Steward of Arnor and Gondor

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Steward of Arnor and Gondor
White Flag.png
The White Flag of the Steward
Steward Arodion 01.jpg
Arodion son of Turgon of the House of Hurin
since Fo.A. 240
StyleYour Excellency
Reports toHigh King
ResidenceTower of the Steward, Osgiliath
Tower of the Steward, Annúminas
PrecursorSteward of Gondor
FormationT.A. 357 (Steward of Gondor)
Fo.A. 12 (Steward of the Reunited Kingdom)
First holderFaramir son of Denethor II
Unofficial namesSteward of the West

The Steward of Arnor and Gondor (Quenya: Arandur, i.e. "Servant of the King"; also known as "Steward of the West to the High King") is at first the chief of the high councilors to the High Kings. Steward is therefore the traditional title of the chief counsellor to the High Kings. Stewards are of high Númenorean blood, only occasionally intermarried with Northmen; since T.A. 1629, the Stewards of Gondor and, since Fo.A. 12, the Stewards of Arnor and Gondor are chosen among the House of Húrin of Emyn Arnen.

Although the Steward was originally an office of Gondor, the post of Steward was retained in the Reunited Kingdom. The Steward is granted the dignity of Prime Swordsman (Sindarin: Mainmagor).


Until King of Gondor Rómendacil I, the Steward to the King was the honorary title of the chief counsellor to the King of Gondor. King of Gondor Rómendacil I established the office of Steward in T.A. 356: the Steward was chosen by the King as a man of high trust and wisdom. The first Steward was Maldcúdor of the House of Ulrânnon, a prominent Dúnadan family of noble Númenorean origins. Stewards were advanced in years since they were not permitted to go to war or to leave the realm. They were never a member of the Royal House, but were and still are of the noble blood.

The Steward to King Minardil, Húrin of Emyn Arnen, was appointed in T.A. 1621. After Minardil's reign the Kings always chose their stewards from among Húrin's descendants. In T.A. 1756, King Tarondor granted the office to the House of Hurin. Vorondil succeeded his father, Steward Pelendur, in T.A. 1998 and from Vorondil the office became strictly hereditary. Vorondil's son, Steward Mardil Voronwë, became the first Ruling Steward of Gondor after the loss of Gondor's last King, Eärnur.

The Ruling Stewards ruled on the behalf of the King until the throne would be claimed by one of the Royal House. The office was in all respects and purposes that of the King, although out of respect the Steward never sat on the throne of the King; instead, they sat on a simple chair of black stone placed below it. The symbol of their office was a white rod. That was until the War of the Ring. Faramir, the heir of Denethor II, became Prince of Ithilien and Lord of Emyn Arnen, the lands of the House's patriarch. Faramir then took up the traditional role of a Steward of Gondor as the advisor to the King.

In Fo.A. 12, the title was changed into Steward of the Realm and, in Fo.A. 16, in Steward of Arnor and of Gondor (or Steward of the West in less formal statement). Under Tar Eldarion, the Steward of Arnor and of Gondor (until Fo.A. 240 Turgon son of Barahir and since Fo.A. 240 Arodion son of Turgon) has acted as chief of the King's own secretariat, with a special focus on the external relations.

List of the Stewards of Arnor and Gondor

Since 1 May 3019, there have been five Stewards of the West:

  • Faramir son of Denethor II (T.A. 2983-Fo.A. 82; serving T.A. 3019 - Fo.A. 82);
  • Elboron son of Faramir (12-132; serving 82-132);
  • Barahir son of Elboron (48-168; serving 132-168);
  • Turgon son of Barahir (122-240; serving 168-240);
  • Arodion son of Turgon (born 188; serving 240 - present).


The role of the Steward of Arnor and Gondor is, broadly speaking, to help the High King rule. The Steward is the chief minister for the High King, handling the day-to-day business of government in the king's place. He sometimes serves as diplomatic envoy in delicate political crisis, but ordinarily he is not allowed to go out the Reunited Kingdom (with the exception of travels from a location of the Kingdom to another location of the Kingdom, passing through foreign realms).
The Steward to the High King is personally assisted by both royal and his own clerks and by a dedicated staff: a senechal, an chief of cabinet, an administrative deputy, a legal expert, an assistant, a keeper of official diaries, an accountant, archivists and registrars, some secretaries for acts and letters; finally, menial staff.


The bureaucracy directly overseen by the Steward is divided into seven main Bureaus:

  • Bureau of petitions to the High King;
  • Bureau of petitions to the King of Arnor;
  • Bureau of petitions to the King of Gondor;
  • Bureau of Legates and of correspondence with foreign potentates;
  • Bureau of correspondence with the provincial administration and the cities;
  • Bureau of translation from Westron to Sindarin and vice-versa;
  • Bureau of the Legal Counsel: an adept of Númenórean and Common Law who is in charge for offering legal advice to the Steward;
  • Bureau of the Free Land and the Shire: in charge for affairs related to the Free Land of the Hobbits;
  • Master of Ceremonies and Rites;
  • Master of Archives;
  • College of Notaries.

The Steward of the King also has the role of supporting the High King's diplomacy.

Congregation for the Choice of Ministers

The Congregation for the Choice of Ministers is a body of the Royal Court under the Steward of the West. King Tarondor created the Congregation during his reign in T.A. 1686, with the intent to create a group of jurists who would collect information and indiscretions on the private life, as well as moral and disciplinary conduct of those figures who were chosen by the King to be elevated to the rank of governors or ministers all without the knowledge of the candidates. For the definitive appointment, the shortlist was proposed to the King who in any case reserved the right to accept or reject the candidates. Disused after the end of the line of the Kings, the congregation was recovered under the reign of Tar Elessar who revived the commission in Fo.A. 111.


The Steward of the West uses white as distinctive colour, as a sign of purity and of readiness to take on whatever mission the High King may entrust them. The formal items which must be white are the White Rod, the White Flat and the white robes.
The Seal of the Stewards consists of three Tengwar letters: R (rómen) • ND (ando) • R (óre) surmounted by three stars, signifying Arandur (Quenya for King's servant).

White Rod

The Steward has a white rod with a golden knob as his office insignia. The rod is the symbol of office and, should a Steward being dismissed, the commission appointing a Steward is dissolved according to custom by breaking the rod.

White Company

The Steward of Arnor and Gondor has a his own armed corps, separate from militias and guards held in his capacity as Prince of Ithilien. The Steward's own force bears the name of White Company. The White Company was established by King Elessar in T.A. 3019 in order to serve the first Prince of Ithilien, Faramir. Its first Captain was Beregond, son of son of Baranor.

The White Company is an infantry military unit, tasked with guarding and protecting the Steward's seats of the Steward in Minas Anor, Fornost, Annúminas and Osgiliath. It is therefore subdivided into four independent Berenais, each of 300 professional soldiers. Each Boronas is led by a knight banneret personally sowrn to the Steward.

High Warden of the White Tower

The title of High Warden of the White Tower is customarily held by the heir of the incumbent Steward of the West. The title originated in T.A. 2465, when Ruling Steward Dior granted to his nephew and heir Boromir (later Ruling Steward Boromir I). The incumbent High Warden of the White Tower, since Fo.A. 240, is Boron son of Arodion.

See also