List of Maharanis (Queens) of Tennai

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The monarchs of the Queendom of Tennai have ruled from the establishment of Tennai in 1333 and have continued to so into the present day. The Mattasupta Dynasty ruled uninterupted from the establishment of Tennai until the signing of the Chitra Reforms in 1813. Following the signing of the Chitra Reforms, the position of Maharani became an elected one. This allowed other members of the nobility, the nayaks, to potentially assume the position of Maharani. Since 1813, four other families have held the position of Maharani. In 1985, Bipasha Mattasupta became the first member of the Mattasupta family to rule Tennai in 172 years.

Portrait Coat of arms Name Maharani(s) from Maharani(s) until Relationship with predecessor(s) Title
Coat of arms of Mattasupta Dynasty.png Aishwarya I and Anushka I 17 November 1333 9 December 1367 First monarchs Maharanis of Tennai