Thinking mongrel

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Thinking mongrel, waterblood, halfbreed, are all terms that applies to Scanderan creatures of mixed species parentage. While these creatures can be diverse in appearance so are they still rare and far between due to social stigma about mixed marriages between various species. Historically so have various free species handled the matter in various ways ranging from killing the halfbreeds, accepting them or trying to make marriages illegal. The unified Scanderan kingdom under the Sjtärnkhrone dynasty kept marriages between different species illegal until the 18th century when it was legalised between non-humans but human to non-human marriages were kept illegal until the early 21th century following the C'tan invasion. Despite the current legal status so do marriages like those carry some social stigma and is frowned upon by most of society humans and non-humans alike.

Female/Male Human Elf Low dwarf High dwarf Goblin Halfling Rån Troll Fairy
Human Pureblood X X X X X X X X
Elf X Pureblood X X X Quartling Forest Elf X Forest fairy
Low dwarf X X Pureblood Mixed Race dwarf X X X Grey Troll X
High dwarf X X Mixed Race dwarf Pureblood X X X Half Troll X
Goblin X X X X Pureblood X X X X
Halfling X Half elf X X X Pureblood X X Windling
Rån X Wood elf X X X X Pureblood X X
Troll X X Greyhjon Mountainhjon Trolling X X Pureblood X
Fairy X Half fairy X X X Demling X X Pureblood

History of halfbreeds

Historically so have halfbreeds been generally discriminated against in various manners, for instance so was it common for elves, rån, halflings, and other southern species to leave children in the wild to die declared to be unclean. In most other pre-conquests societies were halfbreeds disqualified from inheritance. The only exception to this was amongst the pre-conquest goblins kingdoms where halfbreeds had the same rights as purebloods.

After the human conquests though so did these practices start to diminish and it was quickly declared illegal just like all other kinds of infanticide just like the holy chronologically heavily frowned on the practice and tried to stomp it out by offering services to halfbreeds and took them into temple orphanages. Despite the temples rather open view of halfbreeds so did it maintain a rather disapproving view of inter species marriages and just like most Scanderans used the fact that the few times that species can produce children so are those infertile as a proof that the gods themselves were against such unions.

The modern system of designation of halfbreeds was originally made by the famous Imerian biologist Hylfred Görenssen and it was included in his book "Di marklevande raserna" where he wrote down the possible combinations of species. Though it is worth noticing that he included the two races of dwarves that while looking rather dissimilar are still the same species and are able to give birth to fertile children even if this itself is frowned upon in dwarven society.

Types of halfbreeds


Quarterlings are the offspring of a male halfling and a elf woman. Appearance wise so are they known to look like their father while being a bit thinner and with a bit sharper features that come from their elven mother. They are also a bit taller than an halfling often standing at about 1.20 meters in length. They have historically been most common in the central western border regions between historical elven and hafling lands but there are hardly any references to these hybrids historically since both elves and haflings predicted the tradition of leaving hybrids to die.

Forest elf and Wood elves

Forest elves are the offspring of a female elves and manly rån while a half elf is the child of a male elf and a female rån, it is however hard to tell these creatures apart. They have rounder features than elves but sharper than a rån and instead of the rotten wood like back a rån so are they known for having a brownish back that is very wrinkly and hard. Their ears are rounded but hints of the elven pointy ears. What however separates the two creatures are that the forest elf have a very thin and tiny tail just like a Rån does but it lacks the hairy end a rån's tail. A half elf on the other hand lacks a tail entirely but this is the only way to tell the two hybrids apart.

Forest Fairy

Forest fairies are the hybrid children of a male Fairy and a female elf. Forest fairies are very tall creatures, almost as tall as their elven parent but are very thin creatures with weak fragile bones like those of a fairy making it very rare for them to survive childhood and without operations is it all but unheard of that these creatures survive at all. However so have there been a few of these creatures recorded as surviving until adulthood. Hylfred Göranssen theorised that these were fictional however and dismissed the race as unable to alive.

Grey Troll, Half troll, Montain hjons, and Grey hjons

The offspring of dwarves and trolls are impossible to tell apart so they are in more common speech called "half dwarves" and "half trolls" depending on the size of the creatures rather than the parentage. The creatures are wide and about the half size of a troll and a dwarf. Their skin is grey and their arms are long but only the offspring of High trolls are able to walk on them like trolls and high dwarves can. They have the massive noses that both trolls and dwarves have and they are known to have small tusks and in some cases have these types of halfbreeds have been known to been unable to close their mouths properly. There are however some difference between the offspring of a high dwarf and one of a low dwarf. The Mountainhjon and the Half Troll are a bit taller than their low dwarf related cousins and their arms are longer so they can walk on them. That is however the only difference between them.


Windlings are the offspring between a fairy and a halfling, they are very similar to regular fairies but only lack their entirely black eyes that fairies has.

Half elf

Half elves are the descendant of a male elf and a female hafling. They are as tall as an elf but have rounder features and larger feet. This have made half elves the most common of the creatures to survive as they can easily pass off as an elf, especially if they are fatter. However their larger size means that the mother rarely survives a regular birth.


A trolling is a child of a male goblin and a female troll. They are very fat looking creatures with the large noses of a troll and the large arms of a troll. They also have similar needle like teeth of a goblin but much thicker leaving them unable to properly close their lips.

Half fairy

A half fairy is the offspring of a male elf and a female fairy. They mostly take their look from their elven father but have the small size of their fairy mother making them stand about 1 meter as their tallest. They also have wings like their mother but they are generally tiny and the kid is unable to use them for flight.


A demling is the child of a male hafling and a female fairy. They look very similar to haflings but they have the black eyes of a fairy and also very tiny wings but they are unable to fly.