Commonwealth Marines

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Per Mare, Per Terram
- "By sea, by land", motto of the Commonwealth Marines

The Commonwealth Marines ("CM") is the naval infantry branch of the Commonwealth Navy, a light infantry rapid deployment force specialising in amphibious and expeditionary warfare. Administratively, it is not an independent branch of service. Rather, it forms an integral part of the Commonwealth Navy. In combat theatres however, CM units will often come under the operational command of higher army headquarters. Its main combat strength is the 3rd Marine Brigade of 5,000 personnel.

File:Marines BVS-10.jpg
Articulated tracked armoured vehicle landing from a Landing Craft - Utility

Roles and capabilities

Historically, the CM's primary role was shipboard security and boarding attacks, before transitioning to its current specialisations in the 20th century. Arthurista has never been a prolific practitioner of expeditionary warfare. Given its main naval priorities of counter-invasion and sea-lanes of communication ("SLOC") security, 'high seas' type activities such as anti-submarine warfare and naval aviation received far more attention than amphibious operations or combat in littoral zones. As such, the CM is measurably smaller than the average marine corps of a maritime nation of Arthurista's size.

File:Marines helicopter assault 2.jpg
Marines landing on a beach via air assault

On the other hand, this allows the force to be far more selective in terms of personnel. Like the Parachute Regiment of the Commonwealth Army, the CM has a highly competitive selection process and contains some of the best-trained infantry units of the Arthuristan military.

Given that Commonwealth Marine units may be deployed at short notice to any part of the world, they are trained in combat in a multitude of environments. The Marines are an expert cold weather unit, training regularly in northern Ghant, and is highly capable in arctic and mountain warfare. They also receive focused training in jungle and urban warfare.

The Marine Course is among the longest training regimes for line infantry in the world - 32 weeks for all personnel, plus an additional 32 weeks for officer candidates. All infantry units of the Commonwealth Marines are rated as 'Special Operations Capable' by the Ministry of Defence.

The CM is a light infantry force, utilising helicopters and, to a lesser extent, landing crafts to effectuate assault entry into theatres of operation. Each brigade, however, possesses an Amphibious Armoured Transporter Squadron, which operates 24 BvS 10 or Bronco All Terrain Tracked Carrier . The Squadron allows at least one of the brigade's three battalions to operate as mechanised infantry where necessary. Independent battalion groups will likely be deployed with an Armoured Transporter Detachment with six vehicles. Where even more armoured support is necessary, a tank squadron or regiment (company or battalion) from the Commonwealth Army may be attached on an ad hoc basis. Artillery support is provided by the L118 Light Gun, RT F1 120mm heavy mortar and L16 81mm mortar. Virtually every vehicle or weapon system in the Commonwealth Marines arsenal may be lifted by helicopters.

The 3rd Marine Brigade, a self-contained light infantry expeditionary brigade group, is the primary operational unit of the Commonwealth Marines. In addition, the Commonwealth Marines commands the Fleet Security Group, which provides on-shore security for the navy's facilities, in particular its nuclear submarines and their fuel.

3rd Marine Brigade

The 3rd Marine Brigade possesses approximately 5,000 personnel. Where a scenario does not require the use of a full brigade, it may deploy a battalion-group, with various support units attached.

The three battalions of the Brigade take turns to furnish high-readiness organic company landing teams to the Commonwealth Navy's Home Fleet, Far East Fleet and Periclean Station. Where the brigade must deploy on short notice, reservists are mobilised to fill the gap thus created in the brigade's order of battle.

File:Marine Brigade.png
Marine Brigade ORBAT
  • HQ
  • 3 x Marine Battalions
  • 1 x Marine Raiders Company
  • 1 x Amphibious APC Squadron
  • 1 x Assault Boat Squadron
  • 1 x Marine Artillery Regiment
  • 1 x NLOS Battery
  • 1 x SAM Battery
  • 1 x Engineer Regiment
  • 1 x Logistics Regiment
  • 1 x Signal Squadron
  • 1 x Medical Squadron
  • 1 x CRBN Squadron
  • 1 x CEME Squadron

In addition to the above, an armoured squadron or regiment (i.e. company or battalion) from the Commonwealth Army is often attached to the brigade on active operations.

4th Marine Brigade

The 4th marine Brigade is organised along similar lines. It is, however, a reserve unit comprised of a mixture of demobilised former marine personnel, as well as part time civilian volunteers. When both marine brigades operate in tandem, they may come under the operational direction of an overarching headquarters known as the Marine Division Triton.

Aviation support

Helicopter support is provided by the Expeditionary Helicopter Force, with elements drawn from both the Fleet Air Arm and the Army Air Corps. It operates the Chinook as its main heavy lift aircraft, while the AW101 Merlin provide medium lift ability. Reconnaissance and attack squadrons operate the Lynx and Arthuristan Dynamics Raven respectively.

Independent elements

The Fleet Protection Group is a branch of the Commonwealth Marines tasked with guarding naval installations throughout Arthurista and abroad.

There are three independent marine rifle company combat groups, which are permanently attached to the fleet for maritime operations. They are the 45th Marine Special Service Company, attached to the Home Fleet, the 46th, attached to the Periclean, and 47th, attached to the Far East Fleet. They also provide additional security on board warships and form boarding parties for visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) operations where necessary.

Battalions and Regiments

Marine Battalion

NOTE: When deployed as an independent battalion group, it will have an artillery battery, an amphibious transport squadron, an engineer troop and multiple helicopter squadrons and/or flights attached.

File:Marine battalion.png
Marine Battalion ORBAT
  • HQ
  • HQ Platoon (6 x Apollo Motors Battleaxe)
  • Signal Platoon
  • Vehicle recovery and repair Workshop
  • Medical team
  • Intelligence platoon
  • Motor transport platoon (12-16 x 8t trucks)
  • MP Section (1 x WO plus four men)
  • Catering platoon
  • Quartermaster team
  • Admin office
  • Training team
  • 3 x Marine companies
  • 1 x Marine Maneouvre Support Company

Marine Artillery Regiment

  • HQ
  • 3 x Artillery Batteries (6x L118 Light Gun each)
  • 1 x Heavy Mortar Battery (8x RT F1)
  • 1 x JSTAR battery

Marine Engineering Regiment

  • HQ
  • 3x Field Squadrons
  • 1x Assault Boat Squadron
  • 1x Amphibious Armoured Transporter Squadron (24x BvS 10)

Marine Company

  • HQ
  • Fire Support Team (FO, 2IC, air controller, assistant air controller, 2 x signallers) - attached

Marine Platoon

  • HQ team (Platoon leader, sergeant, signaller, mortar spotter)
  • 12x Vehicle crews
  • Three sections of eight men, each divided into two fireteams:
  • Section leader (Corporal, L87 rifle, two fragmentation grenades, one smoke grenade, doubles as leader of the first fireteam)
  • Grenadier (L87 rifle, under-barrel grenade launcher, two fragmentation grenades, one smoke grenade)
  • Marksman (L129A1, two fragmentation grenades, one smoke grenade)
  • LMG Gunner (L110A2, two fragmentation grenades, one smoke grenade)
  • Section 2nd in command (Lance Corporal, L87 rifle, two fragmentation and one smoke grenades, also leader of second fireteam)
  • Grenadier (L87 rifle, under-barrel grenade launcher, two fragmentation grenades, one smoke grenade)
  • GPMG gunner (L6A2 General Purpose Machine Gun, pistol, two fragmentation and one smoke grenades)
  • Machine gun assist (L87 rifle, extra barrel and ammunition MG gunner, two fragmentation and one smoke grenades)

Each platoon is also issued the following support weapons, to be carried with them when they dismount or left in their vehicle at the platoon commander's discretion:

See also: Equipment_of_the_Commonwealth_Army