East Won

Revision as of 15:29, 10 October 2020 by EAST WON (talk | contribs)
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East Won
East Won.jpg
East won map.jpg


The form of goverment that is used in East Won is a democracy which means "rule of people." This means that there will be town hall meetings once a week every week. The town hall meetings will include what the people want to change and if everyone agrees we will put it into play. There is one person sitting at the head of the table and she is the one to enforce the new laws. Her name is Ellie Won.

Ellie won.jpg


East Won is located far off the east coast of south america. It is a decent sized island in water depth of 10,032 feet below sea level. On the islad there is a variety of mountians the tallest is about 22,841 its name is mt.bababouye. We also have a huge lake in the middle of some of the mountians. The lake is home to many fish such as large mouth bass, snake head, clown knife, bowfin and on rare occasions you might see aligators or crocodiles.