Gender roles in Prybourne

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In Prybourne traditional gender roles, the woman takes the place of honor over a man.

Traditional gender roles in the nation of Prybourne have both historically, and in the modern world differentiated from typical gender norms in much of the world and Prybourneans live a contemporary life despite continued and on-going outside pressures. While women and men have traditionally participate in politics and community management and there are no inherent barriers to bot sexes, Prybourne's gender ideology generally consists of one of female superiority and it operates within a social actuality of sexual equality.

Family structure within Prybournean society are matrilineal with the central role of the mothers and grandmothers in the family, household and societal structure. Typically, property and heirlooms are controlled by and passed through the maternal lines. The children are generally considered to belong to the mother's family and when traditional young women marry, their husbands may join them in their mother's household.
