Parliment of Fallooplesburg

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All Passed Legislation will be put here.

November 2020

Business Classification Act (BCA)

Article 1 Under this act, all Fallooplesburgian owned buisnesses must be ranked on the POI Scale. The POI scale ranks on three categories: Profit, Ownings, and Investments. Profit is how much a buisness makes, Ownings is how many properties, brands, products, etc. the company owns and has made money from, and Investments is how much money has been invested into a company. There are seven levels of each and whatever your average is becomes the companies' classification.

Article 2 Based on your companies classification number, you are required to have a certain number of employees. How it's found how many employees a company will need is a company will take profits take a quarter and divide it by minimum wage. This is in place to keep the unemployment rate in check. Your buisness classification must be updated monthly or annually, and the company can decide when they want to update their classification

Article 3 Class 5 or higher buisnesses are required to have a legal team appointed by the Parliment to make sure all company happenings are legal, and if they operate internationally make sure happenings follow other country laws. This is to avoid large scandals that could hurt Fallooplesburgian buisnesses in the eyes of the locals and internationally, and keep Fallooplesburg's economy moving.

This act was proposed by Erika von Mairel And passed Parliment on November 24th 2020

December 2020

War Recovery Act (WRA)

Resolution proposed by Erika von Mairel on November 28th 2020.

Resolution passed December 6th 2020.

Fallooplesburg has been drafting a plan to help recover from Civil War, here are the points that have been finalized.

Article 1. Economic Policies. While this act is in effect, certain governmental departments are having their funding reduced or entirely removed. Among this list is the Energy Research Program, the WMD Program, and the most notable among those losing all funding is the Space Program.

These programs have been deemed to be the least important of Fallooplesburg’s government spending, and the extra revenue is to be put towards this act.

Article 2. Industrialization Policies The Stutz Building Company has been hired by the Fallooplesburgian Government to build 50 new factories across Fallooplesburg. Creating new jobs for the many now jobless veterans in Fallooplesburg, and manufacturing new goods to trade and help the economy grow.

Article 3. Diplomatic Missions The Department of Diplomatic Affairs has compiled a list of countries. Based on their distance, trade goods, and relations. Some of the countries will be receiving a diplomatic visit in the next few weeks with the proposition of mutual embassies and trade.