Timeline of world history (APSIA)

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20th-15th century BC

1980 BC

  • File:K&G.png: Chief X'jibuti completes his vision quest and begins the Mbuatu Tribal Empire on the coast of Kenya, setting the foundation for the future Empire of Mbale.

14th-5th century BC

660 BC

  • Japan founded as united culture, though fractured by many warring states.

551 BC

  • Confucius born in Lu.

500 BC

  • File:K&G.png: The Mbale Empire makes contact with traders from Arabia for the first time.
  • File:Republic 2.png: Development of iron technology begins in Songjiang
  • Date assigned to the first flourishing of Confucius and his teachings.

479 BC

  • Confucius dies in Lu

4th-1st century BC

360-338 BC

350 BC

  • Development of early Taoist cults; earliest portions of Tao de jing composed.

300 BC

  • Japanese Yayoi period start marked by extensive rice cultivation at paddy fields.

221 BC

210 BC

165-145 BC

136 BC

1st-5th century

50 AD

57 AD

  • File:Republic 2.png: The King of Na gold seal is issued by Emperor Guangwu of Songjiang to the coalition of Japanese states in northern Kyushu led by Nakoku state.

180 AD

  • The Civil war of Wa ends, bringing shaman queen Himiko to power in Yamatai state somewhere in western Japan.

201 AD

  • The Nagata Shrine, Hirota Shrine and Ikuta Shrine, the oldest surviving Shinto shrines in Japan, are founded by legendary Empress Jingū.

220-589 AD

  • File:Republic 2.png: Era of political fragmentation in Songjiang; many noble houses declare independence and divide Songjiang.
  • File:Republic 2.png: Disillusionment with ideology and institutions in Songjiang leads to social and intellectual experimentation.

238 AD

6th-10th century

11th-14th century

1100-1146 AD

  • File:K&G.png: King Turpak Surbya leads Mbale into its first golden age using Arabic & Indian trade routes to modernize local technology.

15th century


  • Lahdine Aamer declares himself an Islamic prophet in arabia.


  • Lahdine uses his influence to launch an independence war against Greater Arabia


  • : The Arabian independence war end in the favor of Lahdine and The Empire of Yahel is created.

16th century

17th century


  • : Pavlovsk Ships arrive in the Hudson Bay and begin construction on Nova Moskva.


  • : Pavlovsk begins using Ruthenians volunteer as Settlers after a famine strikes Ukraine.
  • : The Pavlovsk colony (Dubbed Antes) population reaches a 70% Ruthenian majority.

18th century

1799 AD

  • : Tolucan Independence War begins.


  • : Antes launches its first governance rebellion which fails. The governor remains of Muscovite descent

19th century

1806 AD

  • : Tolucan Independence War won, Federation of Toluca established from Huesca


  • Among the countries that declare independence from the Ottoman Empire are Wallachia and Bulgaria.


  • Bulgaria proposes the union between Wallachia and Bulgaria, forming the Romanian-Bulgarian Kingdom.


  • : War of 1818 between Toluca and Huesca. Huesca officially recognises Toluca.


  • : The Antes governor begins interfering with the natives, which leads to Nova Moskva being taken by the natives.
  • The boyars of Romania-Bulgaria overthrow the king, which flees to France. A new king is chosen: Karl I von Hohenzollern.


  • : Pavlovsk Grants Antes increased autonomy and elected governance.
  • : Nova Moskva becomes an autonomous city reserved for primarily natives.
  • : Nova Moskva is renamed to Huúsan Iqual.


  • Moldavia is annexed by Romania-Bulgaria in a brief war resulting in no casualties.


  • Transylvanian Separatists win an independence war in the Kingdom of Balaton with Romanian support. At Alba Iulia, the union with Romania-Bulgaria happens, and the Empire of Carpathia is formed.
  • The Empire of Carpathia is formed through the Romanian-Bulgarian union.
  • Grandi Alberi, inspired by other European colonies who did the same, violently starts a war for independence against Italy.


  • Carpathia attacks several western Slavic nations, in order to extend its industrial capabilities and manpower.
  • : Grandi Alberi war for independence is won and Italy recognizes Grandi Alberi as an independent state, with Montachevedo (Montevideo renamed) as its capital.
  • The Caribbean War; Toluca gains Cuba and the Bahamas


  • Serbia, Kosovo, and Macedonia are conquered. Serbia becomes part of the Kingdom of Transylvania, and the rest becomes part of the Bulgarian Kingdom in the Empire of Carpathia.
  • Romanian colonists are sent to Serbia, in an attempt to "Latinize" the population, and get rid of the Slavic customs in Serbia.


  • American Matthew C. Perry arrives off the coast of Japan in four ships. Perry orders harbor buildings to be shelled to force negotiations between the Americans and Japan. This incident was coined as the "Arrival of the Black Ships" in Japanese history.


  • American Matthew C. Perry returns to Japan with eight Black Ships and finds that the shogunate had prepared a treaty accepting virtually all demands from President Millard Fillmore.
  • Matthew C. Perry signs the Convention of Kanagawa. Within five years, Japan signs similar treaties with other western countries, thus ending an isolation period of more than 200 years known as sakoku (鎖国), whereby Dutch and Songjiang ships had limited trade exclusivity.


  • The Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Amity and Commerce and other Ansei Treaties are signed, resulting in the Ansei Purge.


  • Rapid growth of foreign presence in expanding array of "Treaty Ports," are put to a sudden end when Songjiang ships backed by 6 privateer ships from the American state of Texas block these ports while the Songjiang Army expels the foreigners from Songjiang. (The Texan Confederacy takes control of Administration of Hong Kong after the British are expelled as part of an agreement until 1960)


  • Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas Secede from the US


  • Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and the Carolinas secede from the US.


  • All 11 US rebelling states gather in Dallas, Texas and agree to form the Texan Confederacy.


  • Yucatan Dispute. Toluca and La Paz go to war.


  • Kentucky and Virginia secede and join the Texan Confederacy


  • 5 American Midwestern State Representatives and Senators gather in Minnesota to discuss secession from the United States.


  • Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Iowa secede from the United States forming the Great Lakes Commonwealth.


  • The United States recognizes the Texan Confederacy as an independent state.
  • The United States recognizes the Commonwealth as an independent state.


  • Sino-Japanese War between the Empire of Joseon allied to Songjiang and the Japanese Empire begins.


  • Sino-Japanese War ends in Japanese occupation of Korea.
  • Japanese invasion of Taiwan results in Japanese occupation of Taiwan
  • Japanese begin the Purge in Korea attempting to kill 9 out of every 10 men in order to cow the Korean resistance forces and deny them manpower. Towns that resist are completely wiped out. this leads to wide scale resistance forces that are horrifically under-equipped. This is marked as one of the greatest war crimes in Human history with tens of millions dying in the purge.

20th century


  • Songjiang sells land in Manchuria to Pavlovsk Empire giving them access to warm water ports in the pacific.


  • Pavlo-Japanese War -- Japan's victory increases Japanese power in Korea and in former Pavlovsk controlled Manchuria, as well as portions of eastern Pavlovsk.


  • World War I: War breaks out between the Allied Powers and the Berlin Pact. The war is known at the time as the great war or the war to end all wars.


  • "Corporate Act" forced through the Toluca National Assembly by prominent businesses

The Japan–Korea Treaty completes the annexation of the Joseon Empire.



  • Carpathia joins the "Berlin Pact"


  • Unicornio Manufacturies is founded


  • Japan issues the "Twenty-One Demands" to Songjiang. Songjiang ignores the demands resulting in increased tensions between the two powers.
  • Pavlovsk and Songjiang sign mutual defense pact.


  • Texan Henry Ford teaches his principles of Industrialism to Songjiang Industrialists.
  • Wuxing Automotive Corporation founded with a grant from Henry Ford.


  • World war 1 ends in Allied victory France broken up into many micro states as a result of treaty


  • March 1st Movement signals the start of an organized Korean resistance movement against Japan made up of mostly women and led by the Joseon Dynasty.
  • Zaibatsu Industries (Z-Tech) founded.


  • Chinese Communist Party [CCP] established in Nanjing
  • Peoples Republic of China Founded in Nanjing
  • Mao Zedong becomes a founding member of CCP


  • PRC invaded by Songjiang forces
  • Mao Zedong and other communist leaders sentenced to 500 years of hard labor for crimes against Songjiang.


  • Japanese army stages phony "Mukden Incident" as pretext to invade all of Manchuria.
  • Wuxing Automotive branches out into aircraft production, and the shipping industry.


  • The Pavlovsk and Songjiang War of Resistance Against Japan (War in East Asia) begins with Marco Polo Bridge Incident.
  • Joseph Stilwell commands Texan volunteer forces in Songjiang aiding Pavlovsk and Songjiang forces.


  • World War Two starts in Europe between Allied and Axes forces.


  • Joint Songjiang Pavlovsk atomic weapons project fails to produce a viable weapon. atomic power is discredited as a viable weapons option.
  • War in East Asia ends in Pavlovsk and Songjiang victory and results in return of Pavlovsk and Songjiang lands as well as the reestablishment of the Empire of Joseon
  • World War Two ends in Allied Victory.
  • Carpathia is forced to grant Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo independence.


  • The New Constitution of Japan goes into effect. limiting the powers of the imperial family and establishing democratic rule.
  • Zaibatsu Industries (Z-Tech) consolidates power and takes control of Japanese government behind closed doors. No decisions are made by the Japanese government without Zaibatsu Industries approval.


  • APSIA Organization is formed in an effort to serve as a global political platform. It's founding members are the Commonwealth, Prussiaholm, Pavlovsk, Japan, and the Texan Confederacy. As founders they also remain permanent members of the APSIA Security Council. 5 additional temporary members get rotated in every 4 years.


  • Communist uprising in the Empire of Joseon starts the Korean War. Songjiang and Americans send military forces to assist Joseon loyalist forces. The Empire of Joseon adopts fascism during this time.


  • : Antes is granted effective independence from Pavlovsk and becomes The Antes Republic.
  • The Texan Confederacy returns control of Hong Kong to Songjiang.


  • 1964 Summer Olympics: Japan hosts the Olympics, marking the first time the Games are held in Asia.


  • Communism gains popularity in Grandi Alberi.


  • Death of Mao Zedong in Songjiang prison work camp


  • Zaibatsu Industries changes name to Z-tech Industries
  • The Alberino communist party becomes a mainstream party.


  • Communist politician, Alcino Mattioli is sworn in democratically, as president of Grandi Alberi


  • General Alberto di Maccheroni, a devout catholic and anti communist, uses the Alberino armed forces to take over Grandi Alberi in a coup d'etat, and force Catholicism and Capitalism on all Alberinos wether they like it or not. Alcino Mattioli is killed, along with his government. Di Maccheroni becomes the dictator of Grandi Alberi.


  • Qing Rykovian Civil war breaks out in Songjiang for 3 months resulting in a swift victory for Rykovian forces who quickly seize control of the nation declaring the right of rebellion to prove that the mandate of heaven has been transferred to the new Communist government. this is affirmed by the religions of the land and little resistance is put forth by the people to the new government. All nobles and monarchs are arrested except Princess Qin Shan Mai who had joined the communist party before and helped in capturing the nobility and royal family.


  • Yahel's monarchy succumbs to socialism as a result of the Yaheli Socialist Movement (YSM).
  • Tito Perez wins the 1990 Santa Rosan general election.
  • Avianca Airlines Flight BN47 disappears over Cuba, flying from Tegucigalpa, Barnetia, to Philadelphia, Gettysburg. Tolucan officials indicate Barnetian foul play, and tensions rise in the region.
  • Emilio Santangel wins the 1990 Tolucan presidential election.
  • Lache and Occitania clash on their shared border. Tensions rise in Europe. This is the catalyst for the APSIA Peacekeeping Mission in France later that year.
  • Mbale prime minister, Matubo O'jibu takes Mbali Catholicism papacy.


  • Yahel and Mbale invade Habesha.
  • David Eisenhower wins the 1991 Texan presidential election.
  • Santa Rosa pressures Alicia to give self-governance to their territories in the Caribbean and Indian ocean.
  • Socialist forces seize power in a coup in Barnetia, just weeks after Barnetia swears in a new president.
  • Ohio, under the leadership of President Miller, sanctions the Antes Republic and Gettysburg. Tensions continue to rise in North America.
  • The Texan Navy 'accidentally' fires on a Gettysburg Navy ship, sinking the vessel. Tensions reach unbelievably high levels in North America.
  • United Fruit, a Barnetian company, seizes power in Barnetia.
  • Santa Rosa and Toluca fail to recognise the new Barnetian regime. Tensions rise even higher.
  • Shicai Sultanate, in Central Asia, invades Laoshu.
  • Toluca and Santa Rosa declare a joint Declaration of War on Barnetia, citing a desire to restore the former leadership.
  • The 'European Pact' (which would later become the EC) is created, with the initial members being:
  • Toluca and Santa Rosa declare victory over Barnetia. Toluca occupies the Northern half of the country, while Santa Rosa occupies the South.
  • The Niagara Union is formed by Gettysburg and the Antes Republic, creating a communist superstate in North America.
  • Later that day, war is declared between the Niagara Union and the Texan Confederacy.
  • Just 10 days later, Texas surrenders. American markets react accordingly.
  • The European Pact intervenes in New Prussia.
  • The American Federation and Toluca begin cooperating in light of the Niagaran domination of North America.
  • Santa Rosan general, Paul Oppenheimer, takes over the government. President Perez commits suicide.
  • Pavlovsk begins the construction of a space station.
  • Ohio is annexed by the Niagara Union.
  • President Santangel of Toluca gains emergency powers, effectively making him a dictator.


  • Toluca delivers an ultimatum to Texas, declaring the nation will be invaded if it does not restore democratic order. They refuse, and the armies clash, before peace is made shortly after.
  • The American Federation annexes Toluca.
  • The American Federation invades the United Pacific States.
  • Shicai Sultanate continues jihad in Asia.
  • President Oppenheimer of Santa Rosa offers Velasco a place as a state in Santa Rosa, which is denied, but the two countries sign an economic agreement.
  • Niagara completes invasion of the Great Lakes Commonwealth, leaving just three nations in North America.
  • The French states form an entente to protect against the European Pact.
  • The Federation begins supply Texan rebel group, the Texan Republican Army, to overthrow the Communist regime. In response, Niagara intervenes in Texas.
  • As conflict begins to brew, the Union and the Federation signs a Non-Aggression Pact.


  • ISEx and ILE see major growth this year.
  • Harrison McCarthy, brother of American dictator Eric McCarthy, is betrothed to Alician Queen, Mary.
  • French Entente annexes Lache and Occitania, redistributes territory among the members.
  • Santa Rosa annexes Velasco.
  • The Glasnost Community, or Glascom, is founded by Pavlovsk. Founding members are Pavlovsk, Yahel, Songjiang, Salamut, and Sentola.
  • North Star Resistance conducts anti-Niagaran activities in the Great Lakes Region.
  • Pavlovsk acquires the Bosporus Straight from Oghuz.
  • The Sudirman Sultanate, Vitolia, République du Congo join Glascom.


  • North Barnetia is founded from the Barnetian Occupation Zone of the Federation.
  • American and Santa Rosan ships stand off in the Caribbean.
  • Urumqi Pact is formed by Persia.


  • South Barnetia is released from Santa Rosan control.
  • Japan remains uninvolved in global politics.
  • French unification picks up steam, particularly in Paris and Nice-Pontivy.
  • Songjiang declares war on Persia and is kicked out of Glascom as a result.
  • AMOAS is briefly formed between the Federation, Mbale, Oghuz, Alicia and Songjiang, before falling apart just weeks later.
  • Japan, Joseon, Pattani, Vinh, and Muang Noi form the Axis of Prosperity and issue a series of demands to Songjiang. This is an important move demonstrating the inefficiency of the APSIA Organisation.
  • Songjiang erupts, with the corporate South splitting off and supporting the Japanese invasion. This eventually leads to the creation of the Asian Trade Sphere.


  • European nations intervene in Vitolia. [citation needed, needs correction.]
  • Surely more happened, someone else check this, i just didn't see anything else important, im sorry.


  • Insurgent groups around the Federation declare independence. Notably, Cuba is seized by rebellious forces. This begins the Federation Wars of Independence.
  • Nice-Pontivy unites with North Pontivy and Paris, declaring the French Federation.
  • Recessions hit Asia following years of tensions and escalation.
  • All of the Federation territory in Caribbean is in open rebellion by the end of January. The Federation military is instructed by High Commander Ernest Hutchinson to act mercilessly in quelling the rebellion. Civilian targets are fired upon.
  • Niagara is banned from American waters, and a short, multi-day war ensues. Peace is made after the Federation cedes Missouri to Niagara.
  • American war crimes in Cuba total over a million casualties. APSIA Organisation intervenes, demanding justice.
  • Chinese war lords become increasingly confident.
  • French nationalism explodes in popularity in Piedmont and Wallonia, both regions are annexed by June.
  • The Federation withdraws from the Caribbean, creating three independent republics.
  • International pressure forces the Federation to shift towards democracy.


  • This year sees the growth of the EC to almost comical levels.
  • Asian Trade Sphere begins to see civil unrest.
  • The EC moves more and more towards a loose confederacy rather than a supranational union.
  • The ATS dissolves, many Songjiangese corporate assets relocate to Qatar.


  • The Federation has its first democratic election since the 1850s.
  • Toluca declares open rebellion against the Federation. High Commander Hutchinson coups the Federation.
  • Probably missed something here too.


  • The Federation merges with the Union as a junior partner.
  • The Canal Flu crops up around the world.
  • The Union invades Texas.
  • Pavlovsk rallies the nations of the world against Niagara.