Chancellor of Gemma Insulam

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The Chancellor of the Gemma Insulam is the head of government of the Gemma Insulam. The Chancellor leads the cabinet and the ruling party in parliament while remaining accountable to the monarch.

The Chancellor was not established into law until 1902. Until then the Chancellor was largely a constitutional convention where the party in parliament with the most seats was asked by the monarch to form a government in their name. The Constitutional Monarchy Act established the Chancellor into law along expectations of the constitutional conventions.

Authority & Powers

As the chair of cabinet, leader of the party with the most seats in parliament, and provisions of the Constitutional Monarchy Act the Chancellor is the head of government of Gemma Insulam.

As the chief executive in government, the Chancellor enjoys to privilege of recommending government appointments to the monarch, by convention all recommendations are accepted by the monarch. The highest appointments the Chancellor may make are Secretaries of the Crown and justices to the Supreme Court. The Chancellor maintains the right to refuse to submit senior civil servant recommendations to the monarch from Secretaries of the Crown

While the role of commander-in-chief rest in the monarch, the Chancellor, with the support of the Secretary of Defence, may declare war and move troops as deemed within the interest of the nation.