Kingdom of Malorian Islands

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The Kingdom of Malorian Islands
Le Royaume Des Iles Maloriennes
Motto: "Pour Le Roi Et La Patrie!"
Anthem: "The Land of The Pacific" The National Anthem of the Kingdom of Malorian Islands
LargestSt. Bernard
Official languagesFrench, English
Recognised national languagesFrench, English
Recognised regional languagesSpanish and Haitian
Ethnic groups
White (82%), Black (13%), Asian (2.5%), Hispanic (2.5%)
GovernmentAbsolute monarchy (1953-1993) presidential republic under a military junta (1993-1997)
• Emperor
Quentin Farcoise
• Chairman of the Military Council
Leopold DuPont
LegislatureThe Council of The Republic
The National Senate
The House of Representatives
May 1st Coup
Historical eraCold War
• Coup of May
May 1st, 1953
• New constitution introduced
May 15th, 1953
• King dies
October 16th, 1989
• Military coup of 1993
April 12th, 1993
• Military junta formed
April 15th, 1993
• Established
• Disestablished
Today part ofMalorianFlag.jpg Malorian Islands


A New Government

The national flag of the Kingdom of the Malorian Islands (1953-1997)

With Gonzales and his Worker's Party of the Malorian Islands forcibly dissolved, Farcoise slowly consolidated power to ensure longevity within his government. Not long after he took power, Farcoise had the military officers that assisted in his rise to power secretly imprisoned without the knowledge of the public nor the CIA. This allowed for Farcoise to officially declare the Kingdom of the Malorian Islands on June 1st, 1953. Under King Quentin Farcoise, to embrace a newly established cult of personality, he moved the capital of the Malorian Islands from St. Bernard to Bordeaux, the birthplace of King Farcoise.

Foreign Relations of the Kingdom of the Malorian Islands

After the overthrow of Evan Gonzales in 1953, the Malorian Islands shifted its foreign relations from those of pro-communist states such as the Soviet Union and North Korea to its former allies such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and West Germany. Farcoise, a fervent nationalist, did maintain relations with nations that held beliefs similar to his. In 1967, after the overthrow of the King of Greece, King Farcoise was one of the first to recognize the newly established military government in Greece. The Kingdom of the Malorian Islands under King Quentin Farcoise also maintained relations with the Republic of Zaire during the Cold War, seeing then-President of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko as a valuable ally within Africa against socialism and colonialism. The Malorian Islands did maintain relations with two communist countries under King Farcoise: The Socialist Republic of Romania under Nicolae Ceausescu and the SFR Yugoslavia under Marshal Josip Broz Tito seeing them as a "bulwark against Soviet-style Communism" The Kingdom of the Malorian Islands had embassies hosting Zaire, the United States, the United Kingdom, the French Fifth Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Socialist Republic of Romania, The Republic of Zaire, and eventually the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union after reforms were made. In 1992 under King Marco Farcoise, the Malorian Islands also recognized the breakaway states of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of South Ossetia, as well as the newly established Russian Federation under President Boris Yeltsin.

Quentin Farcoise's Death and Downfall of the Kingdom

On November 10th, 1989 King Quentin Farcoise died at the age of 58. The official cause of death was asphyxiation, however, his cause of death is still up to opinion as of 2020. His official killer is also up to debate was well. It is commonly believed that he was poisoned at dinner by either his son Marco or Leopold DuPont, the Minister of Defense under King Farcoise. On November 22nd, 12 days after Quentin Farcoise had died, his son Marco Farcoise became the heir apparent to the throne. However, compared to his father, Marco did not take the position as seriously. Marco, as King of the Malorian Islands, delegated duties to those he "deemed fit" for the job. Meanwhile, Marco used his time to gamble, drink, and mingle in Bordeaux's casinos, bars, and brothels. It wasn't long until he angered the military. On February 9th 1993, after several cuts to the military budget to subsidize Marco's expenses and to strengthen the secret police, the Malorianese Royal Armed Forces staged a coup d'etat against the young King of the Malorian Islands. The coup was successful with General Victor DuPont forming a military council to govern the nation. The Military Council on Unity and Stabilization was then formed a week later on February 16th, 1993.

The Military Junta (1993-2011)