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File:Woden God Of The Northern Sky 1 A Norse Legend.jpg
Name: Asarl
Other names: The thunderer,
He with the thunder sword
Arvil foe
Dundervairda wielder
stormirulf rider
World: Gyllenheim
parents : Hirvera
siblings : None
Consorts : None
Children: Nardvir

Asarl is the god of thunder and rain and is as such an important god in the holy chronicles but he is also the god of camels, horses, horsewolves and mammoths. Just like bel so is he a rather warlike entity quick to anger and willing to smite evil when he sees it. He is also known as the eternal foe of Avirl.


The father of Asarl is said to be lightning itself and his mother is said to have been Hirvera. One day did lighting see Hirvera as she was strolling around the gardens of Gyllenheim and decided that he wanted to bed her. So lightning took the shape of Rasmer and went to her bedroom and laid with her. Nine days and Nine nights later so did she give birth to Asarl.

When Rasmer returned did he see that his wife had given birth to a son that was not his, furiously did he challenge the lightning to a holmgång and struck him down. His body did he give to Hasur that forged the blade that Asarl carries.

Asarl in the sagas

Asarl carries the thunder sword Dundervairda that was forged by Hasur out of pure lightning and given to Asarl. According to legend so was Asarl the god that taught humans how to ride and was the first man that mounted a horsewolf. There are however some contradictions about this as some earlier tales about the holy chronicles also mentions men mounted on wolves.

Despite that so is Asarl an important god that rides the wolf Stormirulf over the sky and the claws of the wolves tears the clouds apart and make rain pour out while Asarl waves Dundravairda which causes lightning to strike the world under him. He is also said to ride with Virlavir when spring comes. He have also said to have bedded Virlavir and fathered the god Nardvir with her.

He is most famously known as the foe of Avirl though and their eternal battles is said to be the cause of thunder and lightning as the hosts of Avirl and Asarl clashes in the skies. The beginning of this eternal conflict is said to have started when they both fell in love with the princess Grynhilde. Who is described as the purest woman in all of creation and one who's beauty put even goddesses to shame. They were however not the only ones that tried to court the woman and the half spirit half demon Gryn did also court Grynhilda and in the end kidnapped her and took her to his hall.

Asarl and Avirl that had jet to become foes gathered their armies and marched upon the halls of Gryn and both decided to assault the fort from two directions. Asarl decided to strike at the main gates while Avirl decided to gather his best fighters and dressed them in the heaviest armour he owned and attacked from the back. Avirl managed to break through the enemy's forces and engaged Gryn in his own dining hall. However lying dying did Gryn use his last energy to strike down Grynhilda and to curse her so that her spirit would follow him into the deepest reaches of Mörkerheim.

This is how Asarl found Avirl. Holding their dead love amongst the bodies of Gryn's personal elite. They both flew at one another and ten men were needed to pull them apart. They both blamed one another for the death of Grynhilda arguing if the other had just aided them in their attack so would they have saved her. In a fit of rage did Avirl order his men to attack Asarl and they struck down many of his best men and stole Grynhildas body to burn it where Asarl could not see.

Raging from this final insult did Asarl gather his forces and marched upon the halls of Avirl in Gyllenheim to prepare a siege. This was however once more twarted by Avirl that called upon a great ting with all the gods and demanded that Asarl would leave him and his halls be. With the aid of Arkar did Arvil win once more and Rasmer ordered Asarl to stand down. Shaking with fury did Asarl ride home but not without taking his vengance upon Avirl. He took the shape of a bullfinch and flew into the halls of Arvil where he quickly broke into Asarl's personal quarter when he had rode out to mourn their lost love. Asarl in a fit of jealous vengance broke all the letters that Grynhilde had sent Arvil and stole a lock of her hair that she had given him that he prised above all jewels and treasures that he owned.

When Arvil finally returned home and saw the theft did he cry out in rage and gathered all his men to charge upon Asarls halls. But Asarl had expected this and had drawn up his own battle lines upon the skies of midgard. With a thunderous clash did the two armies meet upon the sky and thunder and lightning rolled over the world. Many a time have the two since then gathered their hosts and clashed in the skies which is from where lightning and thunder comes.


With the god Virlavir did Asarl father the god Nardvir, the god of the northern wind. However so have Asarl also been known to father several children amongst the mortals around the world.

Worship of Asarl

Asarl is a major god in the holy chronicles and worshipped in massive rituals and yearly sacrifices are made to him by killing horses and horsewolves and burn the bodies to his glory and to ask for rain for the plants and farms. However in the first day of spring so is it also common to sacrifice a horse to him so that he will keep rains down and divert the floods that are common in springtime Scandera. Template:Chronological gods