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The Emirate of Mahryad
إمارة مادهيا
Motto: Faith and Order(الإيمان والنظام)
Official languagesArabic
Recognised regional languagesNone
Ethnic groups
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• Emir
Makir Sa'ad Al Bahrat
LegislatureThe Emirat Council
Royal Assembly
Tribal Meeting
• Estimate
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
₳ 200,383,356,935
• Per capita
₳ 8,897
CurrencyMahrydian Rah (MHR)
Driving sideright

Mahryad,officaly The Emirate of Mahryad(إمارة مادهيا),is an island nation south of the continent of Eridos.A fairly young country,it was formed after the revolt lead by the Al Bahrad dynasty which had until then been governing in name of the Zatarian Empire


Ancient Era

Mostly uninhabited due to its inhospitable climate the only setlements were Arabian trading posts on the islands coasts

Zatarian Empire

During the period of expansion of the Zatarian Empire the island of Mahryad was colonised with thousands of people,in particlar five tribes which would go on to form the rulling class of todays country,with little to no animosity between them

Modern Period

During the last days of the Zatarian Empire the people of Mahryad began seccesionist movements,and when the empire collapsed it saw the perfect opportunity and declared independece under the leadership of Madhir Muhammad Al Bahrat,the islands governor at the time.Forming an alliance with the clergy and promising them great power and influence over the people,not to say wealth and privileges,Al Bahrat quickly brought the whole island under his firm grasp,consolitated power and named himself Emir.


An island mostly dominated by savannah with large portions of dessert and almost no rivers,with a large mountain range



Government & Politics


An Authoritarian regime,more reminiscent of a dictatorship rather than a monarchy,the Al Bahrat dynasty has rulled with an iron fist over the island sice its first settlers,concentrating most of the power and giving it to the Emir,who benefits from an almost divine status,though carful not to outright show it as to keep friendly relations with the other x nations.Indeed the Mahrydian version of x is quite special,emphasising the need to listen and obey your betters. Religion plays an important part in Mahrydian politics as the Al Bahrat family and the island clergy have an almost symbiotic relation,the clergy grants the Emir credibility and prestige while the Emir grants them wealth,protection and a militant arm


Administrative Divisions

Foreign Affairs

An unusually closed off nation for a former colony,maybe due to its insular position and authoritarian regime,it only maintains close relaiton with other Arabic nations


The National Royal Army (NRA) is Mahryads main military force,making up about 80%(482,363) of armed personnel,with 16%(96,269) being paramilitary or local groups and 4%(22,864) being private groupings or mercenary companies working for either foreign companies to defend their assets or local nobles to defend them from threats. Their equipment and level of training varies between city and region,howerever one common characterisitc is their high morale and obedience.They are known to fight even when badly outnumbred and outgunned due to a combination of religious fervor and fear of the consequences of failure. The National Royal Navy(NRV) is a point of pride to the Mahrydians,in part due to heavy propaganda and in part due to its merits.Being an island nation Mahrydia needs to be able to protect its convoys and transports and project influence in the nearby region through its naval power,and it partly succedes in doing so.While most definetly not the most technologically advanced the medium sized Mahrydian navy is well trained and well organised,ready to act in defense of its country

Human Rights


The Mahrydian economy is a semi-capitalist nation under a corrupt form of corporatism,with many large local companies being run by either members of the nobilty or even members of the royal house and their associates.The few non-aristorcatic companies are mostly foreign,exploiting the large deposits of valuable minerals and precious metals in the country.Social aid is almost unheard of and the hosptials,schools and other social services being barely subsidised by the state.The wealth desparity is huge,with nobles living in large mansions and even castles while much of the population is either starving or even part of nomadic groups that have yet to settle.The mines are filled with extremely cheap labour for both local and foreign companies which take advantage of the empovrished population.The middle class is incredibly small,making up around 10% of the population,with the rulling royal family and nobles making up 1% of the population and owning 74% of the wealth. The rest of the people either work on plantation as little more than cheap labour for cash crops such as coffe cotton and hashish that are then exported or used by the elite who endulge in extreme vices behind closed doors.A large part of the economy is spent on the army,both as a means to defend the nation,and even more importantly to keep the population form trying to dethrone the Emir. Most of the metal working industry which is supplied by the countries mines is centered in the big cities,especially Ahail,with 12% of the population and 37% of the nations profit being located there.

Water Supply & Sanitation




Ethnic Groups








Media & Cinema

Music & Dance





