Culture of the Freethinker Commonwealth

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Culture in the Freethinker Commonwealth is derived in part from both its Midlonian heritage, the pragmatic necessities of living in a landmass such as the Mainland, and the arrival of various waves of immigration over several waves. The Commonwealth is a multicultural, open, liberal society with strong streaks of both moderate classical liberalism and common social effort. The nation is notable for its significant rural and urban divide, which permeates a lot of cultural output and social structures.


Generally, individual Freestians are stereotypically defined as pragmatic, libertarian-leaning moderates, physically fit and straddling a large urban and rural divide (as noted). There is a division within Freestian society within the more individualist urban population and the more collective rural populations. Major influences on societal structures and cultural standards are its status as a former Midlonian colony, its reputation as a harbour for dissidents and transported undesirables, its large diaspora and trading communities and the generally high importance placed on sociability and group commitments.

Most Freestian values are encapsulated in its constitution and in other areas of law, as well as the layout of its public and private institutions. There are strong regional identities, though these are rarely continguous to the specific province or municipality but rather to regional or social groupings (such as the epoynomous Outbacker identity). The Commonwealth is said to have defined itself in opposition to colonialism, authoritarianism and economic and social slavery, and as a proponent of liberty and effective, enabled freedom; and this is stated both in public policy and private speech and media.

There is a strong Freestian emphasis on social interdependence, mutual support, pragmatism and political realism. Political or philosphical rigidity are generally considered negative traits, and beyond a core of agreed values there is generally a societal preference for consensual and non-coercive decision making. An incapacity to come to agreement or engage in constructive dialogue, particularly in regard to political or administrative functions, is generally seen as an indicator of self-interest and mental immaturity.

A large part of Freestian culture is dedicated to exploration, contact, forging social connections and opening up barriers. Freestians as a people are, by general standards, open, tolerant, friendly and hospitable. The country is unusually welcoming of immigrants; though nationalist communities exist, particularly in urban areas, these tend to be the exception rather than the norm. Explicit rules exist around hospitality and group responsibilities, and these are particularly vital in rural communities.

The Commonwealth is in practise as well as law a society defined by equality, and there remains a high degree of social mobility within the country. It is policy that inherited class, caste and other divisions within immigrant socities are rapidly broken down. This is for instance one of the primary reasons for the retention of national service commitments. Toleration for sexual orientation and lifestyle differences is high, inspired in part by the native vampiric community; this is to the point that such differences do not even recieve commentary.


Freestian cuisine covers a varuety of cooking and culinary traditions that are had to distinguish as a universal entity and instead generally refers to a collection of different food traditions. Freestian dishes and dining etiquette have their farthest roots in Midlonian colonial recipes and practises, but have evolved over time to incorporate various immigrant, geographical and native influences.

The only real general principles that apply to all Freestian cuisine tends to be an abundance of meats of all flavours, a heavy reliance as well on sea- and river-sourced food, generous portions and large quantities of accompanying drink. This is not to exclude vegetables and cereals, but there is no universal plant staple that is found in every strain of Freestian cuisine.

Colonial tradition

The Commonwealth's own evolution of Midlonian cuisine, which takes the hearty, meat and vegetable based cooking of the Home Islands and expands with a large variety of new fish and game species, new herbs and spices, and generally larger helpings. The influence

Western tradition

The Western tradition refers to the

Fusion cuisine

The Arts

Performing Arts




Main Article: Television in the Freethinker Commonwealth


Private licenses for digital and analogue channels for Radio stations are cheap and plentiful, though statute limitations on libel and other reporting regulations carry into the medium.


Main Article: Movie Industry in the Freethinker Commonwealth

The Movie industry is a large employer in the Commonwealth, and the vast and varied open areas are a large enticement for foreign film makers as well. Films produced in the Commonwealth cover a broad array of productions, though many genres go out of their way to incorporate large amounts of spectacular location shooting.

Video Games

Main Article: Video Games Industry in the Freethinker Commonwealth