Emperor of Barrayar

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Serg Vorbarra
Emperor of Barrayar
Emperor Serg Vorbarra.jpg
Emperor Serg in his Imperial Service uniform as Emperor.
Reign8th, 3rd month, 3001 - Present
Ascension to Camp Stool8th, 3rd month, 3001
PredecessorGregor Vorbarra
Crown PrinceGregor Vorbarra
Born25th, 5th month, 2933 (aged 71)
Vorbarr Sultana, Barrayar
EmpressEkaterin Vorreedi
IssueCrown Prince Gregor Vorbarra
Princess Ekaterin Vorbarra
Princess Laisa Vorbarra
Princess Marion Vorbarra
Prince Aral Vorbarra
Full name
Serg Jon Ezar Xav Vorbarra
Royal houseVorbarra
FatherGregor Vorbarra
MotherLaisa Toscane

The monarchy of the Imperium of Barrayar is the monarchy of Barrayar and its subject planets. The Emperor Serg Vorbarra and the Imperial Family take many duties of government, official, ceremonial and representative. As a semi-parliamentary monarch, the Emperor is partially restricted in the functions of government. Imperial power is intended to be, under ordinary circumstances, a ruling power, balancing the other powers (the Government and the Council of Counts). The sovereign powers are ordinarily partly delegated to other entities by various laws. According to the official doctrine, the Empire of Barrayar is a global monarchy, a "commonwealth of the whole world, whose unity transcends every minor distinction"; and the Emperor is entitled to the obedience of the whole Imperium (i.e. the complex of the societies composing the Empire).

  • Legislative power is exercised by the Crown-in-Council. The Council of Counts can approve or reject the laws, although decrees and regulations are issued under the sole responsibility of the Emperor.
  • Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Empire, on the basis of directives issued by the Emperor and subject to the confidence relationship between the Prime Minister of the Empire and the Emperor. However, the Emperor still retains the exclusive right to appoint officials and public employees, as well as to issue orders without the need of the Ministers' countersigns.
  • Judicial power is exercised by Judges and Prosecutors, which enjoy judicial independence from the government but not full independence from the Emperor.

The centre of the Barrayaran autocracy is the person of the Emperor himself, a sovereign with near absolute authority. The rights of state power in their most extent belong to the Emperor. Power is further entrusted by him to persons and institutions, acting in his name, by his orders, and within the limits laid down for them by law. The purpose of the system is to benefit the entire country.
A metaphor exists likening Emperor to the father, and all of the subjects of the Empire, to his children.
The other key feature is related to patrimonialism. In Barrayar the Emperor owns a relevant proportion of the state (the entire planet of Sergyar, lands, enterprises, etc.).
To the common people, the Emperor is seen as responsible for all good in their lives, while all disasters came from meddling bureaucrats, functionaries, and nobles.
The meaning and the basic function of the Monarchy is to ensure the "transcendence", the stability and continuity of political authority, so as to create an immutable and supreme point of reference and gravitation for all the political organism, beyond any particular interest. There is an atmosphere of loyalty because of which the function overcomes, to a certain point, the person who embodies it, so as not to be affected by possible insufficient human qualification of the actual Emperor.
The Monarchy has, in addition to participation crucial to the three classic powers, a fourth power, higher than the other three powers: this power is to act as arbiter and moderator. The supreme command of the nation in arms comes from the power of acting as the supreme arbiter. In his capacity as supreme power, the Emperor, and the institution of the Monarchy, retains the right and the duty to intervene, mainly in cases of emergency.
The Sovereign has the fundamental right and duty to determine, support, correct and confirm a certain political line: in this way it becomes the National policy. Descending to the duty to sanction the best way possible, the Emperor has a very active part in the government, and with his powers he must act as a counterweight to the interests of a party, to their deviations and their excesses. In the presence of a real monarchy, the value of service is enhanced and a higher value to the Republican State. The service to the State and to the Emperor is an honour and a privilege, not a given paid employment. The Monarchy is then a grinding influence on the national political climate.
The Emperor of Barrayar traditionally sits on a camp stool. The tradition began with Emperor Dorca The Just, who pacified the Counts mostly by military means and therefore he chose a camp stool instead of a throne to show them he could be a soldier in battle and to exercise the supreme command as the commander-in-chief.

Reigning and Ruling

The Emperor reigns and rules in the framework of an established law. The Sovereign is reserved not only a regulator power, as the moderator and arbitrator with respect to the various political forces, but also the power of a supreme authority. When the normal course of things fades out, when the Empire is faced with emergency situations, the Emperor must assert positively a higher power that never ceases to be the center of the system by the fact that it has been dormant and inactive in the normal conditions. The Emperor is the rightful subject of that power. He can and must exercise it whenever it is necessary, saying: "So far, and no further".
At decisive moments a Emperor should never forget the saying of an ancient wisdom: the Emperor is one who fears nothing. Such power may be exercised directly by the sovereign; or, it may be exercised by a capable Prime Minister that, reinforced by the support of the Crown and responsible mainly in front of it, may deal with the situation. it is not the people, but of making reign, above all things, the authority, order and justice against any party unrest.
Basically, power is in the hands of the Monarchy, the great industry and the landowner (where the Vor represent an important part), the Court and the General Staff. Great decisions were in fact taken from the people and public opinion. On the other hand, the people are enslaved to the Council of Accounts, hereditary.

Succession laws

The order of succession to the Imperial Crown is governed by the salic laws. It totally excludes females from the succession, giving the right to succeed only to male heirs. To determine the Crown Prince and legitimate successor as a method is followed that of male primogeniture. The older line of descent has always precedence over the young line, anyway. The older children have priority over younger children. The right of succession, therefore, belongs to the eldest son of the reigning sovereign.

Regency Acts

The Regency Acts are Acts of the Joint Councils, passed with a majority of three quarters, providing a regent if the reigning monarch is to be incapacitated or a minor (under the age of 20). Regency acts are passed under a general provision for a regent.
According to the Regency General Law, presently in force, there is provision for the establishment of a Regency either on account of the minority of the monarch or of the absolute incapacity of the Sovereign to discharge the Imperial Functions.

Regency in the case of the minority of the Sovereign

According to the Regency General Law in force, as well as according to traditions and conventions, if the Emperor is under the age of 20 years when he succeeds to his predecessor, a Regency is automatically established, and, until he attains the age of 20 years, the royal functions are discharged by the Regent in the name and on behalf of the Sovereign.
In that case, any oaths or declarations required by laws to be taken by the Emperor are postponed until the Emperor's personal assumption of the sovereign functions, and for the purpose of all such enactments regarding acts new monarch must make upon Accession the date on which the Emperor attains the age of 21 years shall be deemed to be the date of His Accession.
During the minority of the Emperor, the Prince his next of kin in the order of succession, is invested of the office of Regent to the Empire, if he has reached the age of twenty-one. If the Prince called to the Regency is minor, this is devolved to a more distant relative of the Regent. In the absence of male relatives, the Joint Councils appoint the Regent. The last Regent appointed by the Joint Councils is then-Lord Admiral Aral Vorkosigan. The Regent, before entering into functions, the oath to be loyal to the King and to observe faithfully the Constitution and the laws of the State.
The Empress Mother (or at least Emperor's mother) is the guardian of the Emperor, until he has completed the age of seven years; From this point the protection goes to the Regent.

Lord Commander of the Imperium

The title of Lord Commander of the Imperium is the title bestowed de jure to the Regent in order to enable him to exercise supreme command over the Imperial Service and other armed forces and corps of the Empire of Barrayar during the minority of the titular Emperor. The title is considered being a delegation of the Emperor's own command authority. In theory, the title and the authority may bestowed to a different person, although it never occurred.

Emperor's Birthday

The birthday of the ruling Emperor is a traditional holiday that marks the start of a new Barrayaran fiscal year, the day when taxes were due. When a new emperor ascends to the Imperial Camp Stool, the fiscal year shifts accordingly. Although taxes are mainly paid via electronic transfer, each Count still gives the Emperor a bag with a few coins as a symbolic act as birthday present. The occasion is also marked with feasts, fireworks, parades, dancing, and especially drinking. The main event are the Emperor's Birthday Dinner at the Imperial Residence and the Emperor's Birthday Military Review.

Commander in Chief

Command-in-chief of the Imperial Service is vested in the Emperor of Barrayar. All troop deployment and disposition orders, including declarations of war, fall within the Imperial Prerogative and are issued as Sovereign Orders, which must be signed by the monarch. The Monarch generally follows the advice of his ministers.
The Emperor appoints, on the merely technical advice of the Prime Minister, a Chief of the General Staff as the highest ranking commissioned officer in the forces, and who, as head of the High Command, commands the Service from the Imperial Service Headquarters (ISHQ) in Vorbarr Sultana. On the High Command sit the heads of the environmental commands – the Space Command, the Ground Force Command, the Air Command and the Landing Command – who collectively advice the operational commands of the Service – the Barrayar Command, the Komarr Force Command, the Sergyar Command, the External Command, the Operations Command, the Operational Support Command, the Military Intelligence Service and the Imperial Security. The sovereign and most other members of the Imperial Family also act as officers of Imperial Service.
The Emperor, even if in his minority, is always nominally in charge of the Imperial Service. During the Regency, his capacity of Commander-in-Chief is suspended and exercised by the Regent: every son of ruling Emperor or of Crown Prince is formally inducted into the armed forces at the age of four.

Oath of ascension

The Emperor, as soon as he ascends the Camp Stool, shall take an oath before the Joint Councils Assembled; he is already reigning and has all his sovereign functions before the oath, which has essentially formal and political value. The oath is as follows:
«Before the Imperium, We Emperor [REGAL NAME] swear to observe faithfully the traditions, usages, customs and laws, and to exercise the Imperial Authority in accordance with them. We [REGAL NAME] swear to make full and immediate justice to each according to his reasons. We [REGAL NAME] swear to conduct any business, public or private, in the sole interest of the Empire.»

Imperial Anniversary

The anniversary of the Emperor's accession to the Camp Stool is observed annually with renewed oaths of loyalty and vows and offerings for the wellbeing of the Emperor.

Imperial Family

Coat of Arms of the House Vorbarra.

The Imperial Family is the close family of the Emperor. The imperial family includes the spouse of the reigning monarch, the surviving spouse of a deceased former monarch, grandparents, sons, grandsons and granddaughters male female unmarried brothers, unmarried sisters, the first and second cousins of the Sovereign and their spouses. When an Emperor abdicates, the Imperial Family also includes the sovereign who abdicates.
Although there is a strictly formal definition for membership in the Imperial Family, who is part bears the title of His Imperial Highness.
Members of the Imperial Family represent the monarch in various situations in the Empire, sometimes covering real tasks of colonial rule and more often for special events and ceremonies, even if they have, except the Crown Prince, a role defined for the they belong to the Imperial Family. All male members of the Imperial Family are to serve in the military.
The Imperial Household is the name by which it covers the whole ceremonial, religious, domestic and military entourage around the Imperial Family and the families of its members. Next to the Imperial House, centred on the Sovereign, any other member of the Imperial Family has its own personal staff, always falling within the Imperial Household, albeit with wide margins of autonomy.

Imperial Households

The Imperial Households of the Empire are the collective departments which support members of the Imperial Family. Many members of the Imperial Family who undertake public duties have separate Households. They vary considerably in size, from the large Imperial Household which supports the reigning Emperor to the household of the Prince Vorbarra (the eldest son of the Crown Prince) and Prince Ezar (the younger brother), with fewer then ten members.
In addition to the royal officials and support staff, the Emperor's own household incorporates representatives of other sectors of the Realm, including the Military. Defence chiefs, several clerics, scientists, musicians poets, and artists hold honorary positions within the Imperial Household. The Great Officers of the Household are the Lord Chamberlain, the Lord Steward and the Master of the Horse.

Broad organization

The Imperial Household is coordinated by the Lord Chamberlain (Lord Gregor Vorkeres, since 3001), and organised into a number of functionally separate units. The Lord Chamberlain's Committee includes most important departmental heads, and supports the Lord Chamberlain. The Lord Chamberlain is the senior official of the Imperial Household and oversees its business, including liaising with the other senior officers of the Household, chairing Heads of Department meetings, and advising in the appointment of senior Household officials. The Lord Chamberlain also undertakes ceremonial duties and serves as the channel of communication between the Sovereign and the Council of Counts.
The Lord Steward of the Household is an important official of the Imperial Household. He is always a member of the Government, although the post does not have, per se, any voting right. The Lord Steward receives his appointment from the Emperor in person, and bears a white cavalry lance as the emblem and warrant of his authority. The Master of the Household is a white-staff officer, i.e. dependent on the Lord Steward. The Lord Steward or the Master of the Household administer the oaths to the Imperial officials. In certain cases (messages from the sovereign under the sign-manual) the lords with white staves are the proper persons to bear communications between the Sovereign and the Joint Councils Assembled.
The Master of the Horse is once an important official of the sovereign's household. The Master of the Horse is the third dignitary of the court, and is always a member of the Government, a Count or an Heir, a military officer and a Privy Councillor. All matters connected with the military, the horses, the hounds of the sovereign, as well as the stables and coach-houses, the stud, mews and the kennels, are within his jurisdiction. The Gentlemen of the Horse have daily oversight of the Imperial Mews, which provides vehicular transport for the Sovereign. Train travel is arranged by the Imperial Travel Office, which also co-ordinates air transport, also under the Master of the Horse's jurisdiction. Both the Pages of Honour and the Equerries are under the authority of the Master of the Horse. The latter are functionally closer to the Private Secretary's Office. There are three Equerries in Ordinary to the Sovereign, and a larger number of Equerries in Extraordinary - usually retired senior officers with some connection to the Imperial Household. The Equerries in Extraordinary are seldom ever required for duty, but the Equerries in Ordinary are in attendance on the Sovereign on a daily basis. The senior Equerry also holds the position of Deputy Master of the Household.
The Imperial Household is organised on eight Divisions and a number of Offices:

  • Division I - Imperial Secretariat;
    • Personal Secretariat of the Emperor;
    • Personal Secretariat of the Empress;
  • Division II - personnel, general affairs (Lord Steward of the Household):
    • Honorary chairs Offices;
    • Patronages Offices;
    • Dedications to sovereign names;
    • Jewellery Purchase office;
    • Wardrobe: administrative and accounting affairs for personal (or confidential) expenditures of the Emperor. The Wardrobe is led by the Keeper of the Wardrobe, assisted by the Comptroller, the Cofferer and the Treasurer of the Household.
  • Division III - Buildings and possessions;
  • Division IV - Internal government;
  • Division V - Imperial Mews, Stables and Races (Master of the Horse):
    • Imperial Travel Office;
  • Division VI - Order offices;
  • Division VII - General Accounting and Treasury;
  • Division VIII - Control:
    • Office of charity.

Imperial Residence

The Imperial Residence is the home and the official residence of the Emperor in Vorbarr Sultana and administrative headquarters of the reigning sovereign of Barrayar. Located at the outskirts of the old downtown of Vorbarr Sultana, the Imperial Residence is often at the centre of state occasions and imperial hospitality. It has been a focal point for the Barrayaran people at times of national rejoicing and mourning.
The Imperial Residence is a great irregular rectangle of four-to-six-story-high wings with odd inner links, built in Late Isolation Style with modern additions dating back to post-war rebuildings. A high stone wall surrounds the Imperial Residence and keeps visitors out; at the iron gates there are several sentry posts and the palace defences include advanced weaponry. The North Wing is the most modern part of the structure, due to having been burned down during Vordarian's Pretendership. The East Wing is the oldest, with wrought-iron gates and worn granite steps. Its facade has a lot of stone carving. The East Portico is one of the older, more ornate and impressive entrances.
The building at the core of today's palace was a large town fortress built for the then-Countnant of Vorbarr Sultana in 2573 on a site that had been in private ownership for at least 150 years.
During the late 27th and early 28th century it was enlarged, principally by architect Ambrose Brackenbury, who constructed three four wings around a central courtyard. Count's Castle, as it was known, was officially renamed as Imperial Residence and became the official residence of the Barrayaran monarch on the accession of Emperor Feodor Vorbarra in 2783.
The last major structural additions were made in the early 30th century, including the North front, which contains the well-known balcony on which the imperial family traditionally congregates to greet crowds and the inner minor wings, which subdivide the inner courtyard into semi-separated spaces. The courtyard modifications were personally designed by Emperor Ezar.
The original early 27/28th-century interior designs, many of which survive, include widespread use of brightly coloured scagliola and red and green lapis. Emperor Ezar oversaw a partial redecoration, including interior designs, in a Late Ezarian cream and gold colour scheme. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the regency style. The Residence has 800 rooms, and the garden is the largest private garden in Vorbarr Sultana.


The Imperial Residence has a irregular quadrangolar organization, measuring 108 metres (North Wing); 120 metres (East Wing); 110 metres (South Wing); 120 metres (West Wing). It is 24 metres (North and South Wings) to 30 metres (East and West Wings) high and contains over 80,000 square metres of floorspace. There are 800 rooms, including 30 state rooms, 55 principal bedrooms and 95 offices. The Residence also has its own post office, barracks, cinema, swimming pool, doctor's surgery, and jeweller's workshop.
The principal rooms are contained on the piano nobile behind the south-facing garden facade at the rear of the palace, a wing built by Dorcas and rebuilt by Yuri. The centre of this ornate suite of state rooms is the Blue Room, its large bow the dominant feature of the facade. Flanking the Blue Room are the Gold and the White Rooms. At the centre of the suite, serving as a corridor to link the state rooms, is the Glass Hall, from when glass was much more expensive to make; other rooms leading from the Glass Hall are the Red Room and the Banners Room. The Banners Room Room serves as a huge anteroom to the Red Room, and is part of the ceremonial route to the throne from the Guard Room. The Guard Room contains white marble statues of Emperor Yuri and Emperor Ezar, in military attire, set in a tribune lined with tapestries. These very formal rooms are used only for ceremonial and official entertaining. Other notable rooms and gardens include the Green Room, with hanging silks, which is used as a meeting room, the Lesser Dining Hall, directly above the Lesser Ballroom in the West Wing, the South Garden, personally designed by Emperor Yuri and the North Gardens, personally designed by Emperor Ezar.
The Blades Room was personally designed by Emperor Gregor in order to serve as government meeting room in the North Wing; it hosts government councils (other than formal votes of the Council of Ministers) as well as meetings of the Privy Council.

Flags at the Imperial Residence

Flags at the Imperial Residence vary according to the movements of court and tradition. The Emperor's Flag Captain is responsible for all flags flown from the palace. The only flag to fly from the Imperial Residence is the Imperial Standard, the official flag of the reigning Barrayaran sovereign, and only when the sovereign is in residence at the palace. Even in times of mourning, the Imperial Standard does not fly at half mast but it is decorated by a large black ribbon. The only time a different flag is flown from the Imperial Residence is upon the death of the sovereign, when the flag of the next most senior member of the Imperial Family present at the palace is raised.
The size of the flag is varied according to the importance of the event, with a normal-sized flag being used most of the time. On state or ceremonial occasions, a much larger flag is flown.

Privy Council

The Privy Council of the Emperor of Barrayar is the supreme state advisory body to the Emperor in Barrayar, composed of people whom the Emperor could trust. The original Privy Council was established by Emperor Dorcas after the end of the First Cetagandan War, and was disestablished by Emperor Yuri shortly after his accession to the Imperial rule. In 2992, Emperor Gregor re-established a similar body, but without the extensive powers it had under the two previous Emperors: nowadays, the Privy Council is both a chamber filled by reliable and expert civilian officials tasked with some administrative duties and an advisory body to the Emperor. The main official duty of the Council is the preliminary investigation for promulgation and abrogation of laws according guidelines issued by the Emperor himself; in practice, the Privy Council is an influential body over all matters of State.
There are four Boards of the Council: Legislative Board; Civil Administration Board; State Economy Board; Industry Board, Science and Commerce Board. Each board has its own presiding officer (Secretary) and meets separately to discuss matters assigned, as well as various subcommittees. In addition to the Boards there are several Committees, less formal than the Boards. There are also plenary sessions of the whole Council, presided over by the Lord President of the Privy Council, if the Emperor chooses to do not preside.
Membership is generally for life, although the death of an Emperor brings an immediate dissolution of the Council. By mere tradition, however, the new Emperor reappoints all members of the Council after its dissolution. The Emperor can at any time remove an individual from the Council: individuals may choose to resign to avoid expulsion.
The Privy Council Office provides secretariat and administrative support to the Lord President of the Council in his capacity of president of the Privy Council. The head of the office is the Clerk of the Privy Council.

Imperial Auditors

Imperial Auditors' Collar.

The Imperial Auditor is a position in the Emperor's staff, earned via appointment by the Emperor and speak with his Voice. Voice is the legal concept of proxy which bestows the hierarchical authority of one person upon another of otherwise lesser rank. There exist eight permanent Auditors and the Ninth Temporary Auditor, often drawn from people with relevant military or diplomatic background. Imperial Auditors hold their appointments till death, retirement, impeachment, or until the Emperor rescinds the appointment. Usually, they serve for life. Imperial Auditors are among the central figures in the "Emperor's own government", i.e. that set of bodies and functions which, while not depending on Ministers or on the Council of Ministers, are de facto heavily involved into the government of the Empire, just as women in general in the Barrayaran political system, or both Crown and Imperial Princes. Auditors are traditionally retired admirals, senior civilian officials or ambassadors, although there is no strict rule prohibiting or impeding the Emperor to appoint civilians, or even women (although so far only one woman was appointed Imperial Auditor).
The impeachment of an Imperial Auditor requires a three quarters majority vote of the Ministers and the Counts in full joint session assembled.

Ninth Auditor

The position of Ninth Imperial Auditor is always left open, to be filled by appointment as needed. If a situation that requires a specialized knowledge outside of a usual Auditor's skill set is needed, an appropriate expert will be found, and given the leeway to investigate as needed. There are some limits to a Ninth Auditor's powers, as he cannot order executions and any arrests he makes must be related to the case and should likely have enough evidence to present to a prosecutor.

Origins and duties

Imperial Auditors were originally the Emperor's financial auditors: they made sure that the aristocrats were correctly paying the Emperor his taxes. Because they speak with the Emperor's Voice, they soon became feared. The appearance of an Auditor is an immediate concern for all those involved. On modern Barrayar, Imperial Auditors serve more as Special Investigators, although they still retain their powers and authorities, and often they use them, and are usually sent to try to solve problems that have escaped conventional problem solving strategies. In some of their duties, they are analogous to special prosecutors, in others to the chairmen of special commissions, and in some to conventional financial auditors, but with far more legal clout.

Military hierarchy

By definition, the Imperial Military is under the overall command of the reigning Emperor or Regent as Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Consequently, in his role as the Emperor's Voice, any Imperial Auditor can command military forces as he sees fit. Only the Emperor (or Regent) and other Auditors as a group could override him.

Imperial Auditors Support Office

Over the decades, the Imperial Auditors have created a standing office in order to be supported in their missions; at first it was an informal organisation privately funded by the Emperor and by the Auditors themselves, but in 2969 it was established as a public body financed directly by the Imperial Court. While it was conceived as a mere grouping of administrative and technical skills (such as bodyguards, valets, secretaries, general assistants and other trade specialisations), from the very beginning of its life it became a body capable to being firstly delegated and then capable of autonomous auditing and inspection activity.
Nowadays, the Imperial Auditors Support Office (I.A.S.O.) is a body within the Imperial Court, financed by the Emperor, and works as a bureau tasked with preliminary investigations and activity; it also carry out some minor operations, although its personnel enjoy only a small fraction of powers and immunities of the Imperial Auditors. The Office is divided into three Sections (Transportation and Logistics; Personnel and Security; Investigations and Assistance) and its personnel organised into five ranks and some positions: Watchman, Commissary, Secretary Assistant Assessor, Assessor. Section Heads are drawn from Assessors, but they are not formally part of the IASO. It is not uncommon that a senior official of the I.A.S.O. is appointed as Ninth Auditor or even as permanent Auditor.

Appointment and Dismissal of the Prime Minister and Ministers

Whenever necessary, the Monarch is responsible for appointing a new Prime Minister. The Sovereign appoints an individual who could obtain a the support of the Council of Counts, although there is no need of a confidence vote. The Prime Minister takes office by attending the Monarch in private audience, and after Kissing Hands that appointment is immediately effective without any other formality or instrument.
The Emperor appoints and can dismiss the Prime Minister and the Ministers if they do not agree with policy pursued by Emperor.

Emperor's Security Adviser

The Emperor's Security Adviser is the individual in the Emperor's informal government branch who serves as chief adviser to the Emperor on security issues. The Security Adviser is appointed by the Emperor without involvement of the Joint Councils, and he is not connected with any Ministry. A powerful and influential post, the Security Adviser works in conjunction with the Imperial Service and gives a briefing to the Emperor on security issues every morning, and will advise him during crises, alongside with some military and security leaders.
The Emperor's Security Adviser, just as Imperial Auditors, serves as the Emperor's own pleasure (although he may die or resign), can be removed by the Joint Councils Assembled with a three-quarters majority, and he traditionally is a retired senior officer; it is not uncommon that the Chief of the General Staff becomes the Emperor's Security Adviser when his active service term expires.

Speech from the Camp stool

A speech from the Camp stool is an event in which the reigning Emperor reads a prepared speech to the Council of Counts, outlining the government's agenda for the session, the policies and objectives of the monarch; as such the speech is usually prepared by the Emperor's advisers, but the monarch supervises the drafting of the speech and exercises final discretion as to its content. The event is often held annually. On Komarr and on Sergyar, the Speech is usually delivered by the relevant Viceroy, although any member of the Imperial Family can replace them and the Emperor may deliver the address in person every time he desires. It is considered improper for the audience to show disapproval for any content of the speech while it is being read. Protest, though, has been expressed during a Stool speech.

Imperial Chapter of Arms

The Imperial Chapter of Arms is a corporation of the Imperial Household consisting of professional officers of arms, with jurisdiction over Barrayar, Sergyar and Komarr. The heralds are appointed by the Emperor and are delegated authority to act on his behalf in all matters of heraldry, the granting of new coats of arms, genealogical research and the recording of pedigrees. The Chapter is also the official body responsible for matters relating to the flying of flags on land, sea, air and space, and it maintains the official registers of flags and other national symbols. The Chapter of Arms also undertakes and consults on the planning of many ceremonial occasions and Heralds of the Chapter accompany the sovereign on many of these occasions.
The Chapter comprises thirty-seven officers or heralds: the First Lord of Arms, three Lords of Arms, six Heralds of Arms in Ordinary and nine Pursuivants of Arms in Ordinary. There are also eighteen Officers of Arms in Extraordinary. The entire corporation is managed by the First Lord of Arms, a hereditary office currently held by Lord Alexander Vorreedi, 16th First Lord of Arms.

Court of the First Lord of Arms

The Court of the First Lord of Arms is a standing court of law which regulates heraldry in the Empire of Barrayar. It is headed by the Judicial Counsellor of the First Lord of Arms, who must be legally qualified, as he has criminal jurisdiction in heraldic matters, and the court is fully integrated into the Imperial legal system, including having a dedicated prosecutor, known as the Prosecution Counsellor of the First Lord of Arms. Against Court decisions, an appeal may be experimented only to the Emperor.

Sergyaran Crown Dependency

The Sergyaran Crown Dependency is a special imperial institution. The Crown dependency is a personal possession and property of the Imperial Crown, but formally not part of the Empire, which is solely responsible for defence and international representation.
On Sergyar the Monarch is represented by a Viceroy in charge of the Government: although the Viceroy retains the same status of Komarran Viceroy (the Imperial Counsellor), legally is a very different figure. While the Imperial Counsellor is a state institution, the Viceroy of Sergyar is a mere proprietor's representative, albeit with two relevant constraints: on one hand, colonists are free Imperial subjects who reside on Sergyar, and on the other hand the proprietor is the Emperor, who swore to pursue the good for all his subjects, including those who reside in his properties. In any case Sergyar is not a sovereign nation and the legislative power is ultimately held by the Council of Counts. The acts of the Council of Counts do not affect Dependency, except where expressly stated.

Imperial Pardon

The Imperial Pardon is one of the key prerogatives of the Monarch, in which he can grant pardons to convicted persons. The Imperial Pardon is used to permit the monarch to withdraw death sentences, and in general to change any sentence or penalty.
Historically, the Imperial Pardon was widely used by the Emperors of Barrayar until the Ezar's reign as a political instrument in order to crush political opponents and to impose political favours. Lord Regent Aral Vorkosigan, in his efforts to establish an effective rule of law, greatly limited the practice, the most famous case being the Carl Vorhalas Execution. Emperor Gregor continued the practice of remitting to the Law the most part of Pardon requests, although he actually granted Pardon in some minor cases. Emperor Serg's tendency is to effectively use this prerogative.

Imperial Funeral

In Barrayar, Imperial Funerals are initially reserved only for Emperors and members of the Imperial Family. The decision to accord and grant an Imperial Funeral to former Regents or incumbent Viceroys rest with the Emperor himself, depending on the stature of the deceased. The state funeral for a deceased Emperor is arranged, managed and prepared by a special committee of the Imperial Household that is formed for the occasion.
During an Imperial Funeral,

  • A National Week of Mourning is officially declared. If the deceased is not the Emperor, the period could be shortened to three days;
  • The national flag is flown at half mast. This decision solely lies with the Emperor, who also decides the period for which flag is to be flown at half mast.
  • A public holiday is declared.
  • A casket draped in the flag of the Empire of Barrayar and the House Vorbarra standard as pall;
  • A six-people casket team serving as honour guards in a ceremonial role over the remains and as pallbearers;
  • The casket is transported via a horse-drawn limbers and caissons;
  • The formation of the rifle party consists of 77 riflemen (17 Imperial Service members and a riflemen from each Northern District), firing a five-volley salute;
  • The playing of Funeral March is performed by seven buglers and three trumpeters, at a distance of 40 yards from the grave site.
  • A riderless black horse follows the limbers and caissons.
  • A 51 gun salute is fired when being buried.
  • An Escort Company from each Corps of the Imperial Service, as well as an Escort Company from each District escort the procession;
  • The Imperial Guard opens the funeral.

Two highly decorated officers lead the funeral parade, carrying a large portrait of the deceased, followed by a group of numerous soldiers carrying large floral wreaths. A group of general officers comes next, carrying the Emperor's decorations and medals on small black cushions.
The flags are flown at half-mast outside of public buildings, while inside they display three black ribbons. Embassies and consulates around the Nexus are provided appropriate instructions: when the Emperor dies, flags are always flown at half-mast; usually, foreign embassies and consulates are asked to fly their flags at half-mast.
The body lies in state in the Imperial Residence or the buildings housing the most important office of the deceased. In other cases the will of the family it is followed. If the dead is not the Emperor, the family of the departed chooses the place in which the funeral will take place.

Vigil of the Princes

During the lying in state of the deceased Emperor of a member of the Imperial Family, living male members of the Imperial Family stand guard. The Vigil takes place after the Great Hall of the Imperial Residence is closed to the public for the evening. The Crown Prince and Imperial Princes relieve the honour guard, and are themselves relieved by the following honour guard after their hour-long vigil. All Princes wear their red-and-blues parade uniforms.

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