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Moonstone is a rare, extremely valuable gemstone (considered a cardinal gem), most notable for its ability to aid the concentration of psychic or magic powers for those gifted with such talents. Although found (albeit very rarely) around the world, the major centre of excavation and refining is the Freethinker Commonwealth, and the importance (and potential power) of the gem itself has had a major impact on the people and cultures that have sought to utilise it's unique properties. The second largest deposits of Moonstone are located in Rephidium, part of the Greater Kingdom.

Within the Commonwealth, the modern day production of the gemstones is fully regulated by the government, and only one company, the Combined Moonstone Enterprise, Inc is allowed to process and distribute these gems, with significant oversight by the Moonstone Regulatory Commission, a powerful government body operating under the Ministry of the Interior. However, given the spectacular price paid by private collectors and religious leaders for these precious stones (especially large specimens), there is a small but significant black market in these stones which is a notable cause of concern for the Freethinker government.

The Greater Kingdom has its own regulatory system which parallels that used by the Commonwealth. M-Technologies is the only company allowed to deal with Moonstone extraction, refinement and its application to civilian and military technologies within the GK and is owned entirely by the Royal Family of the Greater Kingdom.

Physical Characteristics

Moonstone has an outward appearence similar to macrocyrstalline, non-blemished quartz, and can also be confused with other translucent carbon-heavy minerals.

The mineral has ditrigonal-pyramidal crystal class and a polar point grouping.

Current Usage

Magic & Psychic Enhancement

Moonstone boosts the psychic ability of those who are already pre-disposed towards such abilities. It acts as a greater focus point for users, and has the properties of greatly enhancing even the weakest of psychics. Mental abilities such as telekinesis, pyrokinesis and telephathy are all enormously enhanced when physical contact with Moonstone is made. This also occurs on a lesser level when a sufficient quantity of Moonstone is placed within proximity (usually within one metre) of a test subject, and mainly has more passive boosts to things such as empathic responses by subjects. Generally, the level of amplication depends a lot on the ability of a user to manipulate and actively control their abilities, the amount of Moonstone used, mental strength and other factors. It is generally theorised that the same mechanism is utilised for both psychic and magical enhancement.

Magical enhancement of Moonstone is more clearly defined and researched thanks to its prolongued use via various cultures such as the Midlonian Porphyrians and Angelis.

Moonstone only needs to be in proximity to a magical user to have some effect on their powers, and this is again increased exponentially when physical contact is made. The enhancement varies from user to user but studies carried out by the Rephidium Ministry of Science during the Border Wars (2152-2154) showed that the average increase in measurable abilities was at least an order of magnitude above previous recorded levels of ability, dependent on the qualty and quanitity of the gemstone provided. Some outliers, namely those who ingested or were injected with a Moonstone-derived compound would see powers increase to physically dangerous levels, and in all cases resulted in the deaths of the users, usually caused by excessive physical trauma.

Moonstone enhancement by a magical user can have side effects, generally based around a deteriation or significant changes to a person's mental capacity and stability. Questionnaires developed by the Midlonian Intelligence and Research Agency are designed to carefully monitor those who use Moonstone on any form of regular basis and cover complicated morality questions which carefully monitor the behaviour and moral outlook of subjects. The questions are designed using a Utilitarian philosophical bent to ensure that actions are carried out for the purpose of duty, primarily duty to the state and not for the individual user. Prescreening of candidates is also undertaken, alongside limiting the provision of Moonstone gems themselves. Immediate removal of Moonstone proximity followed by intensive therapy can be effective as a treatment, though the longer the period of exposure the greater the recovery time can be expected.

The Sisters of the Spire, in spite of long term exposure, do not suffer the problems of corruption that is often found in Human or Porphyrian users. There are numerous possible explanations to this, different brain chemistry and high adherence to the Reverence Faith seem to displace or outright negate the effects of long term exposure. It is notable that Freestian Vampires as rule tend not to suffer mental health issues with the regularity of humans or similar. Some of the practises of the Order have been shared and copied by both the Freestian and Midlonian militaries, though their usefulness is debated.

It should be noted that given the wide varience of magic and ethereal systems found internationally, the effects on any individual user cannot be fully anticipated.


Moonstone gems forms an important part of ancestoral worship in the Reverence, the major faith of the Freestian Vampires. The stones are used in many artefacts used by the Priestesses of the Reverence (and accordingly by the Syrens of the Spire), who use the gems to enhance their own limited psychic talents to a significant degree as part of their worship. Because of this cultural significance to the vampire community, these gems are also used to adorn many other important items and weaponry, mostly ceremonial or decorative in purpose although some units use them in weapons.

Used as a singular noun, Moonstone can also be used as an informal name for the Light of Navarre, the large Moonstone jewel set within the Spire Star in the Hall of the Ancients, and also to describe the gem that sits on the tip of the Spear of Reverence, the ceremonial sceptre of the Priestess of the Reverence.

The use of Moonstone gems in foreign religions and cults, particularly those concerned with magic or the enhancement of psychic powers, has also been documented. Given the inherent danger in the distribution of these gems, only small quantities of these are released for commercial use within jewellery and industrial applications. All stones produced for these application must be under a certain weight classification (currently set at 5.0 carats for jewellery and 25.0 carats for other (almost all industrial) uses), in order to ensure that their ability to focus external power is negligible at best. However, given the money offered for these rare gems, some private producers have illegally sold much larger specimens on the black market.



Because of their magical properties, there is some military use of the gemstones. The most successfully applied is that of the M-Gun developed by the RCS during the Border Wars.

Military applications tend to be based entirely upon the magical rather than electrical storage or hardness utility of the gem. These include enhancing the abilities of magic-wieldling servicemen to use as a power source for varied vehicles and weapons.

The Moonstone Wars

The Moonstone Wars are the collective name for the two major conflicts between the Freethinker Commonwealth and The Greater Kingdom of Midlonia, which derive their name from the important underlying role the control of the production of this mineral had in creating and perpetuating the conflicts.
