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Verified member of the Nations of Saint Joan of Arc (School Community)


The Democratic States of Unicornland is a large, safe nation, notable for its beautiful and flourishing landscape high tourism levels. The hard-working, democratic population of 356.78 million United States of Unicornlands enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote being really important. A president is elected every six years and all people older than 21 get to vote.

The very strong Unicornlandian economy, of 35.79 trillion dollars a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Pizza Delivery industry which earns a large ammount if money each year, the renewable energy, the adopt a cat foundation, and booksellers. Average income is 100,512 Dollars, with the richest citizens earning 3 times as much as the poorest. United States of Unicornland's national animal is the Unicorn.


Because of all the unicorns that used to live in this area when the humans colonized it the people that arrived saw the abundance of Unicorns. They named the land they found Unicornland in honor of all the unicorns they saw. At first the people attacked the unicorns but then they became friends. The unicorns helped people make houses, find food, and make cities. All the people were really thankful to the unicorns and did their best not to destroy their habitat. As Unicornland grew and had more people the unicorns habitat was destroyed. One person was not happy with all the destruction and spoke out against it.

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