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From upper left: Khönug svens vag ,
Vastertarg, Kyrkotarget,
Vastra starvagen

File:Flagimerbürg.png File:Imerburgseal.png
City flag City coat of arms
City population
Metro population
"Alltets mit "
(English : the ecenter of everything"")
 — in Antiquity relic traced to

 — Established as Capital of the federation

year 100 since the rose burnt, 1652 BCEstimated
474 AD
 — Type
 — Governing body
 — the lord defender
the lord defender
HRH Oskar rex Stjärnkhrone (The high king)
Land area
 — City
 — Metro area

7,300 km^2
10,300 km^2
Population density
 — City
 — Metro area

2,786 people per km^2
2,147 people per km^2

Imerbürg is the capital city of the absolute royal federation and the realm capital of Imeriata. It is the economic, cultural and political centre of both Imeriata and on the Scanderan continent. As the capital so is Imerbürg not only the most political influential city in the federation but it is also the largest one and it has an estimated population of 20,345,000 people living in it and little less than 2 million more people living in the entire metropolitan area.

Imerbürg is situated on the place where Storfloden, or "the great river" in Imerian which, meets Innanhafet, or "the inner sea" which is why it is so important as a city since it lies on the single historically most important place in Scandera due to the large trade which is conducted both from inland by the river and from the coastal regions due to the Innanhafet and it has historically been a great meeting place between the river sailors and those traders that sailed in innanhafet. This was the seat of power from where the auf Stjärnkhrone kings established the absolute royal federation and it is today the place of the royal court, the home of the federal high command and the heads of the advisories as well as the inquisitional fortress and the peace keeper high federal constabulary's court of justice. It is also the home to many opera halls, Schools, museums and libraries, amongst the most well known are the federal war museum and the Imerian museum of natural history as well as the Imerbürg opera and the federal archives are popular places to visit.

The city itself is traversable with the aid of numerous canals, and of course the large network of twisting and narrow roads that intersect the entire city. It does also have the access to a international airport just a couple of hours drive away from the city and a impressive collection of as many as ten railway terminals as well as the three large civilian harbours as well as the two military ones that the city hosts. The city also is known by many names such as "din gyllende staden" (the golden city) due to the sandstone the city is constructed of, "Staden utaf krhoner ach stjärnor" (the city of crowns and stars" due to the fact that it is ruled by the Sjärnkhrone house, "Alltets mit" (the center of everything) due to the believe that Imerbürg is the center of creation and "midnachts juvelen" (the midnight jewel) from the fact that it is the jewel of Imeriata. People from imerbürg are often called "Stadsmän" or "Falk fram staden" ("citymen" or "people from the city" respectably).


Imerbürg is built around "Storflooden" and its outlet into innanhafet and spread out over most of the Imerian northern lands and even within Imerbürg does the river spread out and is regularly trafficked both by commercial ships and by transports inside the city. The terrain itself is as in most of Imeriata (with the exception of Sydvedian, the most northern parts of Imeriata proper and Södanbergen. The city does lack any real official designation but is often divided by the different islands in Storfloden that it is built on (Khönunga an, Syda, Sjaan, nordan and Staran) and the two mainland parts that is just called Astralandstad and Vastralandstad. While most of the land itself is urbanised so is Imerbürg also the home of large parks and gardens while trees, bushes and other plantlife are often grown as decorations.


Under the Köppen climate classification, Imerbürg experiences a cold Humid continental climate (Dfb) As Imeriata is divided between a humid continental (Dfb) and sub artic (Dfc) climate and it cold and short summers followed by long and cold winters even if they are warmer in the coastal regions due to Sammarstramen, that brings hot water around Scandera in the winter and colder water down from the north pole in the summer. The city also sees on average about 600 mm of precipitation per year, with a stretch of more intense precipitation during the middle of autumn. Along with much of the realm, so are Imerbürg blessed has with a chilly climate that is at average 8.2 degrees with an average humidity of 92% due to the close proximity to the sea and the large river that flows through it and 1,465 annual daylight hours. in Winter so can temperatures drop to as low as -20 degrees and snow is common and the lack of sunshine leaves the winters dark and cloudy. Spring is warmer even if the temperatures are often on the just a couple of degrees above zero. Summer reaches temperatures of around 15 degrees even if they are very sunny and the nights are short and non-existent in the earlier days. Autumn on the other hand is rainy and experiences a very deep fall in temperatures as the nights quickly and quickly gets shorter and shorter accompanied with thick fogs and rain.

Template:Weather box 2


When Imerbürg was founded is not entirely sure but there has been evidence of sentient creatures living in the area from around 1650 BC. Recent archaeological finds have proven that there have been older Wharen settlements there before humans settled there, something which most likely would have happened on the ruins of the old city. The city proper however was founded however by Fylrik Airnflik in the year 420 BC according to old traditions as he settled his tribe in the area and built a stronghold on the mouth of the great river that ran by. It was here he later on took the silver crown of Imer the great when he died in battle to the west.

Imerbürg was also the capital of the Stjärnkhrone realm before they united Imeriata under one crown and it has during the years withstood sieges, wars and blockades but the city itself have never fallen.

In the civil war so were the battle of Imerbürg fought no less than ten miles from the city itself and with victory for the royalists so did the war turn and the revolutionary forces begun their retreat to the west.


The average age of a man or woman living in Imerbürg is 35 years old; 46% of the population is in the ages between 20 and 40, 26% of the population over the age of 15 are unmarried. As many of 28% of the population is foreigners, 25% of them are born outside of the absolute royal federation and it has a population of 22% non-humans where elves and goblins are the most common ones. People living in Imerbürg is called Imerbürgers of Stadsmän or Falk fram staden.


Architectural Styles

Imerbürg have two dinstinct styles on the buildings that are built in it, the first and the one most people thinks of is teh Imerian gothic style, the second is the older Imerian korsvirkeshus where the house palisade is covered in dried mud and then painted white to keep the water away from the mud itself. Then are a large number of wooden planks nailed into the wall and painted black in large "Xs" surrounded by a large plank before another plank is nailed into it.

National Parks

The museum park

Imerbürg has regardless of it's urbanised nature a number of parks spread out amongst it's large buildings or the massive fields of smaller houses. Two well known examples of this is the royal park that is sadly closed off to the public and is placed inside the walled area of the royal palace. The second example of this is the museum park built around the history of natural history that is well known for it's famous waterworks and exotic trees that grows around the old buildings and is kept warm and snow free the entire year due to a large series of magic enchantments inscribed on the walls of the museum complex. A third but not as well known park is the so called "Vatten parken" or "the park of water" that is a large series of lakes and massive fountains where all manner of sealife and plants living in the ocean can be observed through a complicated series of underwater tunnels in and between the lakes themselves.

Culture and Contemporary life


Imerbürg has also a thriving news network in it's city with countless both local and federal wide newspapers operating in the city and it is also home to not only "royal and federal news" which is the largest news paper in the federation but it is also the home of "Federal langsyns bolaget" or "FLB" the largest television corporation in the federation.


a Imerbürg kaka

Imerbürg is known for his food and have a large number of restaurants as well as a large food tradition and it is especially known for its deserts and it is known for "Imerbürg kaka".

Imerbürg kaka consists of two pieces of wheat bread, the lower one hallowed out and filled with jam or almond paste and then a thick layer of whipped cream between the two bread pieces.

The cake is served in a bowl of hot milk and you are supposed to start eating the top wheat bread with your fingers and then the rest of the cake and milk with a spoon.

Imerbürg is also known for it's shellfish as it is the main producer of the piglet sized "innanhaf lobster" that lives in innanhafet.


Arts and Entertainment

Where Imerbürg shines however is the massive amounts of opera houses, tea houses, theatres, motion picture theatres, public libraries, bath houses, museums, concert halls and public parks that are spread out over the capital as well as the countless street performers, bards and story tellers that stands on the streets and entertains people for cash.

Sports and Sports Teams

While teamsports in general have never gotten a huge following in Imeriata and most competition tends to be between individuals but the actually rather popular Imerian handegg sport has a team form Imerbürg that is one of the more successful teams in the grand federal coup. More so is Imerbürg home to many archery and crossbow grounds, fencing halls, boxing and wrestling halls, Imerian style swordplaying arenas, horse raising grounds, jousting grounds and dagger duelling arenas.

More so so have the city provided the federation with countless fencers, riders, fighters, and archers and in the inter federal contests so are Imerbürg often on the top.



In recent years so have Imerbürg also become a large railway center with five major railway stations, Sadra hamn stationen, Vasterstationen, Nord stationen, Khönliga stationen and astestationen (eng: southern harbour station, western station, northern station, the royal station and the eastern station) spread out over the city, one of them even going down to the harbours and then spreads out through the city, to tie the capital city together with the rest of Imeriata that had been unreachable previously due to the lack of rivers reaching there.


Imerbürg is however also the home of the Imerian underground railway system which is commonly employed when you want to go somewhere as it stretched through most if not all the city.


Imerbürg is rather unique that it has a city bussystem instead of one active in the outlying countryside as most Imerian cities have. However due to the narrow and twisting roads in Imerbürg so is the bus system notorious for never being on time and just a damned waste of time and good space.

Riverways and Ports

What made Imerbürg the great city that it is today is it's large and functioning river network and the large harbours that brings wares from the ocean to large parts of Imeriata and even as far as southern Vedian and Erathia. These harbours are still active and countless ships anchors there each year with wares and people from both near and far before lighter river going ships picks them up and sails up the river. There is also a lot of channels that runs through the city that is trafficed both by personal and public transportation ships.


The road network on the other hand is not the greatest, roads in Imerbürg as in most cities tends to flow natural instead of in straight lines, they are narrow and crowded. Filled with pedestrians, animals, carts and automobiles, all of which makes them hard to use for motortransport so most gods and people needing to travel through long pats of the city tends to use the trains.


the vast majority of the people in Imerbürg works either in the manufacturing industry or in a sea related activities as the docks are a massive employer for people and at lest 45% of the workforce are employed in the industries with another 20% working in some close relation to the sea, either as fishermen, dockhands or as outright sailors.

Amongst the large corporations in Imerbürg so can one find a few Sandersja arms manufacturing factories but there are also massive foodstuff factories and especially large textile factories are also very common. As the commercial capital of the federation so is Imerbürg also the headquater of both the royal merchant guild but also the larger federal banks have their headquarters there.

More so, so have Imerbürg a growing tourism sector with foreigners coming to see the month longs night and days in summer and winter, the old historical places and just to see the massive city itself.

Law and government

The city itself is the direct fief of the Imerian high king which means that it is ruled by no one else than the high king and one of the few fiefs that does not have to answer to any higher authority.

City planning

As far as city planning goes so are Imerbürg rather lacking due to the Imerian philosophy that cities should grow naturally.

This has resulted in narrow and bent roads that runs through the city as rivers would do on the countryside.


While Crime in general is low in Imerbürg so are there exceptions to this rule, for instance so are the low income slums often outright dangerous on night and royal guard patrols are constantly patrolling the areas and raids by both the guard and the inquisition against organised criminal families are common.

The most common crimes that people are sent to prison for are armed robbery and assault the most common ones, with speeding and endangering of the public the second most common ones.


Imerbürg is considered amongst all the other things it is a centre of learning and it is home not only to the royal academy which is considered the finest school in the entire federation but it also has a large collection of both prestigious schools for higher learning but also a large amount of public ones open to the general public.


Imerbürg is the home of the elite first army that is composed entirely of the social elite from the federation, it has the best equipment money can buy, often paid for by the men themselves, the best horses the best armour and the best camp followers.

It does however have an entire army drawn from it's own population that acts as a police/fire fighting/medical aid/building force as well as a military one as military units do all over the federation.

More so so are Imerbürg home to the third largest naval base in innanhafet as well as a large missile defence system.
