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The Rintyari Empire
Largest cityBokrai
Official languagesRintyessa
Recognised national languagesRintyessa, Rintyari Drow Language, Ranstreimosi Common
• Empress
Kaimara Nictores
• Prime Minister
Satara Vintres
• Establishment of the Empire
• 2020 estimate
Time zoneMST
Driving sideright

Rintyar is a Constitutional Monarchy located in Mystria. Established in the aftermath of the War of the Dozen Queens, the Rintyari Empire has ruled the land of Rintyar and several minor colonial holds for around 600 years. In spite of the efforts of the reigning Nictores household's efforts to limit their own power, particularly that of Empress Kaimara, they ultimately still hold considerable sway over the nation's many policies.


Myth and Remains

Rintyar, a name derived from one of the oldest known worshipped goddesses of the Raizari people of Rintyar, seemingly has had raizari, and elven ancestors living on the island and surrounding smaller landscapes since two hundred million years ago. Numerous tools, skeletons, and graves have been uncovered. Sometime around 8,000 BCE, elven hunter-gatherer groups appeared to settle down, establishing several ancient cities of which only the scantest of clues remain. These cities would encompass many chunks of the island, ruled over largely by elves. By some point around 6,000 BCE, these cities, largely made of stone, would seemingly be abandoned, few used by the larger Raizari that remained. Over time, they would seemingly forget all but the most antiquated myths about these wild, thin men and women, their power over the earliest and wildest of magics seemingly expansive.

The first major empire to have had records and history preserved to some extent was the Ketresi Queendom, established sometime in 2000 BCE and their earliest ruler an alleged descendant of the goddess Onashey. Much of the early myths of their family were told orally, and preserved later in the epic poem Dilyssa, one of the most culturally important early works for the Raizari. According to these texts, the Warrior-Queen Dilyssa united multiple villages and in the northern coasts and jungles together against the encroaching raiders from Ranstreimos and the far off lands of Catedon.

Ketres itself would flourish as a major trade hub for most of the Bronze Age, many more smaller empires and city-states estabilishing themselves across the island's coast. Much of the island's initial economy was born on trade, the wealthier Ranstreimosi buying many of Rintyar's otherwise more plentiful resources. Ironically, this early trade may have contributed to later Rintyari attempts to subjugate the neighboring island, to often mixed results.

Thalassian Subjects

The Makari Period

After the rout of much of the Thalassian forces present in the mainland in 450 CE, the allied warladies would ultimately establish a loose confederation, much of the land split between them. It was during this period that Rintyar would experience a fragile peace within itself and against outsiders, with the major Raizari Clans all only loosely allied in practice by the possibility of a return of the Thalassian invaders. Ultimately, all were still subservient to the Velictres, who had amassed a healthy amount of land and warriors at their disposal.

It was also during this point that the worship of the Goddess Makari would slowly begin to trump the Six Goddesses, if only in popularity amongst the newly established noble families. Preaching a more stratified, caste-like society, the Makari faith spread through the noble clans, barring a few standout adherents of the 6 Goddesses such as the Nictores.

Serious reform, religious and cultural, came as a result. Many of the rights gained by men during the prior Thalassian occupation were stripped, the Thalassian citizens themselves often enslaved or exiled from many major cities in the land.



Rintyar's climate is as varied as it is


Politics and Government


Foreign Relations


The Rintyari economy was largely agricultural in nature, with smaller but very competitive industrial, technological, and sectors. Historically, much of Rintyar was developed largely around exploiting its bountiful farmland, with exploitation of its resource rich mountains largely done historically by slaves and prisoners in open pit mining. It was only around the Rintyari Industrial Revolution that the rapid expansion of these mining operations began. It's from this that much of Rintyar's current production of metals and mining of rare earth metals sprung, bolstering the economy further.








A vast majority of the Rintyaru overland religion believes in some variation of the Seven Goddesses Pantheon. Approximately 52 percent of the nation in particular is devoted primarily to the Goddess Tsara, with only 4 percent of the population following the Goddess Ensa by contrast.


Music and Art

