History of the National Workers' Republic of Malgrave

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In the immediate aftermath of the Great Exodus of 1933 many political parties like the Malgravean Communist Party and the National Council for Stability and Justice started to call for radical change in order to ensure that the humiliating defeat that caused the exodus would never happen again. The National Council for Stability and Justice blamed the structural weakness of the democratic system, the corruption of the monarchy, the preference of R&D and ancestral study over military funding for the defeat and started to propose radical reforms.

At first the protests were allowed by the First Wajda Administration who thought that banning actions by the NCSJ while allowing protests by the Communist Party would cause political and social unrest, Over time however the NCSJ became emboldened and became increasingly vocal, and after the Royal Guard was forced to fire on members of the Patriotic Front advancing on the Royal City of Wizna it was quickly outlawed by the Second Wajda Administration

Immediately after this announcement the NCSJ launched Operation Enlightenment, and a majority of the officers and soldiers part of the then professional Royal Army of Malgrave (1910-1941 fed up with heavy rationing, low pay and poor living conditions defected and joined with Patriotic Front with their equipment following closely behind them, although notably all members of the Royal Guard and the Royal Navy refused to join. At this moment the NCSJ was poised to launch Operation Asola but infighting between members of the newly appointed Military Council over who would be made the next President of the Military Council and President of the National Workers' Republic led to the indefinite shelving of this operation and led to the NWR retreating to the border regions to re-organise itself internally before launching new offensive operations against the central government.


At the start of the 1940's the NWR emerged as the strongest military power in the Malgravean Civil War, with the successful completion of Operation Enlightenment stripping the central government of a large number of professional soldiers (and their equipment and leaving them with only the Royal Guard and ground-based units of the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force that refused to defect.

It was at this point that the National Council for Stability and Justice hoped to launch Operation Asola and overthrow the Second Wajda Administration. At that point however several disagreements emerged within the Military Council over who would be the next President of the Military Council, who would be the first President of the Workers' Republic and what action the Patriotic Front would take, as some argued that Operation Asola should be launched immediately while others believed that the Socialist Republic should be crushed first as it maintained a larger military and posed a larger threat to the Workers' Republic.

After four years of costly infighting in the party Radomił Stanek and Gianfranco Armati emerged victorious as President of the Military Council and President of the Workers' Republic respectively. Both leaders argued that the Socialist Republic was the larger threat in the civil war as it had the second largest military, and they each doubted that the central government could put together a competent offensive force to challenge them before they could effectively organise to crush the communist forces completely.