History of the Socialist Republic of Malgrave

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In the immediate aftermath of the Great Exodus of 1933 many political parties like the Malgravean Communist Party and the National Council for Stability and Justice started to call for radical change in order to ensure that the humiliating defeat that caused the exodus would never happen again. The Malgravean Communist Party blamed the corrupt capitalist system and the unresponsive and undemocratic monarchy for the defeat and started to protest for change.

At the time the protests were allowed by the First Wajda Administration under the belief that calls for economic reforms and a future referendum on the future of the monarchy did not breach the constitution, however the combination of strict rationing, the perceived weakness of unions and several accidental breakdowns between members of the Second Wajda Administration led to a gradual radicalisation of the Communist Party and following a call for a violent revolution to overthrow the monarchy the party and ideology was banned by the government under the National Security and Stabilisation Act of 1938.

Following the passing of the National Security and Stabilisation Act of 1940 the Communist Party retreated to newly settled areas in the north of the country and announced that it was forming a new workers republic. On the 13th of April 1941 the Communist Party officially announced the formation of the Socialist Republic of Malgrave and a workers constitution, declaring themselves the successor to the illegal Malgravean state


In the opening stages of the Malgravean Civil War the Socialist Republic easily emerged as the second strongest military force in the conflict, as like the National Workers' Republic it also gained a wave of defectors from the military and also received a wave of enthusiastic volunteers upset with years of heavy rationing and long-working hours imposed on them by the current central government.

At this moment some debate took place within the ruling Communist Party over the next course of action, however unlike the arguments that were raging within the National Council for Stability and Justice these matters were addressed relatively quickly, and after a quick party conference Monika Chmiel and Artur D'antonio emerged as Prime Minister and President respectively. As Prime Minister Monika Chimel successfully argued that the greatest threat to the Socialist Republic didn't come from the central government but instead came from the Workers' Republic, with the Prime Minister remarking that it was not just the Workers' Republics military superiority that made them a larger threat but their hatred of democracy, distaste for non-humans and subservience to the capitalist system that ensured that they needed to be crushed completely before the Socialist Republic could turn their attention towards the central government.

In the years that followed Prime Minister Chimel engaged on a five-year plan to ensure that the Socialist Republic would have the defensive and offensive capabilities needed to bring the fight directly to the Workers' Republic while President D'antonio and the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade were tasked with forging relations with the international community. It is also noted that Prime Minister Chimel is considered by some to be the first female and the first non-human Prime Minister of a Malgravean state, although this is disputed by the Malgravean government who say that the Socialist Republic was never a recognised state and Prime Minister Helen Magnus was the first female Prime Minister.


At the end of the 1940's the Communist Party had agreed to start a second five-year plan to prepare the Socialist Republic for a conflict with the National Workers' Republic of Malgrave and at the beginning of the 50's this plan (one of many five-year plans) was completed. In addition to the construction of new industrial centres and connections with the international community, the Socialist Republic had also spent a considerable amount of resources on a series of fortifications alongside crucial points of the border with the NWR.

In 1951 the Communist Party started planning an offensive operation against the NWR, however those plans were indefinitely shelved within several weeks when the NWR launched Operation Bludgeon and started attacking SR positions across the recently fortified border. Operation Bludgeon had several stages, and several SR positions nearly fell but the NWR eventually ceased large-scale offensive operation in 1954 with both sides suffering massive losses. During this time Premier Artur D'antonio died of natural causes and for a while his duties were filled by the Prime Minister until Radomił Janowski was elected Premier in 1954.

Radomił Janowski was part of a more agrarian sector of the Communist Party and had often disagreed with Prime Minister Monika Chmiel in the past but the pair quickly established a good working relationship and both the Prime Minister and Premier got to work completing the third five-year plan and organising the start of the fourth five year plan, one that was geared more towards improving living standards, growing the economic and moving towards a communist model.


The 1960's started in disaster for the Socialist Republic as the country lost territory to the NWR and both Premier Radomił Janowski and Prime Minister Monika Chmiel were killed by assassins linked to the intelligence arm of the Patriotic Front. In response to these two crisis the Socialist Republic was ruled collectively by the ruling council of the Communist Party until an election could be safely organised and now famous orders circulated across the front lines instructing commanders to hold the line at all costs, as intelligence reported that the Patriotic Front was starting a fresh offensive. A series of fierce battles now erupted between the NWR and SR, with the SR only emerging victorious as the NWR focused its attention to Pakosc, with the sheer quantity of bravery medals awarded by the leading council of the SR indicating how thankful the Communist Party was to the military.

In 1964 Maryla Ślusarczyk and Danilo Amantea were elected to the positions of Premier and Prime Minister respectively and the pair quickly promised to get justice for those killed by the NWR. As the National Workers' Republic was focused on Pakosc the SR was able to restore some confidence by quickly regaining the territory it had lost at the start of the decade and began making preparations for a fresh offensive. As the Battle of Pakosc ended the Socialist Republic launched Operation Gamble and made impressive headway against the NWR, although this was mostly due to the losses the Patriotic Front had suffered during their disastrous attempt to capture the city of Pakosc. In the space of a few months the Socialist Republic captured several important locations including the city of Sarosa and managed to fend off successive attempts by the NWR to recapture the city.

It has also been said that the Socialist Republic offered assistance to the city of Pakosc but this has been denied by successive Malgravean government, although conspiracy theories continue be supported by a portion of the population due to the classified nature of SIS reports on the Battle of Pakosc.