List of political parties in Hverland

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This article contains a list of active political parties in Pharexia.

Conservative Party

The Conservative Party of Pharexia (Pharexian: Stéttarfélags) is the major contemporary party of the Pharexian centre-right, and the leading party in both of the federal legislative houses. It was established as the merger of the National Unity Party and the Ilyçisian–Conservative Party in 1961. Different factions have dominated the party at different times, although over the past 30 years, it has moved from the right-wing more towards the centre.

The party advocates economic liberalism such as a reduction of taxes, deregulation, and free trade. Conservatives support individual rights and define themselves as a "conservative party of progress". The party generally supports semi-privatization through state-funded private services, LGBT rights, gun control, and tougher law and order measures. They oppose identity politics and abortion.

There have been in total 17 Conservative members of the Federal Council, the most from any one political party. It currently has 2 members, one of which is Head Councilor. As of 2019, the Conservatives leads the governmental coalition in both houses of the Síðari.

A coalition of the Conservative Party, the Science–Moderate Party, and New Future entered federal government in 2018 based on promises of tax cuts, better public services and stricter rules on immigration. They also recieved informal support of the Ilyçisian Democrats, who promised to support the government in order to advance "socially conservative, Ilyçisian-based legislation".

Science–Moderate Party

The Science–Moderate Party (Pharexian: Šísindasveit) is a major contemporary political party in Phareixa. It is typically classified as centre, although has shifted slightly leftwards socially in recent years. It currently has the second most number of seats in the Federal Legislature's Cantonal and National Assemblies. The Science–Moderate Party is built on the belief that scientific advancement has the potential to improve all aspects of public life in the country. They advocate for medical and scientific research, and education. The party supports the welfare state within the current free-market system.

Liberal Party

The Liberal Party of Pharexia (Pharexian: Frjálslynda réttlæti) is a classically liberal political party in Pharexia. The Liberals are led by Petrína Áskelsdóttir. The party was founded in 1948 by members of former liberal political parties (primarily from the Liberal Democrats). The merger was in response to 28 years of continuous Conservative governance at the national level. The party strongly supports human rights, civil liberties, and internationalism. The party was traditionally considered left-wing, although it has drifted more towards the centre in recent years, joining the Coalition of the Centre parliamentary group in 2004. Since then, the party has firmly pushed economic liberalism and has aligned itself closely to the promotion of free markets and privatization. It is strongly opposed to political and internet censorship. The party also supports socially liberal policies like LGBT rights and loosening the country's restrictive abortion laws.

New Future

New Future (Pharexian: Framtíðinni) is a conservative agrarian political party in Pharexia. They hold socially conservative positions, opposing abortion, gun control, and euthanasia, while maintaining moderately progressive stances on agrarian, economic and environmental issues. The party self-describes itself as "centre" and receive support from farmers, fishers, and union members in southern and eastern Pharexia.

Ilyçisian Democrats

Ilyçisian Democrats (Pharexian: Ilyçieoan aðila), also commonly referred to as the Ilyçisian Party, is a right-wing political party in Pharexia. The party was founded in 2000 as the result of the merger of the National Party and the Traditional Voice Party. The party is not affiliated with the Church of Pharexia, and most members are actually Sólheimaka (Orthodox Ilyćisians), while the Church of Pharexia is of the Reykjavík denomination.

The Ilyçisian Democrats exist to maintain Ilyçisian representation at all levels of government in order to promote "ethical values based on...Ilyçisian values". They are aligned with social conservative policies such as criminalizing pornographic distribution and ownership, mandating religious instruction in public schools, expanding gun rights, and cultural tests for immigrants. They oppose legalizing abortion and euthanasia, and advocate repealing the current government-run healthcare. They also wish to restrict Pharexia's loose substance laws by criminalizing marijuana and most other class-A drugs.


Greens–Left (Pharexian: Græn-vinstri) is an active political party in Pharexia. It is a merger of the Pharexian Greens and the Left Party. The party's ideology combines environmentalism with left-wing and centre-left economic policies, such as supporting a state economy with regulated capitalism and increased taxes for the wealthy. Members support progressive social policies on civil liberties, LGBT rights, animal rights, and drug reform. The party supports non-violence, a universal basic income, and instituting a minimum, living wage across the country. In 2005, the party voted to remove explicitly socialist language from their party platform, and have since seen an increase in support outside of Breíddalsvík.

Dignity–Solidarity Party

The Dignity–Solidarity Party (Pharexian: Reisn–Verç) is a left-wing political party in Pharexia that has been described as an alliance of democratic socialists, communists, and secularists. They are seen as the de facto successor to the Pharexian Communist & Workers' Party, although party officials are hesitant to claim so. Their platform emphasizes greater state intervention, social justice, strengthening workers' rights, and, unlike most other political parties in Pharexia (including other left-wing parties) supports the formal separation of church and state. Since the 1990's the ideals of diversity and social justice have also taken a prominent role.

Strength of parties

Party Name Seats in the Cantonal Assembly Seats in National Assembly Seats on the Federal Council Regional Council Seats Regional Legislative Seats Cantonal Council Seats Position Ideology
Conservative Party
18 / 63
61 / 277
2 / 8
4 / 15
82 / 300
168 / 893
Centre-right Liberal conservatism, Economic liberalism
Science–Moderate Party
15 / 63
42 / 277
2 / 8
2 / 15
42 / 300
140 / 893
Centre Technocentrism, Third way
Liberal Party
Frjálslynda réttlæti
9 / 63
33 / 277
1 / 8
4 / 15
60 / 300
170 / 893
Centre-left Classical liberalism, Social progressivism
Ilyçisian Democrats
Ilyçieoan aðila
6 / 63
28 / 277
1 / 8
1 / 15
19 / 300
101 / 893
Right-wing Traditionalist conservatism, Social conservatism
New Future
8 / 63
17 / 277
1 / 8
2 / 15
38 / 300
100 / 893
Centre-right Agrarianism, Decentralization
5 / 63
20 / 277
0 / 8
1 / 15
19 / 300
52 / 893
Centre-left to left-wing Green politics, Social democracy
Dignity–Solidarity Party
2 / 63
8 / 277
0 / 8
0 / 15
5 / 300
22 / 893
Left-wing to far-left Anti-capitalism, Secularism
Moderate Party
0 / 63
22 / 277
0 / 8
0 / 15
6 / 300
63 / 893
Centre Economic liberalism, Trasformismo
0 / 63
11 / 277
0 / 8
1 / 15
14 / 300
45 / 893
Right-wing to far-right Nativism, Ultranationalism
Lofogengenlok Independence
Sjálfstæðismenn Lofogengenlok
0 / 63
8 / 277
0 / 8
0 / 15
2 / 300
N/A Centre to centre-left Regionalism
Communist Party
0 / 63
0 / 277
0 / 8
0 / 15
0 / 300
2 / 300
Far-left Communism
0 / 63
27 / 277
1 / 8
0 / 15
14 / 300
30 / 893