Unified Eothasi Government

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Unified Eothasi Government
Eothasi Flag
Coat of Arms of the UEG
Coat of arms
Motto: "Schyhen peotüs vámpus ozis kré pamis"
"Together, we conquer the sky, sun, and stars."
Anthem: Schyhen Larru kré Forru
"Upward and Forward, Together"
Location of Eothasia
and most inhabited planet
Official languagesNone
Recognised national languagesEothasi
GovernmentDirect democracy
• Councillor
Cäcilie Michel
• Councillor
Miranda Coemme
• Councillor
Arden Leavitt
• First sovoran construct
1933, 12th Day
• Discovery of precursor ruins
2055, 147th Day
• Discovery of spaceflight technology
2077, 79th Day
• Establishment of the Unified Eothasi Government
2078, 1st Day
• Total systems
• Inhabited systems
• 2289 census
Date formatdd.mm.age:year

The Unified Eothasi Government, commonly referred to as the Republic, is a large interstellar empire governed by direct democracy. It is based on the planet of Aurelus, an ecumenopolis of some fifteen billion residents in the system of Elereus. Since the discovery of ruins of a precursor nature on nearby moons and planets in 2055, the Unified Eothasi Government has grown exponentially, eventually encompassing over 1600 star systems and over 400 inhabited systems.

The Unified Eothasi Government was formed from the hundreds of smaller federal governments that existed throughout the planet of Aurelus, who had already amongst themselves formed a sort of supranational government for the peacekeeping of the entire globe. This was only achieved due to the incredible discoveries over the previous two centuries of artificial superintelligences, which itself was only possible due to the discovery of precursor ruins across the globe. After nearly a century of negotiations including all governments of the world, and thanks to the adept skills of the artificial intelligences in communicating amongst themselves to secure this peace, the planet formed the supranational entity of United Aurelus, which would oversee negotiations, trade, diplomacy, and other elements of international interaction on Aurelus. In 2078, after the discovery of precursor ruins that showed the path to interstellar travel, United Aurelus transformed into the Unified Eothasi Government and took over all governmental organisation on Aurelus and, later, the entirety of the Republic.

Today, the Unified Eothasi Government is a massive interstellar empire of hundreds of worlds, stations, and stars and has a total population of nearly one hundred and fifty billion.



Executive Branch.

The executive branch of the Unified Eothasi Government is presided by the Federal Council, a triumvirate of three different members that will jointly act as head of State and Government for the duration of their terms. Below them is the Federal Cabinet, which is a set of ministers and secretaries that handle the organisation of various competencies of the Federal Government.

Apart from these bodies, one of the most important elements of the governments of all levels of the Unified Eothasi Government is the presence of artificial superintelligences that partake in the process. These offer counsel to the varying levels of government, as well as take care of minor administrative tasks and organisation. This is done so to prevent access to these tasks and, in this way, avoid corruption and deceit from advantageous government positions.

Federal Council.

The Federal Council is the government body of the Unified Eothasi Government and acts as both the head of State and head of Government. It is composed of three different individuals, with rotating terms and set dates.

Each of the three Galactic Councilors govern for terms of six years, but these are not each in line with the other. Instead, the Galactic Consensus must choose every two years whether to replace or maintain one of the Councilors, which will have by then reached their six years of term. In that moment, the other two councillors will have four and two years respectively since they were elected to their positions (or, alternatively, revalidated for their position).

Though the three councillors are the same in their responsibilities and power, they oftentimes take specialisations into different fields. For instance, one councillor may be more specialised in economics and trade than the others, while another may be more interested in the field of scientific research. They then split the Federal Cabinet’s ministries as they see fit, and organise themselves to have each of them coordinate the ministry heads of those ministries that they most wish to coordinate (with certain ministries being necessarily split to avoid accumulation). Regardless of the fact that this may make a minister speak more with one councillor as opposed to the others, any councillor can make any intervention in any of the ministries and bring any topic to light in the Federal Council at any given moment.

A person cannot present themselves as a candidate for the position of Federal Councillor. They must first be nominated by at least three factions or one million votes in order to be considered a nomination, and then the nominee must provide a detailed political programme of at least fifty pages. Nomination periods begin fifty days before the first day of elections and end twenty days prior to the start, thus giving thirty days for any nominations to be made throughout the Republic. At the end, all approved nominations will then travel to the capital of the Republic in order to partake in a series of interviews, presentations, debates, and other events in order to make the candidate be thoroughly known throughout the Republic. After these twenty days are over, ten days of elections begin, in which any Eothasi can, at any point in time, present themselves at the appropriate delegation in either their Astral or Stellar Commune in order to submit their electronic vote.

The Federal Council uses a ranked-choice based electoral system. The citizen must order all of the available candidates in order from most to least preferred candidate, and the victor is that which receives, after this process, a minimum of fifty percent of the available votes.

Legislative Branch.

The legislative branch of the Unified Eothasi Government is a single-chamber e-democracy. There is no physical representation of the chamber itself; rather, what this means is that all bills passed in the legislative branch receive the approval of all citizens of the Republic that operate underneath the organism that is approving the bill. For instance, a bill passed in a Stellar Consensus requires the collective approval of all Eothasi citizens that live in the star system in question, but in order for a bill to pass in the Galactic Consensus, it requires the approval of all Eothasi citizens in the entire Republic. This is true for all levels of legislative branches across the entire Republic.

Though it is true that, despite the name, it is not a true consensus in the sense that it does not require 100% approval from all members, it does require at minimum 70% in order to pass. This is because of the nature of the Eothasi, who themselves value egalitarianism and consensus rather than confrontation and mere simply majority approval of measures and bills.

Galactic Consensus.

The Galactic Consensus is the ultimate parliamentary representation of the will of the Eothasi people across the entire Republic. It is here that all Eothasi vote on the bills that are taken to the Consensus in order to be applied throughout the entire Republic.

Though the Galactic Consensus does not harbour parties nor representatives for the people, there do exist various factions in the Consensus. These factions are legally recognised groups of people that have a specific end in mind, or wish to carry out the defence of a specific ideal or ethic. There is no limit to the number of factions that may exist in the Consensus, nor are there limits to the number of factions a particular citizen may form a part of. Factions must be of free entry and exit, and cannot have quotas, payments, or financial accounts tied to their judicial person. However, in order for a faction to be formed, at least 100.000 citizens need to sign up to approve of the creation of said faction.

In order for a bill to reach the Galactic Consensus, it needs to be supported by at least three factions. Bills presented in the Consensus then have thirty days to speak with other factions to discuss the bill and garner support, as well as debate amongst themselves on any edits that need to be made to the bill. For every period of ten days, there are three days of debate, two days of rest, another three days of debate and two days to vote on all bills presented in that time frame. This means that, in total, any bill will have a total of eighteen days of debate in order to discuss the bill with all other citizens.

In the event that a bill is passed in the Galactic Consensus, the Federal Government has five days to communicate it to the sectoral governments and thirty days to present a plan to the Galactic Consensus regarding its implementation. After this, the Galactic Consensus will set a timeframe, depending on the necessities of the bill in question, in order for the Federal Government to implement the plan.

Though there are certain topics for which a citizen must go to the appropriate Federal delegation in their Astral, Stellar or Sectoral Communes in order to vote —such as the elections to Federal Councillor— this is not usually the case for Galactic Consensus votes. In these votes, it is sufficient to connect to an intranet application maintained by the Galactic Consensus for this purpose, sign in using personalised biometrics, and then submit the vote in favour, against, or in abstention to all proposed bills.

Federal Structure.

The entire structure of the varying levels of government in the Republic is organised down to the smallest dot, thanks to the great efficiency of the artificial intelligence systems that help manage the day-to-day administration on the enormous scale of the Republic. The structure is built in such a way that the federal government maintains a degree of control over the rest of its subservient sectors while also allowing these to maintain some autonomy in their own organisation.

The Republic is structured into various levels. At the top is the galactic level, presided over by the Federal Council triumvirate. Major decisions that affect the entirety of the Republic are taken at this level, as well as the organisation for future colonial projects as well as other expansion projects. This is also the level of the Galactic Consensus, the enormous e-democracy parliament in which all Eothasi partake. Although many of the competencies of government are handed down to the governments of the federalised states themselves, the Federal Government in Aurelus can still take direct command if it is deemed necessary.

Below this is the Sectoral Commune. The Republic is broken up into various sectors, each of which corresponds to a particular star cluster. It is the duty of the Sectoral Government to organise the structure of the colonies, local economy, and production of goods as per the needs of the people, the system, and the overall Republic, in the event of a higher directive. Each sectoral government will organise their own budgets and expenditure, but these will be overseen by the Federal Council to ensure the maximum possible efficiency. The Sectoral Commune is presided by the Sectoral Council and the Sectoral Consensus.

Below this level is the Stellar Commune. This is the government of each individual star system, which would govern the totality of orbital habitats and inhabited planets in a system. This governance is more direct than the Sectoral Commune in that they are the ones actually actively organising the production itself: operating machines and drones for mining or agriculture, preparing construction sites for colonial expansion, etc. They are presided by the Stellar Council and the Stellar Consensus.

Below this level is the Astral Commune. This is the government of each individual planet or habitat and is in charge of the more day-to-day organisation of the colonies. This includes providing food at the stores, organising events and entertainment, etc.

At the root of each of these governments is the artificial superintelligences known as the sovoran. The sovoran partake in the organisation of the society, and are arbiters of the governments to ensure that corruption is kept to a minimum and that efficiency is as maximised as possible. These sovoran also take care of the menial administrative tasks of each of the governments they’re coordinated with.

Each Stellar Commune will have one sovoran, which will coordinate the tasks that require its intervention in each system. Apart from governmental tasks with the Stellar Council, it also handles dangerous mining operations, agricultural production on garden worlds and arcologies as well as space habitats, and other menial tasks by remotely operating drones.


Communications are organised throughout the entire Republic in a point-to-point fashion, with various layers of communication requiring different platforms and locations throughout sovoran space.

The first level of communication is local, on par with the Astral Commune level of governance. This communication uses standard luminal communication in order to connect the Eothasi amongst themselves. All Eothasi in a station, planet, outpost, moon, etc. are connected amongst themselves for near instant communication and sharing of knowledge, experiences, memories and others. This information is then sent to various superluminal communication relays throughout the station, which send all information to the Stellar Commune’s main station, or other nearby stations, if necessary.

Each star system has one main station, which is usually the largest, most defended and most populated station in the star system. This station handles communications between different stations of the star system, if it is useful, as well as communications incoming and outgoing from the star system. This station is equipped with a tachyon superluminal communication array, which allows for constant (though not instant) communication with the capital of the Sectoral Commune.

The third level of communication is the Sectoral Commune’s concentration. The capital of the Sectoral Commune is usually the first star system occupied by the Republic in a specific star cluster. This means that, as the first system, it will not only handle all communications incoming via tachyon superluminal arrays throughout the cluster, but also all communications incoming and outgoing to the star cluster. In order to do this in the most efficient way, the capital system of the cluster is equipped with a quantum entanglement buoy on the fringes of the system, well-protected by the Eothasi military. From here, communications incoming from the station enter the quantum entanglement communicator and are instantly transferred to the capital of the Republic, in Aurelus. Afterwards, the information is analysed in conjunction with all sovoran and the knowledge, experiences and other information is added to the rest of the collective consciousness. This is the fourth level of communication; Aurelus is, then, a hub of communication for the entirety of the Unified Eothasi Government.


The military of the UEG is an arm controlled by the Federal Government, which both sends and receives strategic and tactical information from all of the fleets and armies stationed through the Republic. They are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence for the protection and both the domestic and foreign interests of the UEG as a whole. It is tasked with ensuring the integrity of the UEG as well as the protection of its citizens and residents from foreign and domestic threats. This does not only include operations against hostile foreign militaries or insurgent groups operating within or outside the Republic, but also reacting in the event of great calamities, such as devastating natural disasters, crippling pandemics or other emergencies that put at risk the safety of the Eothasi citizenship that cannot be handled by standard astral, stellar, sectoral or even other national organisms (such as the Galactic Security Service and its Republic Guard regiment).

The commander in chief of the military is the Federal Council. Furthermore, the Government has an integrated organism dubbed the Chiefs of Staff Directive with which the Federal Council is provided advice in the face of needing military deployments. Despite this fact, individual military operations can and are organised at a sectoral level, needing only the approval of the Chief of Staff Directive in order to move forward.

The Eothasi military is headquartered in the home building of the Ministry of Defence: the Elereus Defence Centre in Valtoria, one of the largest districts of the planet of Aurelus. This, however, is only the location where the Chiefs of Staff Directive work on a regular basis and where coordination between the different branches of the military takes place. However, each branch has a base in accordance with its own field of operation that acts as its “headquarters,” in a manner of speaking.

The Defence Ministry is also in charge of the Republic Guard regiment of the Galactic Security Service (which is, in its entirety, otherwise organised by the Home Office, except during wartime and in extreme necessities).

Because of the vast expanse of space and the need to provide garrisons and support against piracy and other malevolent acts throughout the space of the Republic, military service in the UEG has been established as compulsory, although the manner in which this is carried out is very specific. Individuals can freely enlist at the age of eighteen (or seventeen, in the event that they have express permission from their parents, tutors or guardians and have completed tertiary education) years of age. Mandatory levying, as it is called in the UEG, begins after the end of tertiary education in the event that the individual in question does not have the intention (or otherwise fails to) inscribe into university.

The main difference between enlisting after tertiary education and being levied is the time; enlisted soldiers will undergo Professional Combat Training. This consists of approximately twenty-one weeks, after which soldiers are transferred to Specialised Individual Training, which can last anywhere from ten to forty weeks, depending on the chosen specialisation. Afterwards, they must serve a minimum of three years active service before being able to solicit their first transfer to the reserve forces of the military. Furthermore, there are no restrictions with regards to the location to which they can be deployed; they can be stationed on bases in the Core Systems as well as bases in the frontier territories or even deployed to combat theatres, should the need arise.

In contrast, levied personnel undergo a Basic Combat Training regimen of only twelve weeks, after which they are transferred to Advanced Individual Training for another eight weeks. After their training is complete, they are transferred to active service for one year before being automatically retired (unless otherwise stipulated by the individual in question). They are not allowed to be deployed to any territory other than those deemed safe by the Ministry of Defence.

Compulsory service can be waived in a number of circumstances, the most obvious being the individual in question having some form of physical or medical impediment that disallows their participation in military service. If this is not the case, military service can also be waived if the individual is attending university, as under no circumstances can military service interrupt education. Should the individual in question graduate university and find a job in their respective field (which they have to justify with the appropriate paperwork at the Bureau of Levied Military Service) within six months, they can definitively waive their service. Should they not find a job, they will be immediately required to present themselves to their nearest military recruitment station. Should the individual continue their education and complete a master or doctoral cycle, they can also definitively waive their service if they so request it; should they not, they will be levied, but go through PCT or the specialised military academy of their choosing.


Internal Economic Structure.

The economy of the Unified Eothasi Government is a complex machine which, for the most part, relies on the self-sufficiency of each individual star system. Shipping of minerals or other simple manufactured products across different systems is not a common occurrence, due to the cost in terms of fuel that this implies. As such, each individual system has to be able to satisfy, using the various sources at its disposal, the enormous majority of its demand.

However, this does not apply to all products produced within the Unified Eothasi Government. For instance, production of warships, colony ships, or other specialised components do not have to be delegated to each specific system. This will usually be the case for larger sectoral clusters; the sectoral government organises the locations where stations specialised in the production of specific items, such as warships, will be built within their star cluster. In this way, in a specific cluster, there may be two or three systems with shipyards, as opposed to each system having stations dedicated to this purpose.

A perfect example is the system of Eden. Though the system was initially selected for colonial expansion, it was decided that, given the richness of the system’s three asteroid fields, the system would also boast an enormous shipyard hub. The use of these asteroid fields have since made it possible to construct the enormous fleet that the Republic now has, and is home to one of the seventeen hubs for shipyard construction in the Republic and the largest shipyard system, with over thirty five shipyards spread out throughout the system.

In general, within a specific Sectoral Commune, private enterprise is permitted. However, these private enterprises cannot be in fields that provide the basic necessities to the civil population, such as medicine, agriculture, or housing. Furthermore, these private enterprises must be cooperatively owned and democraticised by councils directed by the workers themselves in order to ensure there is no exploitation of the people and to ensure the equal redistribution of wealth.

Intragalactic Trade.


Artificial Superintelligences.