 4 priests, 6 nuns, and 2 deacons in each church. Larger churches may have more.


$1,888,917.49 per church

Feeding the Poor

~ $800 per year per person to feed


Free education provided up to the 6th grade level

Medical Treatment

$4,235,230,000 invested a year in church clinincs
One priest in each church with MD level general practitioner training paid by the church
One nun in each church with Nurse Practitioner level training, also paid by the church
Priests typically sign a contract with the church committing 15-20 years of service in return for their nearly half million dollar medical education. After their contract term is up, they can choose to remain with the church or to move into private practice. Nurse-nuns typically sign on for between 6-8 years, with the same option to remain or move into private practice after.