BREAKING NEWS! LOCKDOWN STRENGTHENED RETAILERS MUST ONLY DO DELIVERY [box]The Federation of Tomikals is a huge, safe nation, remarkable for its state-planned economy, punitive income tax rates, and stringent health and safety legislation. The quiet, industrious population of 205 million Tomikalsians are prohibited from doing almost everything except voting, which they do timidly and conservatively.
The enormous, moralistic, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Education, and Welfare. The average income tax rate is 68.0%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The sizeable but stagnant Tomikalsian economy, worth 3.07 trillion pounds a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is quite specialized, is mostly made up of the Trout Farming industry, with significant contributions from Tourism, Woodchip Exports, and Pizza Delivery. Average income is 14,961 pounds, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
Euthanasia is legal, organ donation rates have hit a new low, the government is seen to favor traditionalist religions, and school plays were recently banned due to concerns of child endangerment. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Tomikals's national animal is the panther, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
Freedom from Yengeng In 1867 Goobian Tribes (in northern Goobia State near what is now Newyorkland) teamed up with Yengeng Rebels to defeat Capricornicum and make the province of Yengeng it's own country they won! Later in 1993 Gobian Rebels declared war the Yengeng Military later in 2020 the war ended and Goobia (Now Tomikals) Was founded by Goobian Leader: Samantha Munroe
Picking of a Capital With the New country The Rt. Hon, Samantha Munroe decided that the young Republic needed a capital so Goobia City was choosen (not to be confused with Goobia State)
List of States Population: 1. Capital District 2. Danvout 3. Bargentina 4. Menezula 5. Goobia State List of independent republics: 1. The Ballon Republic[/box] [box] Danvaut is a marvelous province known for it's quiet countrysides and big cities it plays a major role in the Republic's Politics
Cities Population: 1. Whitokotoks 2. Oranger 3. Villoos 4. Pinkland 5. Kenwood
Whitokotoks Capital of Danvuat and largest city, Whitokotoks is the third largest in the country with a population of 750,000!
Oranger Oranger is the most cultrally diverse city in the Republic with a population of 500,000, more than half are Capricornicumian
Villoos Villoos creates more apples than any other city in the Republic with a population of 769,867,978,000 apples per year and only a population of 50,000 humans!
Pinkland It is the pinkest city in the country
Kenwood Kenwood is home to 2,000 people making it the smallest city in Tomikals![/box]
[box] Capital District of Tomikals (CD) is the smallest and the most populous of the 5! Cities 1. West Goobia 2. Goobia City 3. Nikkiland West Goobia West Goobia is the most populous city in the country 2 Million people are happy to call it home! It's also called home by the deepest thing in Tomikals, THE WEST GOOBIA SUBCOASTER at -124 feet the subcoaster is home to over a million bats!
Nikkiland The small city of 250,000 is the third largest city in the district and the 6th largest in the country!
Goobia City Goobia city is the second largest city as well as apple producer at 1million people and 23million apples, it is home to the tallest thing in the country: the parliment sitting at 214 feet it is 21 stories high![/box]
BARGENTINA Bargentina is the third largest state by population! Cities 1. Wilfaria
Wilfaria Wilfaria is home to 250,000 happy citizens who produce millions of oranges!
MENEZULA Menezula is the 2nd smallest both in population and size! Cities 1. Cumana
Cumana Cumana is the second largest producer of oranges in the country! Only 100,000 people live here!
GOOBIA STATE Goobia state is the largest by size and smallest by population! Cities 1. Newyorkland
Newyorkland 25,000 people call this city home! Tomikals lies under Newreath command