World Socialist Organization

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The World Socialist Organization was an intergovernmental economic and military alliance between multiple socialist states, mostly situated in eastern Eulabia. The organization was founded in 1919 in the aftermath of the collapse of Romalian Empire. During its heyday, it represented the socialist movements worldwide. But the constant struggle, as well as the existence of splinter socialist alliances greatly weakened the WSO. The organization came to an end in the 1990's when most of the constituent socialist governments were overthrown.


Early years


The Great War


The Cold War





Congress of the World Socialist Organization

The Congress was de jure the primary decision body of the WSO. Each member state was to send a single congressional delegate. The legislative ability of the CWSO was largely hampered by the fact it was not allowed to decide on internal political matters of member-states. Its primary role was to accept new members, eject disobedient member-states, approve the budget and appoint major WSO officials. The Congress itself was headed by a Secretary-General of the World Socialist Organisation.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees were the various executive agencies of the organization, the most imporant were the:

  • Standing Committee on Military Affairs
  • Standing Committee on Foregin Affairs
  • Standing Committee on Economic Affairs


The Bureaus represented local branches of the WHO, each managing organization's in a particular area.

Eulabia Bureau


Kryvian Bureau


Furukuran Sea Bureau


America Libre Bureau