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The United Kingdom of Lannistter
Elle Reinaggum Unidus du Lannistter
--> The Flag of Lannistter, Symbol of the Union between Lannfield and Istter in 1797, The double-headed Eagle represents the two United Nations in one, The Red to Lannfield, The Black to Istter and the White symbolizes Peace between both Islands.
Coat of arms
Motto: "Wiremver Passus , Lannistter resistirum!" ("Whatever Happens , Lannistter will resist!")
Anthem: "The Wiggin-Lannish Orchesta" ("Jla Wiggum-Lannesa Orquestodromia")
CapitalNew Arkhangelsk
Largest cityStedwincher
Official languagesLannish (Official) , English (Secundary) , Spanish (Secundary) , Mezzallum (Secundary)
• King
Angel III
• Queen
Charlotte VII
LegislaturePalace of Laws
Upper Room
Lower Room
United Kingdom
• The Union of Lannfield and Istter
• 2040 estimate
230 M
• 2020 census
107 M
• Density
239/km2 (619.0/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
13500 M Lannish Kronas (Kronnas du Lannistter)
• Per capita
85.000 Lannish Kronas
CurrencyLannish Kronas
Time zoneGMT 6
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+797
Internet TLD.Lann


  • History
  • The United Kingdom of Lannistter (1797-present)

The United Kingdom of Lannistter arose from the Union of the Kingdoms of Lannfield and Istter in the year 1797, Between the East Island (Istter) and the West Island (Lannfield), Its First Monarch was King Adolf I, Who has his Deserved Monument In the Central Plaza of the Capital City of the Country, New Arkhangelsk, In its "Golden Age" from 1821 to 1872, Lannistter came to have the Largest Maritime Force in the World.

  • Flag (Current Version: "United Lann" 2020-Present)

The Lannistter flag, symbol of the union between Lannfield and Istter in 1797, the Color Black and White crossing symbolize the Kingdoms of Lannfield (White) and Istter (Black) unified in one, crossing their Paths, Red symbolizes the Color of the fur of his national animal, The Fox.

  • Lannfield (865-1797)

Lannfield emerged as a Fishing Town that progressively expanded through the West Island of Lannistter, a country that, in the years 1670-1770 reached its best years, managing to qualify as one of the best countries to live in its time, being its capital Stedwincher synonymous of Modernity for the People of those Years, Lannfield was always an Advanced, Progressive and Modern Country, Although, In the Years 1790-1797 "The Great Crisis" happened, Due to the Commercial Blockade that the Old Kingdom of Povkjard Provided to The Confederation of Katsen, Forcing Lannfield to Unify with Istter to avoid Bankruptcy.

  • Istter (678-1797)

Istter emerged as a Mining and Industrial Town, which was expanding through the East Island of Lannistter and which today is the Engine of the Nation, Istter never stood out for having an Outstanding Economy or a Financial "Boom", This because the Country always maintained policies stable and Traditionalists, so that the Istter Economy was always Stable, Safe, Productive and Strong, Its Capital, Arkhangelsk (Which today was renamed "New Arkhangelsk") was a Large, Influential and Colorful Industrial City, Being Currently classified as "The Most Beautiful Town" in the Katsen Region, In 1797, Istter merged with Lannfield to form the United Kingdom of Lannistter.

  • Union and Colonial Period (1797-1897)

After the Kingdoms of Istter and Lannfield were Unified on March 9, 1797 in the Golden Palace of Arkhanngelsk, the time of Expansionism of the United Kingdom of Lannistter would begin, In 1821, Lannistter built a fearsome Fleet, with which he invaded and annexed easily the Kortjek Islands (1825) and The Empire of Forsakentter (1834), So, Lannistter was in that Epoch synonymous with Prosperity, This due to a combination of facts and factors that forever changed Lannistter's History of the United Kingdom, Such as : The "Boom" of Stedwincher (1824), The Completion of the Flagship "LAF-King Adolf I" (1827), The Construction of the "Golden Palace of Lannistter" (1830), The Construction of the Eastern Train (1845), the Assumption of "King Stuart IV" (1851), The Gender Equality Act (1871), The Act of Optional Military Service Between Both Genders (1880) and The Annexation of the Colonies to the United Kingdom of Lannistter (1897).

  • Preparation for "The Great War" (1897-1920)

From 1897 to 1920 there was the Constant Threat of War, Why? , Because Sansderiumreich started a Period of Expansionism, Ignoring the recommendations of the Council of Katsen thus proclaiming the "Great Empire of Sansderiumreich", Quickly Becoming the Most Powerful and Militaryly advanced Nation, Lannistter prepares Building more Ports, Shipyards, Factories and Infrastructures, In addition, they started what is known as "Plan Zorro", a plan to develop the Armed Forces, Acquiring Technologies with Time and testing more and Better Weapons, This Period can be considered as "The Pacific War" , Because at this time only Sides were Armed and there was no direct confrontation between them, Although they maintained the declaration of war on each other, being technically "A War without Battles" or an "Arms Race" , The King of Lannistter at that time, Fabianno IV said in his famous "Pre-War Speech" which today is the Motto of the Nation: "Wiremver Passus, Lannistter resistirum ! " (Whatever happens, Lannistter Resist!).

  • "The Great War" (1920-1925)


  • Historia
  • Reino Unido de Lannistter (1797-Actualidad)

El Reino unido de Lannistter surgio de la Union de los Reinos de Lannfield y Istter en el Año 1797 , Entre la Isla Este (Istter) y la Isla Oeste (Lannfield) , Su Primer Monarca fue el Rey Adolfo I , Quien tiene su Merecido Monumento en la Plaza Central de la Ciudad Capital del Pais , New Arkhangelsk , En su "Era Dorada" de 1821 hasta 1872 , Lannistter llego a tener la Fuerza Maritima mas Grande del Mundo.

  • Bandera (Version Actual : "United Lann" 2020-Actualidad)

La bandera de Lannistter, símbolo de la unión entre Lannfield e Istter en 1797, el Color Negro y el Blanco cruzandose simbolizan a los Reinos de Lannfield (Blanco) y Istter (Negro) unificados en uno , cruzando sus Caminos , El rojo simboliza el Color del pelaje de su animal nacional , El Zorro.

  • Lannfield (865-1797)

Lannfield surge como un Pueblo Pesquero que Progresivamente fue expandiendose por la Isla Oeste de Lannistter , Pais Que , en los Años 1670-1770 alcanzo sus mejores años , Consiguiendo Calificar como uno de los mejores paises para vivir en su Epoca , Siendo su Capital Stedwincher sinonimo de Modernidad para las Personas de aquellos Años , Lannfield siempre fue un Pais Avanzado , Progresista y Moderno , Aunque , En los Años 1790-1797 sucedio "La Gran Crisis" , Debido al Bloqueo Comercial que el Antiguo Reino de Povkjard le Proporciono a La Confederacion de Katsen , Obligando a Lannfield a Unificarse con Istter para no entrar en Bancarrota.

  • Istter (678-1797)

Istter surge como un Pueblo Minero y Industrial , que fue expandiendose por la Isla Este de Lannistter y que hoy es el Motor de la Nacion , Istter nunca destaco por tener una Economia Sobresaliente ni un "Boom" Financiero , Esto porque el Pais siempre mantuvo politicas estables y Tradicionalistas , Por lo que la Economia de Istter siempre fue Estable , Segura , Productiva y Fuerte , Su Capital , Arkhangelsk (Que hoy en dia fue rebautizada como "New Arkhangelsk") era Una Ciudad Industrial , Grande , Influyente y Colorida , Siendo clasificada en la actualidad como "La Ciudad mas Bonita" de la Region de Katsen , En 1797 , Istter se unifico con Lannfield para Formar el Reino Unido de Lannistter.

  • Union y Periodo Colonial (1797-1897)

Luego de que los Reinos de Istter y Lannfield se Unificaran el 9 de Marzo de 1797 en el Palacio Dorado de Arkhanngelsk , Empezaria la epoca de Expansionismo del Reino Unido de Lannistter , En 1821 , Lannistter consruyo una Flota temible , Con la que Invadio y Anexo facilmente las Islas Kortjek (1825) y El Imperio de Forsakentter (1834) , Entonces , Lannistter fue en esa Epoca sinonimo de Prosperidad , Esto debido a una combinacion de hechos y factores que cambiaron para siempre la Historia del Reino Unido de Lannistter , Tales como : El "Boom" de Stedwincher (1824) , La Finalizacion del Buque Insignia "LAF-King Adolf I" (1827) , La Construccion del "Palacio Dorado de Lannistter" (1830) , La Construccion del Tren del Este (1845) , la Asuncion del "Rey Stuart IV" (1851) , La Ley de Igualdad de Genero (1871) , La Ley del Servicio Militar Opcional entre Ambos Generos (1880) y La Anexion de las Colonias al Reino Unido de Lannistter (1897).

  • Preparacion para "La Gran Guerra" (1897-1920)

Desde 1897 hasta 1920 estuvo la Constante Amenaza de Guerra , ¿Porque? , Porque Sansderiumreich inicio un Periodo de Expansionismo , Ignorando las recomendaciones del Consejo de Katsen proclamando asi el "Gran Imperio de Sansderiumreich" , Convirtiendose Rapidamente en la Nacion mas Poderosa y avanzada Militarmente , Lannistter se prepara Construyendo mas Puertos , Astilleros , Fabricas y Infrestructuras , Ademas , Iniciaron el Conocido como "Plan Zorro" , Un plan para Desarrollar las Fuerzas Armadas , Adquiriendo Tecnologias con el Tiempo y probando mas y Mejor Armamento , Este Periodo puede ser Considerado como "La Guerra Pacifica" , Debido a que en este tiempo solo se Armaron Bandos y no hubo un enfrentamiento directo entre ellos , A pesar de que mantuvieron la declaracion de guerra los unos a los otros , siendo tecnicamente "Una Guerra sin Batallas" o una "Carrera Armamentistica" , El Rey de Lannistter de ese entonces , Fabianno IV dijo en su Famoso "Discurso de Pre-Guerra" el que hoy es el Lema de la Nacion : "Wiremver Passus , Lannistter resistirum!" (Pase lo que pase , Lannistter Resistira!).

  • "La Gran Guerra" (1920-1925)


Date English name Azmaran name Holiday
Secular and national holidays
1 January New Year's Day Nyjersdaag Yes
25 January St. Wiljâm's Day Wiljâm-Hylagersdaag Yes
1 May Labour Day Arbeidersdaag Yes
19 October Commonwealth Day Gemenwelþsdaag Yes
26 December Boxing Day Aftahylagsdaag No
31 December New Year's Eve Foornyjersdaag Yes
Sotirian holidays
Variable Good Friday Godfreyjasdaag Yes
Variable Easter Monday Ostermaandaag Yes
24 December Christmas Eve Foorhylagsdaag Yes
25 December Christmas Hylagsdaag Yes

Edited by/Editado por : Angel Cornejo - Lannistter