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A number of navalized K-40 aircraft aboard a prototype Concordat carrier
Role Fighter
National origin Kalaronian Republic of Clans
First flight August 4th, 2015
Introduction 2017
Status Active
Primary user Concordat Defense Militia
Produced 2014-Present
Number built 700

The K-40 Kestrel is the current Next Generation Fighter in use by most of the Concordat's Airforce, though the majority of early production aircraft are employed in the Kalaronian Airforce. Powered by two high-temperature OE-131 Turbofans, the Kestrel carries a larger weapon-payload than earlier stealthy designs produced by the Advanced Aeronautic Design Board of Velika Armaments. Designed to secure aerial supremacy in heavily reinforced airspace, the Kestrel has a secondary role in "cracking" that airspace open for less stealthy aircraft, aided by the introduction of the SVAM-13 "Small Volume Attack Missile" a year before it's adoption by Velika's home nation of Kalaron. The submission of the Kestrel officially elevated the corporation into the level of National Asset, with all the advantages that comes with it, including access to a number of prototypical engine designs to choose from for the following improvement project.

The OE-131 Turbofans powering the K-40 utilize a two-spool, low-bypass, mixed exhaust design, with exhaust temperatures of 1,700C at the Burner. Though there was an attempt to compensate for this high temperature with a Nickle-based Superalloy, the resulting engine has a lower than expected ratio of flight-hours per maintenance-hours. This, coupled with the increased weight of it's expected bomb-payload, lead to the Improved Fighter Project to develop a more advanced engine from the available experimental prototypes.

Additionally, the K-40 remains the most mass-produced of Velika's stealth designs. Of the several hundred airframes produced, Kalaron retained the first one hundred to furnish it's squadrons, with a further fifty held and devoted to the Joint Concordat Defense Militia as per the Member Obligations. It's versatile design, excellent thermal and radar stealth, and superb maneuverability have led to it seeing international customers, even beyond the official Concordat Members in small numbers.


Prior to the collapse of the Trade Federation and it's restructuring as the Phoenix Concordat, the Kalaronian Armaments consortium maintained a sizeable monopoly on the production of high-cost Military Technology. Through the Trade Fed,


Though previous stealthy aircraft had been constructed for the Kalaronian Airforce by Kalaron Arms, doctrinal demands required that they be dedicated "Light-Interceptors", designed to chase down and interrupt opposing enemy aircraft within a very limited time-frame and location. This experience was of little aid in developing a heavier, larger and more enduring aircraft for use as both a strike-craft and a heavy aerial supremacy design. In fact, though the earlier OE-63 engines from those Interceptors was available for improvement, it was agreed by the Velika design team that the more advantageous engine to develop from instead came from the UR-107 "Vulture" regional bomber. Already designed for a moderately high-bypass, the TH-33 engines inside were used as the base for the OE-131 turbofans with an g


Operational history

Early service

Anti-bomber operations

Post-war service


The prototype flown in the 1939 fighter competition was designated Chikai WH 25, with WH indicating wŏnhyŏng (prototype). Six were built. Its armament consisted of four 7.5mm machine guns: two above the nose, and one in each wing. Each gun was fed from a 500-round belt.

Type 40-I

Type 40-II

Type 40-III

Type 40-IV

Type 40-V

Specifications (Type 40-I)

General Characteristics

  • Crew:
  • Length:
  • Wingspan:
  • Height:
  • Wing Area:
  • Empty Weight:
  • Loaded Weight:
  • Powerplant:


  • Maximum Speed:
  • Range:
  • Service Ceiling:
  • Rate of Climb:
  • Wing Loading:
  • Power-to-Mass ratio:


  • Guns:
    2x forward-firing
    2x forward-firing
  • Bombs:

See also