Air Force SOH

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Military of Spirit of Hope
Motto"Flying Spirit"
Active personnel438,178
Budget$203 Billion

The Spirit of Hope Air Force is the principal air warfare force of Spirit of Hope, a part of Spirit of Hope Armed Forces.



Command is broken out into four geographic regions, with the Region Commander being responsible for all military forces assigned to their army group, including land and naval forces. Air forces under a Regional Command are placed underneath a number air force, consisting of multiple groups.

Region Air Force Wings
Command North III Air Force Fighter Group
Command South I Air Force
Command East II Air Force
Command West VI Air Force

Tactical Group

In the Spirit of Hope Air Force a Tactical Group is composed of 3 Wings of 4 Squadrons with 16 aircraft, for a total of 192 aircraft  per Group.  Tactical group structure is used for Fighter, Ground Support, and Tactical Reconnaissance Squadrons.

Bomber Group

In the Spirit of Hope Air Force a Bomber Group is composed of 2 Wings of 2 Squadrons with 15 aircraft, for a total of 60 aircraft per Group.


Commissioned Officers

There are three primary routed by which officers are commissioned in the Spirit of Hope Air Force, the Air Academy, Officer Candidate School and Direct Commissioning.

The largest number of officers are commissioned by the Officer Candidate School, candidates are selected from applying civilians, recruits in basic training and junior non commissioned officers (NCOs) who show high leadership potential. All candidates must be over the age of 21 and under the age of 28 when training is completed, have a first class physical fitness test, and score above ZZ on the Air Vocation Test. Officer Candidate School lasts four months, before candidates are commissioned and sent to their primary occupation training.

The Air Academy is the second largest source of commissioned officers, it is a four year service academy open to all citizens over the age of 17 and under the age of 24.  

Direct Commissioning is the last way that officers are commissioned, it is primarily used for the recruitment of skilled personnel such as doctors, lawyers, and chaplains. Direct Commissioning is also occasionally used to promote especially deserving NCOs to the officer ranks when they are not eligible for Officer Candidate School, or in times of great need.

Pay Grade O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 O-8 O-9
Title Junior
Captain Major Colonel Brigadier Lieutenant
General Field Marshal

Warrant Officers

Warrant officers are single track, specialty officers with subject matter expertise in a particular area, they are equivalent in authority to a Senior Lieutenant, but are appointed instead of commissioned.

Pay Grade WO-1 WO-2 WO-3 WO-4
Title Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer Senior Chief
Warrant Officer
Master Chief
Warrant Officer
Abbreviation WO CWO SWO MWO


Enlisted members of the Spirit of Hope Air Force enter service through one of two Recruit Training centers, where they are trained for 8 weeks before being sent to their primary occupation training. Promotion to Airman is automatic after completing training, and promotion to Airman First Class is automatic after two years of good service.

One year after promotion to Airman First Class a soldier is eligible for promotion to Specialist, and if recommended by superiors will be appointed as a junior non commissioned officer. Further promotions requires compleating billet appropriate military education, and recommendation by a superior officer.

Pay Grade E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E7 E-8 E-9
Title Recruit Airman Airman First Class Specialist Corporal Sergeant Flight Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Master Flight Sergeant Sergeant Major


Combat Aircraft

The main combat aircraft of the Spirit of Hope Air Force is the Dassault Rafale, of which over 400 are in the two seeter configuration, with a further 400 in a specilized reconnaissance configuration, the remaining 1,380 are in the single seat configuration.

The Spirit of Hope Air Force additionally operates 180 heavy bombers and 25 heavy stealth bombers.

Support Aircraft

The Spirit of Hope Air Force operates a large number of support and transport aircraft, to maintain global operations and support the other branches operations. 80 heavy transports, 260 medium transports, and 440 light transports allow the Air Force to effectively move any cargo around the world, with 560 tankers ensuring all aircraft have the necessary range to conduct their required missions. 65 Airborne Early warning and control aircraft help direct combat operations to ensure air superiority.